Chapter 40

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"Everything looks clear." Echoheart reported from the SunClan border, unable to scent anything out of the ordinary. She padded back to her patrol after marking the border. "No unusual activity from SunClan." She told Cloverstrike.

"Great." Cloverstrike nodded. "Let's go ahead and head back to the camp. I know that Ivystar was planning something with Lionpelt and Riverstorm. They may be back already." The cats of the patrol nodded and Echoheart followed her Clanmates back to camp.

Throughout the several moons that had gone by, Echoheart's life had slowed down. She lived a peaceful life, she no longer felt trapped by those who abused her and treated her like crowfood. She had learned that Cedarclaw died to a badger at a gathering a few moons ago and though part of her wished that she could done it herself, she was glad that he was gone from the forest.

Echoheart had finally had a moment to tear Riverstorm down, when Batpaw died she saw her chance and struck her sister while she was already down. She had gotten great pleasure watching her sister suffer and finally realize the monster she had turned herself into. Riverstorm had been so stupid to let her apprentic recklessly play in the river, it was her fault that Batpaw, Berrypaw and Feathernose had died. Part of Echoheart wished that Riverstorm had died in the river as well.

However, their father had finally died. Echoheart had never felt so free when she learned that Jayclaw had died, she wished she could think Ratpelt for starting that fight. She had pretend to assure him that it was not his fault and the two of them had become quite close friends, she had with her former apprentice as well. Crowstep was a good warrior, she was proud of the cat he had become.

Echoheart's mind had slowly become a twisted place, at first she was scared and tried so hard to fight it but eventually she realized it was futile. She let the thoughts consume her mind, she found it cathartic. She would never act on her thoughts, but they helped her to release the anger and pain that had consumed her for so long. Cedarclaw and Jayclaw were dead and she had broken the last tendril that formed hers and Riverstorm's relationship. She still considered Moonwhisker her sister, but as far as she was concerned Riverstorm was a stranger, not even worthy to be called a Clanmate.

Echoheart pushed her thoughts away and followed her patrol until they reached the AshClan camp. She could see that neither Ivystar nor Lionpelt were back yet so she broke away from the patrol and decided to help herself to some fresh-kill. She sat down near the warrior's den and started eating the squirrel she picked.

AshClan had been doing well, but Echoheart found herself not really caring about how well her Clan was doing. She didn't feel any pride in being an AshClan she-cat. She had made more friends during this time, but she still had cats who wanted nothing to do with her like Spiderheart, but Echoheart didn't care.

Echoheart would continue to live her life as an AshClan warrior, but she really didn't think she had any loyalty or drive to do things for her Clan anymore. When she was an apprentice she had the same loyalty and pride in her Clan but now she felt no attachment to the fact that she was an AshClan warrior. She could be a warrior in any Clan, it didn't matter to her. Perhaps it was her relationship with Cedarclaw that started these feelings, or maybe it was the fact that Echoheart felt no emotional attachment to a single cat in this Clan.

She didn't feel any grief when her Clanmates died or any enjoyment when they were made warriors. She felt nothing towards the cats in this Clan and that was okay to her. She briefly wondered what a life as a loner or rogue would be, but she had never fully made the decision to leave her Clan even if it had crossed her mind.

Echoheart wasn't an AshClan warrior, she was a warrior living in AshClan and for now she was okay with that. She had reached the conclusion that she would never feel powerful emotions again, not since Cedarclaw. After that her emotions slowly began to fall apart and die like the trees in leaf-bare. She was okay with this, maybe one day another cat would ignite those emotions again but for now they lay dormant inside of her heart.

Echoheart finished up and her squirrel and discarded the remains before sunning herself and washing her pelt. She noticed that some cats were starting to get worried that Ivystar, Lionpelt and Riverstorm hadn't returned yet. Echoheart knew that a rogue had been scented several times in the territory, but surely three fully trained warriors could take on some scrawny warriors.

More time passed and it was nearly sunset when Echoheart caught the scent of the three cats as well as the scent of blood. Riverstorm and Lionpelt stepped into view from the back of the camp, their eyes shadowed with grief as they carried the limp body of Ivystar on their backs. Interesting. Echoheart blinked, feeling slightly surprised as their Clanmates ran up to the three of them. I should probably act distressed. Echoheart rose to her paws and faked the emotion of worry and grief on her face, something she had gotten used to doing.

