Chapter 7

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We finally arrive at Castelia City, while we're walking through Central Plaza, we find Burgh staring at a tree. "Burgh? What are you doing here?"

"Oh, Ash, guys." Burgh says. "You're finally here at Castelia City, but I don't feel like battling now. Something's bothering me."

"What is it?" I ask.

"The Bug Type Pokemon... they picked up on something last night and have been restless ever since..." Burgh says.

Then we hear sounds from the sewers, I say, "Maybe it's something in the Sewers?"

We go down to investigate when they find a Venipede stuck in a pipe. Golly says, "Wait, doesn't it have the Poison Point ability?"

"That won't scare us when I have this with me." I say while showing her the Toxic Plate without the others noticing. We manage to pull the sacred Venipede out, but it uses Screeches to harm everyone.

"Venipede! Stop!" Alice yells, but the Venipede stops because of the injury. Then we try to heal the Venipede with some healing items we have here, and then we notice a huge swarm of Venipede marching through the sewers.

"Venipede lives in the barren lands outside of Castelia City, so what are they doing here?"

The Venipede use Screech to harm everyone, and they attack with Sludge Bombs that we narrowly avoid. The swarm of Venipede starts chasing after us as the bandaged Venipede decides to stay behind in the sewers.

When we resurface, we are shocked to find the Venipede are invading the city. "Dad!" We also notice Shelly and Mancy arrive with Officer Jenny. "You must leave, it's dangerous here!"

"So what's going on here?" Burgh asks.

"We don't know, but it seems like a Venipede colony is invading the city..." Shelly says.

"We have contacted Professor Juniper to work on that." Mancy says.

A sudden explosion near the Pokémon Center attracts the group's attention. We also notice a group of Trainers attacking the Venipede with their Fire-type Pokémon, including Trip and his Lampent.

"Stop it, you guys! You can't do that!" I yell.

"Out of my way, Ash! I don't have time to battle you now!" Trip says.

"Why are you attacking Venipede?" Alice asks.

"Because they're attacking us with no reason." Trip replies. "What we can do is stop them."

Eve says, "Look, Professor Juniper is trying her best to find out the cause, so knock it off."

Then the mayor also arrives and he also tells that the Venipede has to be removed for citizen's safety. But, Burgh suggests that they somehow get all the Venipede into the Central Plaza so that they can find out why the Venipede are in the city. Jenny confirms that Professor Juniper is working on that very strategy.

"But how do we get the Venipede to Central Plaza?" The mayor asks.

"We have to find the leader first, the Venipede will follow the leader." Burgh says.

The Mayor agrees to this idea, and Burgh has Mancy, Shelly, Cilan, and Eve stay at the Pokémon Center to go get Nurse Joy and her Audino. Burgh, Alice, Iris, Golly, and I head off to find the Venipede leader.

"So how are we're going to find the Venipede leader?" I ask.

"The fact is, since wild Pokémon stand side by side in times of danger, we will find a lot of Venipede crowded around one Venipede that's the leader. The leader will be at a certain place where it can monitor the swarm."

"Like that one?" We notice the leader on top of the building, which has a bunch of other Venipede around it. Then it jumps down onto the street to challenge us. Burgh advises the leader that lingering in the city will place them in danger, and says to follow him. The leader responds with a Sludge Bomb which Burgh dodges.

Suddenly, Trip appears on the scene and tells his Lampent to attack the Venipede leader with Flamethrower. Golly says, "Knock it off!"

"We can defeat the leader so that the swarm will fall apart." Trip says.

"This isn't up to you!" Iris says. "We already explain that we're going to take them to Central Plaza so they won't attack."

"It's useless, the Venipede leader has no interest in you." Trip says as he has his Lampent use Shadow Ball on the leader, I decide to jump and take the attack.

Then, the Venipede that was stuck in the sewer pipe from before appears and crawls towards me. "The truth is that these Venipede are nice Pokemon, there has to be a reason for it to get angry."

"I don't care about the reasons, the end result is what counts." Trip says.

Burgh supports my statement by saying their hearts have yet to reach them. As Cilan and the others return along with Nurse Joy and her Audino, Trip recalls his Lampent and agrees to stay out of their way before walking off. Burgh has Nurse Joy's Audino to use Heal Pulse to calm the Venipede, and Burgh pulls out a Bug Flute. He plays it, and all the Venipede start to follow him.

We decide to round up the other Venipede, and even Trip decides to help out. After we're done, we find Professor Juniper and she explains, "We've discovered a strange energy flow that leads to the Desert Resort."

"Of course, the energy must have disturbed the Venipede, and caused them to flee towards Castelia in fear."

I say, "If that's the case, we will need to go investigate about the resort. I will also send reinforcements if you want to."

"I see." Professor Juniper says, "Since you're the current leader of the International Police, it will be best to do so."

When we arrive at the Relic Castle in the Desert Resort, we are attacked by Golbats that force us to stop the helicopter. Noticing the grunts' uniform, I say, "It's Team Rocket!"

"And not those three..." Eve says. "What are they doing here?"

"Where's Officer Jenny and Professor Juniper?" Cilan asks as we realize that we're separated from them. Then we decide to battle our way through, and we also have to calm ourselves since this is not the time to kill them, especially in front of those who don't really know about our truth.

"There're so many... what should we do now?" Alice asks.

We notice a helicopter and I say, "I think we should hide over there."

