I hate Sundays

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Why do I have to stay in the house for the entirety of the day? And why do I have to have weekend homework? I hate Sundays now. I'd rather be at school.

Well, just to add on to the previous update, my story even got into the longlist and thereafter the SHORTLIST. Pretty damn big achievement.

(took screenshots much later than I'd have liked)

^ the Longlist

^ the Shortlist

But only if it meant anything in this country, I'd be happier.

Anyway, more sad rant.

I sat down to do questions with my father (much against my will because I knew how it'd go). So I couldn't solve a single question. I didn't remember the formulas from last year. But if I were to say, "Let me study it again once" I'd be hit with brutal words so I decided to just go along with it.

I got downtrodden anyway.

Dad told me a lot of stuff; that I don't have problem solving skills, that I can't visualize the questions, and that he will never see me writing a formula book in his life.

I need time, when do you expect me to make that when I can't even do my own homework because you say scHooL iS noT imPORtanT? I mean, you're not the one bearing the consequences of school, so why do you care? My mother is another one, but I'm too tired to talk about her.

You know what he said after?

"You're not meant for this line."

I KNOW! THANKS FOR NOTICING! But there's no future for me as a writer + never heard of writing courses or anything (taught in colleges) here. Oh, and, money. I need to have a job for regular paychecks so I need to do my engineering. Can't live off books, sadly.


So I'll just writhe in agony at the bottom of society because I'm a worthless fool with the worst possible passion.

What was God even thinking while creating me?

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