Ash the legendary trainer

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Has are Hero Ash Ketchum returns to his home Pallet town after the events of the Kalos league but before he left to his home he decided to help squishy and destroyed the vines with greninja and pikachu and his other three leave to Kanto then has he comes to the entrance of route one he gets a arceus voice in his head

Arceus:Chosen one
Ash:Yes lord Arceus what's wrong
Arceus:You most see this

Has she shows him the future he see himself arriving home but what happens it's heartbreaking he see his companions,rivals and his on mother telling him to give up,that there saying his weak and pathetic after that

Ash:Thank you lord Arceus what should I do now
Arceus:Go get your Pokémon and meet me at mount silver
Ash:I'll see what I can do

Has he tells his two Pokémon they feel the same anger as him as they go to Professor Oaks lab

P.Oak:Oh Ash welcome back
Ash:Hello Professor can I talk to you
P.Oak:Sure come in

Has he comes in he sites in the coach

P.Oak:Oh just to tell you Brock and Misty came later saying they had something to say to your Pokémon
P.Oak:So what brings you here
Ash:Well it's not on good terms that I came here

Has he tells him the betrayal and what's about to happen

P.Oak:Oh Ash I'm so sorry this is gonna happen to you
Ash:Well I know what's gonna happen so I was thinking do you have a device that let me keep all my Pokémon
P.Oak:Here it's called the Nanodex it let you keep all the Pokémon you catch and keep also it has all info on all Pokémon
Ash:Thank you

Has he to the backyard he was surprised to see all his Pokémon there but then he saw Charizard and Sceptile come to him then he looks at the Pokémon and with what the Professor said that two of the traitors came to talk to them Ash then understood why there over there watching him and why Charizard and Sceptile are the only ones that came

Ash:Well Professor I'll see you when I'm done with my training
P.Oak:Well I wish you good luck but why aren't you bringing your other Pokémon
Ash:Sorry Sceptile,Greninja return

Has he gets on charizard he looks at his Pokémon

Ash:I hope you find some one better than me goddbye forever

Has he flies away then Oak found out what he meant

P.Oak:He took care of all you,train you,love you all and this what you to them disappointing Pokémon you all are

Has he heads back inside back with the Pokémon they feel ashamed

Snivy:What have we done
Noctowl:A terrible mistake

Then Infernape broke a tree and walks away in anger

Pignite:I'll go check on him
Quilava:I'll come with

Has the two fire types follow Infernape them Gible and Krookodile dig down to depression the birds went to there spots and everyone leave with ashamed of what they did.Now back with Ash who just arrive to mount silver then Arceus appears

Ash:Lord Arceus
Arceus:My dear chosen one what was gonna happen is unforgivable and we want to help bring out your other two Pokémon and come up this stairs

Has he brought out sceptile and greninja they walk up the stair has they enter the hall of justice has he got there he found himself in a room where all the legendary and mythical Pokémon are

Arceus:Chosen one we have decided because what happened we will join your team
Ash:Wait really
Arceus:Yes and we want too it's the least we can do after all the things you have done for us so please take this pokeballs and catch us
Ash:It would be in honor

And with that Ash just catch all know legendary Pokémon from Kanto to Kalos then he brought out Arceus

Ash:So what now
Arceus:Now we train

7 years later in mount Silver
Has we are now in mount silver we find a man sitting on a rock looking at the sun come up this man you may know him has Ash Ketchum or just Ash seen he took the Ketchum part a long time ago when the betrayal happen in this years he has been training his Pokémon and himself over the years and his gain new Pokémon like Lucario and Gardevoir in this years his been also training his legendary and mythical Pokémon.But even so ash is happy to be with meloetta she is the light in his darkness his been also keeping touch with Professor Oak thanks to the Nanodex he can communicate with him and seems Arceus was right when Oak told them that they made a grave mistake they spilled the bins and that's how he officially knew that the betrayal was happening but with the Pokémon he has the training his done he feels that he is stronger than them,better than them the traitors were people he trusted and even his rivals also own mother betray him what was more heartbreaking for him is that his own Pokémon betray him that only two did not betray has he watched the sun rise in the distance he see a Pidgey coming with a note in his beak meloetta floated towards the bird and grab the note and brought to Ash as then lucario came