We then rush into the helicopter, but just when we think we're safe, the helicopter takes off and we see a Meteorite taken into the cargo hold. But we are found out in the end as I decide to allow myself to be the prisoner so that the others can escape.

"Well, what do we have here..." I notice that Giovanni is the one here along with the other two people who I don't recognize of. "If it isn't Ash Ketchum."

"Giovanni... you killed my Mother, you're going to pay for that!" I yell.

"And how are you going to pay while we have this in our hands?" Giovanni says. "Dr. Zager, show him the power of the Meteorite."

The one who is called Dr. Zager puts the meteorite inside of the machine, and he says, "With the power of this and the energy from Dreamyard, I can control the most powerful Pokemon in the world, namely, Arceus."

And just then, I start to scream as the machine hits me, then I lose unconscious without knowing what's going on.

(Alice's POV)

After we're separated from Ash, we find Professor Juniper along with a strange woman in a cloak. Professor Juniper asks, "Where's Ash? Why isn't he with you?"

"Ash has been taken hostage. It's Team Rocket. They are the ones who created the mess." Eve says.

"You said Ash has been taken hostage?" The hooded woman says with shock, and why does her voice sound familiar? There's no way, right?

Just then, something shoots into the air and is now crashing around the area. We are almost hit if we didn't jump out of the way.

"That's Judgment!" Golly gasps. "But why?"

"Ash!" I try to rush towards them, and when we arrive, we see the horrifying thing that should've been kept a secret.

"Is that... an Arceus?" Iris asks.

"What is an Arceus doing here? And why is it attacking the Pokemon around?" Cilan asks.

The hooded woman growls as we see her direction, and Golly gasps, "Giovanni... the boss of Team Rocket... he's the one who killed me 10 years ago!"

"I see... that explains now." Eve says.

Giovanni laughs, "Brilliant, now Arceus is under my control!"

"That's if you think!" The hooded figure sends out a Lucario and yells, "Lucario! Aura Sphere!"

Lucario tries to attack Giovanni, but Ash, now being controlled by Giovanni, uses Psychic to slam it to the ground.

"Brother! Stop it!" Golly yells.

"She's right, Ash! You can't fall under the control of Giovanni!" Eve yells.

"Wait, you're saying that Arceus is Ash?" Iris asks. "What's going on here?"

Golly says, "Since the secret is out, oh well..." Then Golly fires a Hydro Pump, shooting Ash in the face, and I also have Pikachu and Absol attack together.

As we approach Giovanni, he says, "You think you can stop me? Persian! Power Gem!"

Persian is now attacking our Pokemon, but they dodge and Professor Juniper notices the meteorite. "That meteorite..."

"You know the meteor?" I ask.

"I've researched about it before. The meteor was used as an artificial sun by the ancient people living around the Relic Castle. However, it was becoming unstable and it was the reason why it destroyed the civilization. So it seems that it has control powers as well."

"Then we will have to destroy it..." Alice says. "Golly, can you assist that hooded figure by stopping Ash while we deal with the machine?"

"Of course." Golly says as she rushes away, then we try to attack the meteorite, with Team Rocket trying to stop us. But in the end, while we're battling, the attack accidentally hits the meteorite, and the machine melts.

"No!" The scientist seems to be horrified as the meteorite ascends to the sky, beginning to release a blast of intense heat. As for Ash, he falls to the ground unconscious, looks like he's freed from control.

"Sir, the meteorite seems to be unstable!" A Rock grunt mutters, and Giovanni grits his teeth, "We have to abort the mission. Right now Team Rocket can't control Arceus and the meteorite..."

They try to escape with the Helicopter, I yell, "Pikachu! Let's destroy the meteorite! Use your giant Electro Ball!"

Piakchu destroys the Meteorite with a giant, supercharged Electro Ball, though both Team Rocket escapes in the chaos.

When I wake up again, I find myself being held by a hooded figure, I ask, "Who are you?"

"We'll meet again, your friends and family are waiting for you." Then she puts me on the ground of sand before leaving, and that's when the others arrive and Golly says, "You're back to normal, brother."

"Yeah... where's Team Rocket?" I ask.

"They've retreated. But we destroy the machine controlling you." Alice says.

Professor Juniper takes out the meteorite shard and says, "The Meteorite Shard is a fragment Team Rocket stolen from the Nacrene Museum, I'll be returning this to Lenora."

Then after we are back in Castelia City, Iris asks, "So Ash, you are a Pokemon all along, especially an Arceus?"

"Our family is Arceus. But I really need to keep this a secret because of some people like Team Rocket."

"We understand." Cilan says. "It sure is a great deal, a Mythical Pokemon being a trainer."

As we arrive at Castelia City, Burgh says that he needs to fix the gym, while it is working on, we will be heading to Aspertia City, and there is a ship that can lead us there.

Here is a new chapter, and now that the prologue parts are done, we can finally start the Black 2 White 2 story in the next chapter.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Magnezone, Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott, Patrat, Purrloin, Musharna, Pidove, Blitzle, Woobat, Timburr, Tympole, Sewaddle, Tirtouga, Archen, Zekrom, Egg

Golly's Pokemon:

Gastly, Yamask

Eve's Pokemon:

Houndoom, Mightyena

Iris' Pokemon:

Lapras, Aggron, Excadrill, Archeops, Axew, Druddigon, Hydreigon

Cilan's Pokemon:

Pansage, Maractus, Dwebble, Ferrothorn

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