Echoheart followed her Clanmates as they gathered around Ivystar's body. "What happened to her?" Grasstail demanded.

"We split up to try and scent out the rogue." Riverstorm explained, Lionpelt was clearly too distraught. Echoheart noticed she had some claw marks down the side of her face covered with dried blood. "He found Ivystar first and they fought, but she unfortunately lost."

"Was that really her last life?" Sharptongue mewed skeptically. "She hasn't been leader for that long."

Lionpelt lifted his head and glanced over at Eagleclaw who had been watching sadly from the side. He gave the golden tabby and nod and Lionpelt let out a sigh. "I'm sure you all remember a few moons after Ivystar became leader she got sick for about a moon?" Echoheart briefly recalled that time. "Well that sickness never left her body, it continued to weaken her and slowly kill her. Eagleclaw and Moonwhisker worked hard to try and keep her strong and healthy, but she would have every bad days as this violent illness killed her over and over. Most of her nine lives were lost because of this illness. StarClan told Eagleclaw that there was no cure. "

"Why would she keep something like that a secret from her Clan?" Hazalfern lowered her head sadly.

"A Clan leader never wants to show weakness." Riverstorm spoke up, something about her tone of voice pricked anger into Echoheart's pelt. "Not even to their own Clanmates." She let out a sigh. "The loss of Ivystar is tragic, but I know that AshClan will be in safe paws with Lionpelt as our leader, he is the son of Goldenstar and an incredible loyal and strong warrior." She wants to be deputy so badly. Echoheart thought with amusement. Too bad your apprentice died.

"Thank you, Riverstorm." Lionpelt dipped his head. "I was not expecting to become leader so soon, but I promise that I will be the best possible leader I can for this Clan. It was honor to serve Ivystar and will be an honor to lead this Clan in her legacy."

"Lionpelt! Lionpelt! Lionpelt!" The Clan cheered for their new leader and Echoheart had to admit that she thought Lionpelt would make a good leader as well. Luckily he had none of the traits of Goldenstar and all the traits of Scorchlight. He would lead AshClan into an era of peace and Echoheart wouldn't have to deal with her sister as leader. She looked at Riverstorm. If everything goes well, she'll die before Lionpelt ever does and she will never lead this Clan. How fitting that would be.

The Clan held a vigil for a fallen leader throughout the night before the elders took her body to be buried, afterwards Lionpelt and Eagleclaw set out so he could receive his nine lives. Echoheart settled into her nest and she knew by the time she woke up, Lionpelt would be the new leader of AshClan


Echoheart's sleep was dreamless as it usually was, she woke just past dawn and climbed out of her den letting out a yawn. She stretched out and was awake just in time for Lionpelt and Eagleclaw to return to camp, something about the golden tom seemed different. "Welcome back." Echoheart mewed to him with a dip of her head. "I'm assuming all went well?"

"It did, thank you." He dipped his head. "In the eyes of StarClan, I am now Lionstar."

"Don't forget about your deputy." Eagleclaw mewed facing Lionstar. "I'm going to go get some rest."

"Thank you for everything, Eagleclaw." Lionstar bowed his head and the medicine cat returned to his den. After he was gone, the new leader turned to Echoheart. "I'm glad that you're the first cat I saw, I actually wanted to speak with you a moment if you don't mind."

"Of course, Lionstar." Echoheart wondered what he could possibly want from her. She respected him, but he was Riverstorm's best friend. They were never close. Regardless she followed him into his new den and sat down once they were inside.

"During the entire trip to the Moonstone I was thinking long and hard about who I wanted to become my deputy. I wanted your sister to be my deputy if I ever became leader, but unfortunately that is not possible because of Batpaw's accident." Echoheart didn't understand why he was telling her this. "However another cat came to mind. You. I want you to be my deputy, Echoheart."

Echoheart's eyes widend and she found herself genuinely surprised. "You want me to become your deputy?" Does he see me as the second best for Riverstorm? I'm not her. "I'm nothing like Riverstorm I--"

"I know this." Lionstar raised his tail. "I do worry that if Riverstorm ever became leader she would be like my mother and that's not what this Clan needs right now. What AshClan needs is a time of peace, you were never afraid to speak out against my mother and you always looked out for others. I think you will be the best cat to be deputy for this Clan right now."