Lucario:What is that master
Ash:For the million time lucario call me Ash we are all equal here and family so can stick with Ash
Lucario:Okay master Ash but still what is that
Ash:Okay I'm gonna let it sly and to answer your question we have received a not call everyone else

Has he runs to get everyone else

Meloetta:Everything okay
Ash:Yes I feel like this note might actually change everything
Meloetta:Good way to bad way

Has they head to the other Pokémon they all reunited on the cabin he made to sleep in

Pikachu:So whats up buddy
Ash:We have a note that has come from society let's see what they want this time want putting those teams in jail good enough

Has he opens the note he start reading

Dear Ash
You have been chosen to participate in the world wide Champions Tournament where only the strongest compete there you will battle the strongest trainers on now to man,Gym leaders,Elite four and even Champions oh and also Frontier Brains of Kanto and Sinnoh we hope to see you here and compete to say where it will be held it is in the indigo Plateau Conference.Charles Goodshow

P.S:Ash do you know how long it took me to find you wow your are hard man to find also you should actually come it can be for you to show the world your strength and also the traitors are there too so if you want payback against all of them now the time for you to rise and face your demons

Has he finish reading

Arceus:So my chosen one what will we do
Ash:Well of course we are competing let's get prepared

After a few minutes of packing he returns everyone except Gardevoir and obviously Pikachu

Ash:can you teleport us

Has they get teleported they arrive at the IPC has they first decided to go register he kept out Gardevoir and told pikachu to get in the bag pack as they went inside the Pokémon center

Nurse Joy:Hello and welcome to the Pokémon center how may I help you
Ash:Yes I was here to register for the champions tournament
Nurse Joy:Really than please give me your Pokedex and invitation

Has he gives them both she puts the Pokedex in the machine the registers has it is put she see the name of the trainer

Nurse Joy:Wait you are
Ash:Ssshh please don't say it I rather stay hidden until the tournament
Nurse Joy:Oh okay sorry I get like that when stuff like this happen
Ash:Understandable well I'm off see ya around nurse joy
Nurse Joy:Okay Goodbye

Has the two love birds leave the center they decided to go get a hotel room lucky enough there was one for all the competitors in the tournament so they headed there on the way there a group he is very familiar group has he just walk pass them one of the guys felt something and look at him he ignored the feeling and just keep walking back with Ash who got his room which was actually big so he was fine has he was on the bed with Gardevoir there along side him petting his raven hair

Gardevoir:So when it's the ceremony
Ash:Later at night
Gardevoir:Your sating there names again aren't you
Ash:Misty,Brock,Gary,Richie,Casey,Harrison,May, Max,Drew,Solided,Morrison,Tyson,Katie,Dawn, Barry,Kenny,Zoey,Paul,Ursula,Iris,Cilan,Bianca,Stephan,Georgia,Cameron,Trip,Clemont,Bonnie,Serena, Miette,Sawyer,Shauna,Trevor,Tierno and Alain all of them betrayed me and even my own mother Delia Ketchum well better get ready to face my demons
Gardevoir:Don't forget me,pikachu and the others are here with you

he returned her and got out lucario oh and pikachu he was sleeping in the bag pack

Ash:Let's go

Has they leave the room they head to the stadium

Ash:Pikachu you can come out I'm not afraid anymore let's show the world what we can do
Lucario:We will show them Master
Ash:I'm not even gonna try to stop you on that one

Has they keep walking along the way you could say people recognized the boy has he entered the stadium has he got to the battlefield he saw all the competitors from the trainers,gym leaders,Frontier brains,Elite four and Champions to even the traitors still pikachu stayed out but Ash put on his hood and his mask has he pick a corner and stays there then someone approach him

???:You don't belong here Ash
Ash:I would say the same to you but how would beat you guys Paul and don't play nice I know you guys wanted me to give up but that won't happen and this my chance
Paul:We won't let you win
Ash:Then come at me bitch I got my team ready for you assholes so how about you got back to them and keep quiet until tomorrow okay okay

Has Paul just went back to his friends has he kept quiet but Ash knows there's someone else here who knows has then a female figure appears to him someone let's say he has something for her

