Ash x Snivy

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Ash has returned to Kanto after his adventure in Kalos has he walks through the route 1 he walks to Professor Oak's lab seen the sun is still up he decided to leave his Kalos team has he knocks on the door Tracey appears

Tracey:Ash your back and Congratulations on getting second place on the Kalos league
Ash:Thanks Tracey

Then Oak appears

P.Oak:Ash my boy good to see you again and congrats I think you might be getting close to your dream
Ash:Thanks you too Professor I'm here to leave you my kalos team before I go home to mom
P.Oak:Come on in actually your lucky your Pokémon know you very well there all over there

Has he goes outside he see all his Pokémon that cheer for his return has some tackle him to the ground then he gets his face hug by Snivy

Ash:I miss you too Snivy
Snivy:Sni(Welcome back Ash)
Bayleef:Bay Bay(Ash Ash)
Quilava:Qui(Look has this)
Ash:What's is it Bayleef and Quilava

Has then Bayleef brings out and egg it took I'm a few seconds but then

Ash:Wait that egg and you too are gonna be

Both Pokémon nod Ash starts tearing tears of happiness

Ash:I'm so proud for both of you I'm sure you'll be the best parents

Snivy takes the tears of him with her vines

Ash:Thanks Snivy
Snivy:Sni(Your welcome)
Ash:Okay guys let me show you my new Pokémon

He takes out Talonflame,Hawlucha and Noivern they got along well with the new Pokémon

Ash:Okay guys I'll be back later or maybe tomorrow but first I got to go home okay

They all nod has Ash head to the door he and Pikachu heard snivy's voice turned around and see

(Well how about I put this moment through image because this image is the most cutest images of Snivy but my favorite still sylveon oh I'm a guy just if people get confused that a choose a female Pokémon)

Ash understood and grab Snivy she then got into his shoulder and they head of home

Ash:Mom I'm back and I got company

Has her mother appears she see Snivy

Delia:Ash welcome back and hello Snivy
Delia:And hello to you too pikachu
Ash:I'm gonna go take a bath with this two I'll leave my bag pack her

Snivy blushing:Sni snivy(What I think I'll better Wait here for you)
Ash:Oh okay Snivy you can stay here with mom

Has he puts her down he goes to the bathroom has Ash was taking the bath his mother was hanging his dirty clothes outside with Snivy help

Delia:Hey Snivy can ask you something
Snivy:Snivy(What is it and.Ketchum you can ask anything)
Delia:Do you love Ash
Snivy blush:Sni Sni Snivy(Wait what no no no that's impossible how can you assume that it's just ridiculous)
Delia:I may not understand you like my son but I know when someone's blushing
Snivy:Sni snivy(Fine you got me I love Ash)
Delia:By your now relax reaction you admit it you know it's okay that you love him but the question is those he feel the same but don't worry Snivy I'm on your side
Delia:Yeah I mean it's a surprise but I have ask the same question to each and every female companion of ash but they see him more like a brother well except Dawn seen Ash is like her best friend and mentor but I haven't ask that girl Serena but your the first one to admit it so I support you

Then Ash arrive

Ash:Okay I'm back do you need help mom Pikachu sleeping on the bed
Delia:I'll make some snacks will you and Snivy put the rest of the clothes
Ash:No problem

Has she leaves Snivy looks had her and see a thumb up for good luck has Ash and Snivy put the next of the clothes

Ash:Hey Snivy did you and my mom talk about something
Snivy:Sni(What you mean)
Ash:Did you guys talk about something like any topic
Snivy:Snivy(Well Ash there's something I need to tell you but I don't know if you won't understand)

Then they heard and explosion that cane from Oaks lab

Delia:Ash your Pokémon are fighting to be specific Oshawott and Boizel
Ash:Pikachu asleep so Snivy let's go

Has she gets on Ash shoulder and they go ruining to the lab has they arrive they what's happening some are trying to stop them has others help Bayleef and Quilava protect the egg has he gets in the middle Snivy stops Oshawott and Ash stops Boizel then a Professor Oak came

P.Oak:Ash take this

Has he toss him a pile

Ash:What is this
P.Oak:It's a pile that lets you understand Pokémon

Has he eat it few seconds pass

Ash:Okay what happened
Boizel:Oshawott stoke my food
Ash mind:OMA it works
Snivy:Oshawott is that true
Oshawott:No I was eating my own food
Boizel:You where the only on there who else could have done it
Oshawott:Wait wasn't Totodile there too
Boizel:Wait your right

Has they then hear something in the bushes they all go to it and see Totodile eating boizel and Oshawott food

Ash:Really Totodile
Totodile:What I'm a very hungry Pokémon and you know it
Tracy:Dang it I forgot that Totodile it's well when we give him a full bag my mistake guys
Ash:Hey Professor it works I can understand them
Snivy mind:That means he can understand me
P.Oak:Great and don't worry it's permanent
Ash:Okay well I think we should do something for those three

Has he points had Bayleef,Quilava and the egg

P.Oak:How about you come tomorrow and we can make them something
Ash:Sound great Professor and I think Snivy is sticking with me
P.Oak:It's okay you can take her she is your Pokémon
Ash:Okay see ya Tracy and Professor Oak tomorrow

Has they leave they head back home

Ash:Mom we are back
Delia:What happened
Ash:They were fighting because Totodile stole there food because Tracy forgot to give him a hole bag
Delia:Well pikachu woke up and help me clean the house when you arrive and your snacks are ready
Ash:Oh and Professor gave me a pile that makes me understand Pokémon
Delia:Really that's amazing maybe I'll see if he made a few more sometimes I think I need to understand Mimey more
Mr.Mime:Yeah she's has a point
Ash:You can check tomorrow because I'm going back there to try and help Bayleef and Quilava seen there gonna parents
Delia:Oh really congratulations for them