Echoheart thought for a moment, she had never once considered becoming deputy or leader. She had grown up just wanting to be the best warrior she could be, and yet something about this seemed so...perfect.

Riverstorm wanted nothing more than to be leader, and she tore Echoheart down for so long thinking that she was better. Echoheart felt a sense of satisfaction flowing through her body. And for me, her pathetic little sister to take the deputyship from her. How perfect. "I'll do it, Lionstar." She spoke up. "I would be honored to serve you and this Clan." She didn't really care about that part, but she had been given a chance to show Riverstorm once and for all that she had failed.

"Thank you, Echoheart." Lionstar breathed a sigh of relief. "I'll be holding the ceremony once more of the Clan wakes up." Echoheart nodded and stepped out of Lionstar's den. She quickly spotted Riverstorm talking with Graypelt near the fresh-kill pile as they had woken up. I want to tell her now, but I would rather see the look on her face as Lionstar tells the whole Clan that I am deputy instead of her.

It didn't take long for the rest of AshClan to wake, though the cloud of grief that followed Ivystar's death was thick in the air, the new leader would sure be able to break that. Once the Clan was awake, Lionstar made his way to the center of camp. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather for a Clan meeting!"

Echoheart sat with the rest of the crowd as they gathered around their new leader for the very first time. "My ceremony was a success and I have earned my nine lives from StarClan. I am a little nervous about leading this Clan, but as I said last night I am proud that I get to serve such a strong and loyal Clan."

"Lionstar! Lionstar!" The Clan briefly cheered their new leader.

"I do need to take care of something very important first, I will need to name my new deputy." Echoheart sat patiently and quietly, not revealing anything. "The cat that I have chosen may not be one you expect, but I know that she is a very hardworking and loyal AshClan warrior, she has shown kindness and rationality in the past and I trust with every hair on my pelt that she is the best choice." Echoheart wasn't sure that anyone had ever spoken so kindly about her, she wished she could feel good about it. "I say these words before the spirits of StarClan so that they may hear and approve my choice. Echoheart will be the new deputy of AshClan."

Echoheart could instantly tell that no one in AshClan had been expecting this news, but she rose to her paws to face her Clan. Her eyes instantly went to Riverstorm's. Her sister's blue eyes were wide and filled with surprise and perhaps a little bit of betrayal. "I wasn't certain about being deputy at first," Echoheart started speaking. "But I've always wanted to be the best AshClan warrior I can be and if serving our brand new leader as we step into a new era is what I need to do do achieve that than I am more than willing to help him bring this Clan into a new age of strength and glory." All of the words that left her mouths were lies, but no one needed to do that.

"Echoheart! Echoheart! Echoheart!" The cats of AshClan cheered for their new deputy, she could feel that her words had truly resonated with them and she felt a growing sense of power inside of her chest. This is just too perfect.

After a few moments of celebrating, the meeting broke apart and Echoheart was congratulated by several cats including Lilyclaw, Graypelt, Crowstep and Cloverstrike. They all respect me now. She thought with a satisfied purr. How wonderful. The last cat to approach her was Riverstorm. This will be rich. She thought snidely.

"Congratulations." Riverstorm dipped her head, the word was clearly forced. "I know you'll do great."

"You know, Riverstorm." Echoheart mewed, feeling a sadistic sense wash over her. This is my chance to break her even further. "I never really wanted this, I was completely satisfied with my life as a normal AshClan warrior." Riverstorm looked up at her curiously. "But when Lionstar asked me I couldn't turn it down. You see, I never wanted this but you did." She leaned in closer, meeting Riverstorm's eyes they filled with pain. "You wanted nothing more than to be leader and here I am, your useless, weak sister taking that from you. Now everyone in the Clan respects me and not you." She let out a low chuckle. "Hurts, doesn't it?"

Without another word, she left the stunned Riverstorm behind and started padding towards her Clanmates to start planning patrols for the first time. She felt not regret for the words she said, no remorse for anything she had done. I never expect my life to play out this way. Jayclaw, Cedarclaw, Riverstorm, the cats who had all hurt her so deeply. Look at me now. I'm better than you ever thought I would be, and it was all thanks to myself, none of you. She had to hold herself back from laughing at the irony. I win.

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