Ash:Something wrong Sabrina
Sabrina:You know everyone here can say your a stranger except that guy but don't forget that I'm psychic so I know it's you Ash
Ash:Well nice to see you too tell me how's hunter
Sabrina:Fine actually he missis you
Ash:Really than maybe I should pay a visit and maybe even ask for rematch
Sabrina:Well your right there we never did finish that battle who knows maybe we can finish it here
Ash:Sound nice but are you sure the other psychics here don't know it's me
Sabrina:To be real with you they have psychic Pokémon and they have a very interesting connection to psychic but in all that there not like me well except Olympia but she can see the future I'm in a hole different level than them
Ash:Well you are now and elite four of Kanto the strongest one so congrats and I'm surprise that the hole Kanto elite four and champion are females
Sabrina:Whats so weird about that
Ash:Well I heard the champion strong Blue was here name wasn't
Sabrina:Yes actually well how about we continue this conversation in my room

This made Ash blush


Has then everyone look at the screen in the stadium we're it show Charles Goodshow

Charles:Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to first ever Champions tournament where only the strongest compete in here you will face from the strongest trainer to the champions with the addition of Gym leaders,Elite four and Frontier Brains from Hoenn and Sinnoh the battles here well they will be a full six on six battle but before that you will have a five battles of tag team later you must find yourself a partner go to the kind Nurse Joy and register yourself and your partner okay okay but before we leave let's get a pre battle with me are the names of the two trainers your Pokedex will rig if you see that it means you are the chosen challenger and the battle will be a one on one so everyone leave the battlefield and get in the stands and wait for the call

Has that back with Ash and Sabrina

Sabrina:I think I know who it is
Ash:Really mind telling
Sabrina:Don't worry you'll know

Has they walk out of the stadium Ash Nanodex rig

Ash:You series
Sabrina:You better get going
Ash:I feel like they did this is on purpose

Has he went running to the stadium with Lucario right behind him both running back to the tunnel now the announcer spoke

Announcer:Ladies and gentlemen people of all the regions I welcome you to the champions tournament today on this lovely night we will see a battle against two legends you may or may not have heard of on the left corner we have the Dark king himself the winner of the kalos league 7 years ago the man with the mega charizard !!Alain¡¡

Has he come through the tunnel waving at his well fans

Announcer:But before we introduce or next competitor I receive word from Goodshow that he say who ever loses this battle is out of the tournament so it seems he change it mind and started the tournament like this now that's weird

With Alain

Alain mind:That means I can't lose no matter what

With the announcer

Announcer:And now I give you the one and only the boy with the biggest heart,conquer of the battle frontier brain of Hoenn,Champion of the orange league and the Hero who put all the evil teams in jail the silent hero himself with the pikachu on his shoulder and the mysterious Greninja I give you !!Ash¡¡

Has the people cheer harder for him has the boy comes out of the tunnel with greninja on his shoulder and lucario by his side the traitors expect Paul all with jaws on the floor and has for the other people Gym leaders,Frontier Brains,Elite Four and Champions they were happy to see the boy and for Sabrina well she already knew and she might also have and attraction to the boy now back on the battlefield

Alain:Well I'm glad your back that will just let me have another chance to beat you
Ash:this won't be like in the Kalos League
Alain:You will lose there's no escaping your fate
Ash:Really then should I tell the Ref before we start that you gave charizard drugs
Alain:What how you
Ash:It was easy Charizard acted weird in the league so it was obvious but even so I rather beat you right now and if I lose I'll just tell them you drug Charizard
Alain:Why you

Has the Ref appears

Ref:Alright the one on one battle between Ash and Alain will now begin trainers send in your Pokémon
Alain:Charizard lets go

Ash:Greninja I choose you

Both Pokémon appears have both glare at each other

Alain:I'll burn you Key stone respond to my heart and beyond evolution mega evolve

Ash:Alright greninja lets goooo

Has both Charizard and Greninja transform into there mega x and Ash-Greninja

Ref:Battle begin
Alain:Charizard use Dragon claw
Ash:Confused him with double team

Has he multiplied Charizard hit the one in the front which was a clone

Ash:All of you use aerial ace
Alain:Burn them all with Flamethrower

Has some were destroyed three hammer kick his head and out the fire came the real one who straight kick him sending him flying to the wall where Alain side was

Ash:Is not to late for you to give up
Alain:Never in your life Charizard come on get up and use Thunder punch
Ash:You will taste defeat Greninja use Water shuriken barrage

