Ash x Bayleef

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(this basically a One-Shot)

After the Kalos league ended,The Kaoos crisis was done and luminous city was back and after the goodbyes and the kiss of Serena Ash heads back home to relax be with us family and his Pokémon he was still thinking about Serena did

Ash mind:It was nice of her and I understand she loves but I don't know why but I don't fell through same for her I saw her more like a sister my heart points had someone else and what's weird I don't even know who it is but who ever it is she was close that made my heart bead many times every time I'm with her well who ever it is I hope I can get crest and my feelings for that person or who knows maybe is a Pokémon
Pikachu:Pika Pi(Ash you okay bud)
Ash:Yeah don't worry buddy I'm fine look I think I see Kanto

Has they land Ash went straight to pallet town it was dark so he thought it was better he take his Pokémon to Professor oak Tomorrow had arrive to his house

Ash:Mom I'm Home

Has her mother gave I'm a big bear hug


Has she lets him go

Delia:How about you leave you give me dirty clothes and go take a bath

Has he heads to the bath after that they had some dinner then Ash went straight too sleep the next day came the alarm began to sound it work up pikachu

Ash:Yeah Pi
Pikachu:Pika Pika(Is time to wake up come on let's go to Oaks)
Ash:Five more minutes
Pikachu:Pi(Your mistake)

Has he shocks him he wakes up he puts on his Kalis clothes and heads down where he see his mom making breakfast

Ash:Morning Mom
Delia:Good morning Ash and Pikachu breakfast is ready
Ash:Great I'm starving

After the nice breakfast Ash left to Professor Oaks lab has he knock on the lab Oak appears

P.Oak:Oh Ash my boy congrats on making it second place in the Kalos league
Ash:Thanks Professor I'm here to see my Pokémon and show you the one I brought
P.Oak:Okay let's go to the back

Has he goes back he brings out the three Kalis Pokémon

P.Oak:Ash where the other two specially that Greninja of yours I really wanted to meet him
Ash:Sadly both had to left behind Goodra needed to protect his home and Greninja was chosen by Zygarde to stop the veins that appeared in the Kalos crisis
P.Oak:Well that's a shame but will he come back
Ash:When he's done he will I'm sure of it well Bulbasaur his mostly the only one with the ability to contact everyone

Has then Ash got tackle by the same Pokémon he said

Ash:Hey Bulbasuar I miss you to buddy
Bulbasaur:Bulba(Ash your back)
Ash:Mind giving the usual
Bulbasuar:Bul(My pleasure)

Has he send the flare that all of Ash Pokemon pick up has his Pokémon cane running 30 Tauros that came from the right side standpipe Ash has they all laugh they rest of the Pokémon came until he got tackled again by a specific Grass type

Ash:Hey Bayleef
Bayleef:Bay Bay(Ash Ash)
Ash:I miss you too girl and I missed all of you too wait a Scrafty are you my Scraggy
P.Oak:He was training with Donphan and in the middle of the battle he evolve
Ash:It seems all my Babies evolve into there full potential
P.Oak:What do you mean
Ash:Donphan,Scraggy and Noivern all three of them I had them seen they were baby Pokémon or I should say seen they hatched out of there eggs so they where kinda like my kids
P.Oak:When you put it that way your right
Ash:Well guys meet your new friends this are TalonFlame,Hawlucha and Noivern so Gible you got a dragon brother
Noivern:Noi(Hello there)
P.Oak:Ash can you come with me
Ash:Sure Professor

Has they follow Ash looked back and Bayleef follow

Ash:Pikachu go play with the others and Bayleef don't worry you company

Has Pikachu went ruining your his friends Bayleef runs happily to Ash and nuzzle him

Ash:Okay let's go

Has they follow Professor Oak inside the lab

Ash:Professor where's Tracy
P.Oak:Oh his with his girlfriend
Ash:Well good for him so what you need help with
P.Oak:You see I have been working on a pile that lets people understand Pokémon and I made it
Ash:That's awesome Professor has it been tested
P.Oak:Yeah Gary trued it first and well the result was a success
Ash:Why I'm here
P.Oak:I want you to test it
Ash:Is it forever the pile
Ash:Okay good thing U brought Bayleef for this
Bayleef:Bay Bay Bayleef(Yay you'll finally understand me and maybe even understand more)

Has he takes it a few seconds pass

Ash:I don't fell any different
???:Ash you okay
Ash:Wait who said that
???:It was me Bayleef
Ash:Bayleef I can understand you
Bayleef:Really Ash
Ash:Yes I can understand you clearly

Has they cheer a hug then Ash's starts to feel his heart bending faster has he was close to Bayleef

