Chapter 4

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The sun was bright, covering the forest with early greenleaf warmth. Moonkit was resting in a patch of sun, watching Riverkit and Echokit play. Ever since Jayclaw spoke to them they had become much better friends, which Moonkit was grateful for. She wasn't sure what her father told her sisters but it seemed to calm the two of them down, which Moonkit was grateful.

However, not much had changed with how much and how rough they liked to play. Moonkit did notice that Echokit and Riverkit were playing as much with each other as they were with Graykit and Lilykit. Moonkit had no interest in playing, she couldn't get her mind off of her dreams. Her paws longed to travel the forest and find the glowing woods with beautiful white trees.

"Watch your paws, Echokit!" A sharp hiss came from Riverkit, Moonkit looked over at her playing sisters. Riverkit's fur was on edge and she had a sharp glint in her blue eyes. "You crushed my tail."

Moonkit could tell that Echokit wanted to retaliate and start a fight, but much to Moonkit's surprise she held her tongue. Instead, Echokit let out a sigh and apologized through grit teeth. Riverkit let out a snort and their playing continued, Lilykit and Graykit were growing quickly and were comparable to Moonkit and her siblings.

Moonkit's ears twitched as she heard pawsteps behind her. "Why aren't you playing with them?" A voice spoke above Moonkit's head, she looked upwards to see Mistypool.

Moonkit shrugged. "I just don't feel like playing right now." She mewed, looking back into the camp. The warm season had kept AshClan active and busy, she could see the apprentices Lionpaw and Hazelpaw sharing fresh-kill together while a group of senior warriors had a close conversation over their own pieces of prey. Ivyheart had just sent the sunhigh patrol out into the forest, and the hunting patrol would probably return soon, which Jayclaw was on.

Moonkit loved her father, but she dreaded his visits because it usually meant more training. Moonkit didn't want to constantly fight and hunt, she wanted to something else; she just didn't know what.

"Well," Mistypool sat down beside Moonkit. "Do you want to do me a favor?" She questioned, looking out into the camp as well.

"Sure." Moonkit sat up. "What is it?"

"Heatherstorm was complaining of a belly ache, would you want to run across to the medicine cat den and get some herbs from Eagleclaw?" Mistypool requested. Moonkit's eyes widened.

"Really? But you barely let us out into the camp." Moonkit questioned, wondering what suddenly changed in her mother.

Mistypool let out a low chuckle and lowered her head. "That's mostly because Riverkit and Echokit can't keep their noses out of trouble." She purred. "But I know you'll be responsible."

Moonkit felt warmed and delighted by her mother's words, she jumped to her paws and held her head high. "I won't let you down!" With another purr from Mistypool, Moonkit ran out into the camp. She was going to run to the medicine cat den, but remember that she needed to be responsible. I don't need any cats telling Mistypool and Jayclaw that I ran across camp like a crazy cat.

The medicine cat den wasn't far from the nursery, but Moonkit walked proudly with her head held high. She noticed a few cats looking at her but she kept walking. She neared the medicine cat den and poked her head inside. It was dim and smelled strongly of pungently of herbs.

In the back of the den she saw the large tabby form of Eagleclaw. Suddenly, Moonkit tensed. She had heard stories of how mean Eagleclaw was, only rivaled by his brother, Sharptongue in attitude. Moonkit swallowed her fear and dared to step inside the den. "H-hello?" She called into the den.

Eagleclaw's ears twitched and he turned around, resting his sharp amber eyes on Moonkit. "Moonkit?" He mewed, stepping closer to her. "Is everything okay?"

Moonkit nodded. "Y-yes. Heatherstorm has a belly ache, Mistypool sent me to you to get something."

"I see." Eagleclaw mewed. "Well, come on in. I'll get the herbs that Heatherstorm needs." The tabby tom returned to the back of his den and began sifting through herbs. Moonkit stepped inside and looked around. It was neat, with a stack of moss balls along the side wall and a single nest.

"So you sleep alone in this den?" Moonkit questioned out of curiosity.

"Since Featherstorm died, yes." Eagleclaw responded without turning around. "Unless there's sick or injured cats that I need to look over, I'm in here by myself."

"That sounds kind of lonely." Moonkit pointed out. "Though, It would be nice to not have to share a den with Echokit and Riverkit for a night."

"Are they noisy sleepers?"

Moonkit lowered her head. "Not really..." She shuffled her paws. "I'm the noisy sleeper, Riverkit always wakes me up to tell me to be quiet."