Has Shuriken surrounded Charizard attacking from all sides with now escape has comes out the dust

Ash:Night Slash

Has with one slice charizard falls to the ground defeated

Ash:Like I'll let you use that move I'm not dumb you know
Ref:Charizard is unable to battle the winner is Ash and Greninja
Announcer:And if and amazing battle Ash is the victorious one this time oh and Alain is not our it was a joke your still in the tournament so suck it up

Has with that everyone laughs

Ash:That wasn't even me we'll see you never Alain

Has he leaves Alain is just left with anger and disappointment of himself for losing against ash

Alain mind:Out if everyone why did it had to be him

Has he returned Charizard he left the battlefield back with Ash has he walks in the corner Sabrina waits for him

Ash:You waited
Sabrina:I actually wanted to speak to you when you freed me from my old self but I never got the chance
Ash:Really do you have a room
Sabrina:Sadly no

Then she began to blush

Sabrina Blush:Mind lading me crash in your place

Then Ash blush too

Ash blush:Yeah yes you can come on

Has he grab her hand and pulled her Sabrina was shock but then she noticed that not even ash noticed what he was doing so she just let it slide and keep walking with him while holding hands has they arrive to his room

Ash:Okay we are here
Sabrina:Mind letting go
Ash:Of what

Has she look at there hands Ash did the same and quickly took his of

Ash:Why didn't you tell me pi
Pikachu:You seem to focus on dragging her here I didn't want to distract you
Lucario:You were very concentrated
Greninja:I don't need to see if I can you feel your it
Ash:Shut up you three
Sabrina:Everything okay
Ash:Yeah wow you made yourself at home quick so you can sleep in the bed I'll go in the coach

Has he was gonna go site in the coach he felt that something was grabbing him and lifting him

Sabrina:Your coming with me Ashy
Ash blush:Ashy?!
Sabrina:You three go on I'll just have a talk with your master
Lucario:That sounds fine
Greninja:Good luck brother

Has Sabrina takes Ash in the bed room and toss is him to bed

Ash blush:Sabrina what are you doing
Sabrina:Ash I'm psychic you know I can sense what your thinking and feeling so I know you love me
Ash:You do
Sabrina: And you know what
Sabrina:O love you too

Has they have a passionate kiss Ash hesitating but then he put his arms around her back has Sabrina puts her arms around his neck has they have passionate kiss

(Warning warning lemon scene warning)

Has they were kissing Ash then felt his clothes were gone has he opened his eyes they were gone and so were Sabrina's has he breaks the kiss

Ash:You sure
Sabrina:You don't know how much I want you inside me
Ash:I'll take it has a yes come here you bitch
Sabrina:I'm your bitch

Has he puts his dick in her vagina his starts moving plus pinching her breast and kissing her has time pass they change possessions

Sabrina:Ash I'm cumming!!
Ash:Me too let's come together!!

Has then they cum


Has she turned around she got top of Ash she look at his dick that is still hard and it's still inside her she gets and idea and makes them float

Ash:Sex while floating
Sabrina:Come baby
Ash:Yes babe

Has they continued in the aire

(Lemon scene end)

After that the Tournament continues Ash and Sabrina fought many opponents even had to battle each other along the way it seems that there were more girls into Ash than he thought as gym leaders,Frontier Brain,Elite Four and Champion joined his Harem to be specific:Erika,Lorelei,Blue, Ivy,Whitney,Clair,Roxanne,Flannery,Winona, Fantina, Candice,Cynthia, Juniper, Skyla,Elesa,Caitlin,Korrina, Valerie, Olympia, Drasna,Malva, Diantha, Anabel, Greta,Lucy,Dahlia and Argenta so yeah his built a very big harem has along the tournament his defeated many great opponents and the bastard a.k.a the traitors has he has made it into the Finals were there he gave of against Paul sense in the semi finals he defeated Steven with Arceus herself and now it's the end game oh and days ago his mother came but he already thought her a lesson now on the battlefield

Paul:Ready to lose
Ash:I don't know are you
Paul:Now you have done it
Ref:The Final battle between Ash and Paul will now begin this will be a full six on six battle now trainers send in your Pokémon
Ash:Mewtwo I choose you