After the snacks,Dinner and well Ash watching Snivy basically taking another bath but this time with Snivy she blush a lot but Ash didn't noticed has they head to bed ash was sleeping until he heard Snivy he look had her and it seems she was having a nightmare has he grabs her he brought her close and petted her head

Ash:It's okay Snivy I'm here I'm here and I'll always will

Has then Ash felt something he felt like his face was getting red and his heart was bending faster has he just went to sleep had the direction of Snivy.The next day came Ash and Snivy open there eyes both blush a little

Ash:Good morning Snivy
Snivy:Good morning Ash
Pikachu:I'm awake
Ash:Good morning you too Pikachu

Has they head down stairs they see his mom

Ash:Good morning mom
Delia:Morning Ash well we are gonna have breakfast at Oak lab
Ash:Oh okay that's nice

Has he puts on his kalos clothes they all go to Oaks lab has they knock the door Oak appears but not Samual Gary

Gary:Ashy-Boy long time no see
Ash:Gary what's up
Gary:Everything's cool oh and nice job getting runner up in the kalos league
Ash:Thanks mom thought we bring breakfast here
Gary:That sound nice come in I'll get gramps

Has he comes down they had breakfast then

Ash:So Professor how are we gonna deal with the egg
P.Oak:Well I was thinking we take the family around the forest to see if they can find a place for them to wait for the child and live there
Gary:Mind if I help
Ash:Not it all
P.Oak:Well will you two do that I'll go take Delia to the pile

Has the boys go outside they split in to groups and even give communicators has Ash took Bayleef around Gary took Quilava the other way

Ash:Okay Bayleef you tell us when you see something
Bayleef:Okay I'll find a perfect spot for are family

Has they continue walking

Pikachu:So you love him
Snivy:Love who
Pikachu:Ash silly
Snivy:Well I mean yes I love him and so much
Pikachu:Good that's nice well I support you
Snivy:Thanks pikachu
Radio Gary:Ash Quilava found a place your Swellow is gonna guide you to the place
Swellow:I'm here
Ash:Okay everyone let's follow Swellow

Has they head to the direction they find them has they look had the place it doesn't look that bad Bayleef like the place

Ash:Well you guys settle in and call if you need anything okay
Quilava/Bayleef:Okay Ash

But then the egg started to crack has it opens a baby Chikorita came out it saw its two parents first both were happy and hug her then Ash got close and petted the baby Chikorita then they went back the lab

P.Oak:Whats wrong
Ash:The egg it hatched

Has Bayleef shows him the little one Oak did a little check up

P.Oak:Okay the first thing is that it's a girl and that she is very healthy so everything is okay
Bayleef:What a relief
Quilava:Can we take her back home
P.Oak:Yeah here you go

Has they take there kid to there home Ash and his mom,best friend and Snivy head back home pikachu was very tired so he was fast to sleep in the coach so Ash and Snivy went to his room has Ash turned on his tv they see a battle between a Serperior and a Mienshao

Snivy:Ash do you think I'll ever be a Serperior
Ash:Of course you will just remember I don't make that decision that's up to you but first you'll have to be a Servine so there's still a long way but don't worry will get there right
Snivy:Yeah your right
Ash:Snivy last night you had a nightmare didn't you
Ash:Mind telling me what happened I want to help you
Snivy:Well what happened is that I was dreaming of my old master
Ash:So you were with someone before me
Snivy:Yeah the difference between you too is that your kind,pure of good heart and strong but in a more physical and mental level
Ash:Thanks and how was he
Snivy:It's actually a she well she was abusive,Cocky and reckless oh also very crual
Ash:Well I'm glade I got you out of that situation
Snivy:But almost every night when I sleep she haunts me the nightmares I have is that she kills you and then I run away to then getting captured again and abusive/F*##*

Then she then gets a hug from Ash to then she and him were both tearing tears has they have a moment

Ash:Stop that's enough from now on your staying with me okay your staying here with me and if I go on another adventure I'm bringing you along okay

Has they stare had each other

Snivy:Can you pull me closer

Has he brought Snivy closer she then pulled him close and they had a passionate kiss that lasted five minutes has they break it of

Ash/Snivy:I love you

Has they both went to sleep together the next day came Ash and Snivy wake up has they head down Pikachu was still asleep so they woke him up has did his mom too wake up

Delia:Good morning Ash and Snivy
Snivy:Morning Ms.Ketchum
Ash:Good morning mom hey got to tell you something
Delia:What is it sweetie
Snivy:Me and Ash are together
Delia:Really that's amazing I'm so proud of you both
Ash:Thanks mom

(Warning Warning Lennon scene warning warning)

The day went fine has the lovebirds were just walking in the forest they also visited the fire and grass family they continued to walk has they rested on a tree Snivy got in Ash shoulder they both look had each other and started kissing then Snivy noticed that Ash's object got hard so Ash took of his pants has she saw it she started to suck it Ash started to moan

Ash:Snivy it feels so good

Has she just keep sucking Ash cam then he decided to give the favor has he started to lick and suck her bottom part(Vagina) has they both pleasures each other they decided to go deeper so Ash put his object(Dick) in her hole and started mining her up and down

Snivy:Ash I'm cumming
Ash:Me too let's do it together

Then they came after that Snivy tied herself up too Ash with vine whip has they stayed there for a while after they finish they found a river so they decide to go in and yes he went in naked after the hole thing they kiss but in the middle of the kiss Snivy evolved into a Servine

Ash:You evolve
Servine:How do I look
Ash:Beautiful like always
Servine:Thanks Ashy

They live there days together forever


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