"Do you have problems sleeping at the night?" Eagleclaw asked with a touch of concern in his mew.

Moonkit's pelt grew warm, she didn't feel like having another cat tell her that her dreams were pointless. "No, I just dream a lot."

"What do you dream about?" Eagleclaw seemed to be interested now. "Anything interesting."

"Only to me." Moonkit stared at her silver paws. "Everyone else tells me they're pointless."

"Tell me about them." Eagleclaw sat down, resting his tail across his paws. His amber eyes were curious.

Moonkit felt awkward now. "You'll just think they're stupid kit dreams too."

Eagleclaw narrowed his eyes. "Try me."

Moonkit blinked, would Eagleclaw really believe her? She didn't know, but at least she could finally talk about her dreams with someone. "Well..." Moonkit began. "I always see this forest, it has super tall white trees that glow in the moonlight. Everytime I'm in that forest I hear voices, but I can't exactly make out what they're seeing. Once I saw a silver tabby she-cat, but she didn't say anything to me. It feels so real everytime I'm there, and I want to explore but I can never move my paws before I wake up. It feels almost feels like something is calling me, I want to see it but--" Moonkit cut herself off, she realized that she was rambling.

"But what?" Eagleclaw pressed.

Moonkit shook her head. "Don't worry about it, it's just a dream. I doubt a place like that is even real."

"But it is real." Moonkit looked at Eagleclaw in shock.

"What?" Moonkit's jaw dropped. "That place is real? Where is it?"

"It sounds a lot like the Spirit Woods, it's where the Moonstone lies. Where medicine cats and leaders communicate with StarClan." Moonkit couldn't believe what she was hearing, this place was real and connected to the StarClan. Then why am I dreaming about it?

"You should head back now." Eagleclaw broke her thoughts, nudging a leaf bundle towards her. "Here's some juniper, should help with Heatherstorm's belly ache." Moonkit just stared at the herbs, forgetting that they had been the reason she had even came here. But I have so many questions! I don't want to leave.

"Don't worry, Moonkit." Eagleclaw nudged Moonkit to her paws. "When you figure out what these dreams mean, come see me."

"What do they mean?" Moonkit questioned. "I don't know."

"That's for you to figure out." Eagleclaw's expression had almost turned smug, which frustrated Moonkit. "I would go before your mother starts to worry."

Moonkit didn't want to leave, but she knew that Eagleclaw was right. Mistypool had sent her because she thought that Moonkit was responsible, she couldn't prove her mother wrong. Ignoring her curiosity, Moonkit picked up the bundle of berries and padded back to the nursery. She stepped back into the nursery and it appeared that Echokit and Riverkit hadn't even noticed her absence.

Moonkit looked over at Heatherstorm and Mistypool who were having a conversation. Moonkit set the herbs down in front of them after crossing the nursery. "Here you go." She nudged them forward with her paws.

"Thank you, Moonkit." Heatherstorm purred and quickly ate the juniper berries. "Now if I could just get Graykit and Lilykit to calm down."

"Just wait until they're four moons old." Mistypool chuckled. "It's impossible to get them to settle down for even a second."

"Don't remind me." Heatherstorm laughed and focused on her kits.

"Eagleclaw wasn't too scary was he?" Mistypool questioned, turning her attention back to Moonkit.

"No," Moonkit mewed, sitting down beside her mother. "He was actually nice, he doesn't seem as mean as others say he is."

"He's always had a very sharp attitude." Mistypool said. "And he has very minimal patience with kits, so I'm glad that he was nice to you."

"Well the kits I know are incredibly obnoxious." Moonkit mewed, watching her sisters wrestle.

"That could be part of it." Mistypool purred. "Either way, I'm glad that I have a calm kit like you. You'll be there to keep your sisters in line."

Is that really my job? Moonkit thought. Why can't Riverkit and Echokit keep themselves in line?

Moonkit stared at a small piece of moss that rolled across the nursery floor. It was another day, and yet Echokit and Riverkit continued to fight and play, the same as yesterday. Moonkit didn't want to do the same thing every single day, she wanted to go learn more. She wanted to see the medicine cat den again, she wanted to talk to Eagleclaw again.

She had thought about his words, urging her to find the meaning to her dreams but she just couldn't figure it out. She had no idea why she would be dreaming of a place where leader's went. I don't want to be leader, Riverkit does. She thought with a snort.

Movement caught her eye and she noticed Jayclaw approaching the nursery. Oh great. Moonkit thought begrudgingly. More training.