Paul:Electrivire stand by for battle

Ref:Battle begin
Paul:Electrivire use Thunder
Ash:Mewtwo counter with reflect

Has he blocks the attack

Paul:Damm increase your power keep using thunder and break Reflect

Has he keeps firing the attack

Ash:I think it's time to give them there own medicine
Mewtwo:My thoughts exactly
Ash:Absorb the attack and send it back to him with a strong shadow ball

Has he then a sons the attack leaving there opponents in shock and fires a big size Shadow ball landing the hit

Ash:Let's test is reaction speed use swift

Has he send a star barrage

Paul:Quick use protect

Has he stops him and he gets hit by the swift

Ash:I don't know if I should worry about you or your Pokémon
Paul:Shut up we are not out yet Electrivire get up and use Brick break

Has he pops out of the smoke and right hooks Mewtwo in the face which I think was a mistake

Ash:Mega evolve
Mewtwo:Mega evolve
Ash:Mega Evolve!!

Has Electrivire step back

Paul:What is that
Ash:This is Mega Mewtwo Z a Psychic and Dragon type speaking of that use Agility and combine it with Dragon claw

Like before it was too late and he gets clawed from all direction no stop has Mewtwo then returned to his trainer side Electrivire finally landed on the floor defeated

Ref:Electrivire is unable to battle Paul send in your second Pokémon
Paul:Darn it
Ash:Got bored
Mewtwo:Yeah I'm sure the others are gonna want to battle too
Ash:Alright Mewtwo return
Paul:Whats wrong is the legendary Pokémon scared
Ash:No he just found you boring so he just gonna wait here and you should actually shut up if you don't want him to break every bone in your body

He stayed silent

Ash:Good Suicune I choose you

Paul:How many do you have
Ash:All of them Paul all of them now are you gonna be chicken and forfeit or are you gonna battle like a man
Paul:Okay your dead Nidoking stand by for battle

Ash mind:Gotcha

Has then battle continues Ash pulled Paul into his anger state were he doesn't think only attack with any Pokémon he has had it continued the battles go interesting




To then Terrakion


And now

Ref:Magmotor is unable to battle Paul send in your last Pokémon
Paul:How how can't I not beat you this a fluke it has to be you have to be cheating
Ash:Nobody said I was cheating you could even ask my Girlfriends they no me more than you so ready to admit defeat
Paul:Never never to you Aggron destroy this weakling

Ash:Pathetic Charizard let's end this

Ref:Battle begin
Paul:Metal sound

Has he does that both Paul and Aggron are shocked Charizard is not affected has he only yawns

Ash:Use Dragon Tail
Paul:Use your Iron tail

Has both Pokémon collided there tails both glaring at each other has then Charizard had more power and send it Aggron back

Ash:Use Sunny Day
Paul:Flash cannon

Has the sky open flash cannon missis

Ash:Use Mega punch
Paul:Iron head

Both attacks collided again but Aggron was the strong one this time and sends him back then Charizard starts heating up Paul noticed

Paul:Use Flash Cannon

Both attacks hold on but Charizard was stronger and burned Aggron has the dust settled he was still awake but very exhausted

Paul:No choice Aggron mega evolve

Ash:Alright Charizard it's time unleash your true Mega form summon the true dragon in you and mega evolve

All in the stadium and the Professor especially his girls and the girls that are Professor all shock of what they see thinking there only two mega evolutions not three

Ash:Let's end this in a one shot
Paul:Would you just die already Aggron Flash Cannon full power don't hold back kill that dragon and his Trainer
Ash:Charizard use Flame of oblivion ten% don't want to kill him yet

Has the dragon grin he fired a green blast of fire which literally burn the flash cannon hitting Aggron has it finish it was defeated lading on the floor

Ref:Aggron is unable to battle the winner is Ash the Legendary trainer

That was a tittle that when Ash heard it sparks in his eyes appeared has he hug his dragon celebrating and has for Paul well his on his knee not accepting that he lost Ash was tittle not just the legendary trainer but the Pokémon master has time pass he did it with all his girlfriends and now wife has he got kids from all of them Ash then defeated Alder has he became the champion of Unova then after that he decided to beat all the champions and after years he became the champion of all the region has he live happy with his Pokémon,Wife's and children

The End

(if you guys want me to do one shots of those lemons right in the comments and I'll do it hope you like this stories)

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