Ash mind:Wait could this mean that I love is Bayleef
Bayleef:Ash you okay
Ash:Yeah just a bit shock that's all
P.Oak:Well has least it was success full
Ash:Are you plaining to show the other Professors
P.Oak:Actually there coming next week to try it themselves I mean I already tried it
Ash:Wait so before Gary you gave it to yourself
P.Oak:Not just them but the entire freaking town
Ash:WOW science is so amazing
P.Oak:Okay now you go on then outside with your Pokémon

Has he went outside he told the Pokémon and he understood them they all were happy now that there friend can understand them and won't have trouble speacial Pikachu seen they always go on together on and adventure after that Ash decided to bring along Bayleef seen she was the first one he talk to has they arrive home

Delia:Ash your back don't tell me did Oak gave you the pile
Ash:Yeah and I also brought Bayleef seen she was the first one I understood
Delia:Oh hey Bayleef how have you been
Bayleef:I'm good miss Ms.Ketchum with Ash taking care of me
Delia:That's great okay lets go make you some dinner

The day ended Ash decided seven he brought Bayleef Ash and Pikachu decided to sleep with her in the bottom with the floor bed the next day cane ash woke up has his Pokémon were eating he a specific book he got in interest with it said the history of People and Pokémon he started to read it then he he saw something interesting it said "Humans and Pokémon used to get married a lot"even now few people fall in love with there Pokémon his Pokémon got curious and Ash told them the same Bayleef was actually interested will Pikachu was just with his ketchup then his mom noticed

Delia:Ash what you reading
Ash:Found this here it says history of people and Pokémon I got interested so I started reading and then a saw that in the past People and Pokémon used to get married a lot
Delia:When I was exactly like 8 I actually saw one of them
Ash:Really what king of Pokémon was it
Delia:Well if I remember correctly it was a male man and a female Ninetailes
Ash:Well that seems nice
Delia:But right now if a person and a Pokémon want to get married they first need to sing somethings if they don't they take the Pokémon from the person
Ash:Well that's a bit harsh
Delia:Yeah but the law is the law

(even knowing I made this F#*#* the law specially Donald Thrum law and Cuba that's all I'm sorry if I offended anyone)

After that Ash went to exploring in the forest pikachu decided to go back to the lab he ran quick using quick attack Me and Bayleef decided we should follow has they arrive had the lab they went through the forest and found pikachu who was meeting with Snivy has they saw them kiss also along the way Quilava,Boizel and Donphan tag along them they all hide Ash and Bayleef looked had each other a blushed a little has they look opposite directions they decided to let them have there moment Ash and Bayleef walk the around the forest saying hi to Pokémon and helping some too and even battled and onix which they won then they rested on a tree with Bayleef close to him

Ash:You know what Bayleef
Bayleef:What Ash
Ash:It's nice hanging out with you I think I should do this often
Bayleef:That what I always wanted
Ash:You sat something
Bayleef:Nothing ash question have you ever gotten kiss not counting the time I kiss you when I was a Chikorita
Ash:Well there were a lot on the check but there two times but actually you were the first
Bayleef:Really what where the other two
Ash:The second one it was confusing seen I did not knew of it was Latias or Bianca and the other one was a childhood friend named Serena but in all you were the first
Bayleef mind:Yes!
Ash:Bayleef can I tell you something
Bayleef:You can tell me anything
Ash:You see every time I'm with some specifically my heart start to bed fast it's no of my female companions or the female friends and female rivals I've meet it's because of you Bayleef and I think I know why now
Bayleef:What would that be
Ash:Because Bayleef I love you
Bayleef:Ash you don't know how long I have been waiting for you to say that because I love you too

Has she tackled Ash yo the ground they express themselves with a kiss in the lips and it's a passionate kiss after that they head back to the house

Delia:Your back how was the day
Ash:It was amazing
Delia:Really Wait where Pikachu
Ash:With his mate
Delia:Wait what really who is it
Ash:My Snivy I think that attract did a little to much
Delia:And Bayleef
Ash:Well mom you see me and Bayleef  are a mates too
Delia:Ash really
Ash:Yeah are you mad
Delia:Absolutely not actually I support you two
Ash:Thanks mom it means a lot I'll have to tell the other Pokémon so I'll see you later
Delia:Okay honey

Has they head back to the lab all of Ash Pokémon where there

Ash:Guys a got news so pikachu and Snivy get out of that tree and stop making out
Ash:Alright I'm here to say that me and Bayleef are mates

This left all in shock but then the shock turned into happiness has they all roar in celebration

Time skip 10 year later

And Adult Ash sites in the throne of the Kanto league where he is now the champion on his shoulder is his trusted best friend Pikachu and on his right side is his well Wife Meganium

Ash:Well honey let's get ready for Max seen he beat Paul
Meganium:Yeah sweetie

Has the live there life very happy


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