"Good afternoon, kits." Jayclaw mewed, stepping into the nursery and giving Mistypool a loving look.

"Hi!" Riverkit instantly stopped their play fighting and ran over to their father, jumping at his paws. "Is it time for more training?"

"It is." Jayclaw sat down. "You have less than two moons before you become apprentices, then it is up to your mentors to teach you everything else you need to become a warrior."

"Won't you still train us?" Riverkit begged. "I love training with you. What if my mentor isn't good enough?"

"I can assure that every cat in AshClan will be capable of training you, Riverkit. And I have my own apprentice to train, I'm working on getting Lionpaw into the warriors den. If you learn quickly then you can train with us alongside your mentors."

"Who will our mentors be?" Echokit questioned, looking both curious and nervous. "Will you pick them for us?"

Jayclaw shook his head. "Goldenstar will pick the right mentors for you, it's her job not mine." He stopped answering questions and looked down at his kits. "Enough talk, let's train." Jayclaw pushed forward their training pebbles that they kept at the nursery's entrance. "Show me your pounces."

Riverkit instantly began, attacking her pebble without hesitation and Echokit was close behind her, but Moonkit was interested in something else. She saw Eagleclaw outside of his den telling something to Ivyheart. What is he talking about? She wondered. What do medicine cat's do when they're not healing their Clanmates?

"Moonkit!" Jayclaw's snapping voice ripped her attention back to her pebble. "Stop staring off into space."

"She's probably looking for more feathers." Riverkit teased. Moonkit puffed out her fur, feeling flustered.

"What is this about feathers?" Jayclaw questioned, looking confused.

"Moonkit got so upset about a feather, it was just another one of her daydreams." Riverkit explained, the way she acted like she knew everything just riled Moonkit even more.

"It wasn't a daydream!" Moonkit argued with her sister, but Riverkit just rolled her eyes.

"You should really learn how to focus on the world in front of you, that's what good warriors do. You won't make it very far with fighting or hunting." There's more to life than fighting and hunting! Moonkit lashed her tail.

"Riverkit is right, Moonkit." Jayclaw put in, just fueling Riverkit's ego more. "You need to focus, you can't let your mind wander. You need to focus on the task in front of you, you could get hurt or lose prey that way."

They don't understand! Moonkit was getting more and more frustrated. "Stop talking to me like I'm an idiot!" She cried out, whirling on Riverkit. "You have no idea what you're talking about, you're just being mean!"

Riverkit flattened her ears and puffed out her blue-gray fur, Jayclaw stepped forward. "Moonkit, relax, we're not trying to--"

"No!" Moonkit wailed, she knew she was making a scene and she didn't care. "You all look at me like I'm crazy, but maybe there's something more to my dreams! Maybe there's more to being a warrior than just fighting and hunting everyday. I don't want to spend the rest of my life chasing prey, I want to do something!"

Realization snapped inside Moonkit, it wasn't just leaders who went to the Moonstone, it was medicine cats too. She stopped her yelling and took a deep breath. "I don't want to be a warrior?"

"Then what do you want?" Mistypool stepped in, her mother's soft voice calming her anger.

Moonkit looked at her mother, who had shining, encouraging blue eyes. "I want to be a medicine cat."

Mistypool let out a purr. "See, that wasn't so hard." She rested her tail on Moonkit's shoulders. Then she turned her attention to Jayclaw. "See what happens when you ask them?" Her voice was scolding.

Jayclaw looked away in embarrassment. "Sorry," He cleared his throat and looked down at Moonkit. "I'm sorry, Moonkit. I should've focused on more on what you wanted, I just figured that you all wanted to be warriors."

"Are you mad at me? Because I won't be a big brave warrior like you?" Moonkit thought, fearing disappointment from her father. He has such high hopes for us.

"Of course not." Jayclaw wrapped his tail around Moonkit. "I could never be mad at you, especially for following your heart. You won't be an incredible warrior, you'll be an incredible medicine cat and that is just as good in my eyes."

Moonkit felt warmed and loved, she brushed against her father. "Thank you." She purred, then looked at her sisters.

"A medicine cat, huh?" Riverkit marched up to Moonkit. "I guess it all makes sense now."

Echokit padded up to her as well. "We won't get to train together, but you can patch us up after a battle!"

Moonkit let out a loud purr, she finally felt like she was on the right path. This is what I'm meant to do. She thought happily. I need to tell Eagleclaw.

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