Chapter 6

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"Say Graywillow comes to you with a belly ache, what will you do?" Eagleclaw questioned, looking at Moonpaw intensely.

"First I'd ask her if she had any other symptoms such as nausea or vomiting." Eagleclaw nodded slowly and Moonpaw. "If she doesn't have any other symptoms then I will give her water mint and tell her to rest. If she is vomiting then I will give her some willow leaves."

"Very good." Eagleclaw praised and Moonpaw held her head high. "What if Lionpaw comes to you with a thorn deep in his paw. He says it really hurts, but the thorn looks really small. Is he being dramatic? Or will you look deeper into it."

"I'll take him seriously. I'll give his paw a sniff to see if its infected or not. If it is, I will treat it with horsetail and cobweb and keep him off duties for the rest of the day. If it's not infected then I will lick his paw to get the thorn out, I'll then treat it with marigold to prevent and infection from forming."

"You're a quick learner." Eagleclaw twitched his tail. "Half a moon isn't a lot of time to learn everything, but you're on your way there. Soon you'll be even smarter than me, I'm sure of it."

"I doubt that." Moonpaw purred loudly as she rose to her paws. "You're the smartest medicine cat in the whole forest."

"I don't know about that." Eagleclaw snorted. "Do me a favor and take some ragwort and juniper to Cinderclaw. She's been complaining about stiff joints. It's amazing Sandnose's ears haven't fallen off from her constant talking."

Moonpaw purred in amusement, Eagleclaw was kind to her but barely had enough patience to deal with his Clanmates. During her first few days as an apprentice, she noticed how short Eagleclaw's temper was. He would snap easily, and she questioned why Eagleclaw became a medicine cat in the first place if he didn't like dealing with annoying Clanmates, but when she saw him work she knew that Eagleclaw was an incredible medicine cat.

He was focuses, dutiful and had an amazing memory. He knew every herb and what it did while Moonpaw struggled to learn even half of them. She didn't complain, though, she absolutely loved learning. She loved helping her Clanmates, and she didn't mind all the little annoyances or getting ticks off with mouse bile. The elders had sharp tongues, but the sigh of relief each time is what made it all worth it.

Moonpaw gathered up the ragwort and quickly trotted to the medicine cat den, her tail waving behind her. As she crossed camp she took note of daily Clan life. Hollypaw and Mousepaw conversed over some prey while Heatherstorm watched over Lilykit and Graykit. Ivyheart organized patrols and the warriors happily listened and did what they were instructed to do.

Moonpaw approached the elder's den and poked her head inside where Cinderclaw and Sandnose were talking. Both old queens were resting in their nests, talking about SunClan's elder Fishtail. Sandnose noticed Moonpaw first and turned her attention towards her. "Oh hello, Moonpaw."

"Hello, you two." Moonpaw bowed her head, speaking through the ragwort. She set the herb down in front of Cinderclaw. "This is for you, courtesy of Eagleclaw."

Cinderclaw snorted and quickly ate the herb. "Honestly it's a good thing we have a cute little thing to look at now. I was starting to get sick of Eagleclaw and his attitude. Not to mention Featherstorm was older than dirt. It's refreshing to see such a pretty little apprentice."

Moonpaw's pelt burned at the compliment and her paws felt lighter. "Well, I'm glad I can be helpful." She purred. "If the two of you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask." She waved her tail and left the elders to gossip. She reached the medicine cat den again and nodded towards Eagleclaw.

"How'd it go?" He questioned, setting out some leaves to dry.

"She said she was happy to see a friendly face." Moonpaw teased her mentor.

Eagleclaw snorted. "She's one to talk." Moonpaw just laughed. "Do you know what we are doing tonight?"

Moonpaw looked at her mentor in confusion. "No, I don't."

Eagleclaw's eyes showed a small glint of excitement in his eyes. "Tonight is the half-moon. We will be travelling to the Spirit Tree tonight."

Moonpaw felt a rush of excitement. "Really? I'm so excited, I've seen it in my dreams but--"

"Calm down." Eagleclaw said sternly. "We still have a whole day of work ahead of us, don't let your responsibilities slip away from you so easily."

"Right." Moonpaw steadied herself. I'll still be exited, but I won't show it. "What needs to be done?"


"Is that everything?" Moonpaw questioned, looking around the medicine cat den, making sure all of her chores had been done.

"Is it?" Eagleclaw narrowed his eyes. "Did you set our herbs out to dry?"


"Did you organize the herb store?"


"Did you give herbs to Goldenstar?"

Moonpaw's ears drops. Goldenstar needed herbs? "Wha-no, I didn't know--"

Eagleclaw chuckled. "It's a joke, Moonpaw. Featherstorm did the same thing to me my first time going to the Moonstone."

"Oh," Moonpaw breathed a sigh of relief. "Then everything is done."

"Let's be on our way, then." Eagleclaw began padding out of the medicine cat den and Moonpaw quickly followed. They ventured their way out of camp and swiftly into the forest. Moonpaw was welcomed by the sweet, sharp scent of the pine trees. She happily breathed in the air and followed her mentor. Eagleclaw always made sure to waste no time. They neared the gathering hollow border when they encountered a patrol led by Dustclaw, he was leading Robinflight, Hollypaw, Owlstorm, Scorchlight, Silverstripe and Riverpaw. Moonpaw met her sister's gaze as their paths crossed.

"Where are you going?" Riverpaw questioned, approaching Moonpaw eagerly.

"The Moonstone." Moonpaw purred happily. "It's the half-moon."

"That's awesome!" Riverpaw exclaimed, her blue eyes burning. "You have to tell me all about it when you get back!"

"If you're awake." Eagleclaw spoke up. "Come on, Moonpaw. We don't have time to waste."

"Bye, Riverpaw!" Moonpaw called to her sister and quickly followed her mentor. They reached the river and Moonpaw looked at the water feeling slightly nervous. However, the skies were clear and the water was still. Flowing slowly across the bank.

"We cross using these stepping stones." Eagleclaw looked at several, flat stones that made an easy path across the river. "They're easy to cross, especially during greenleaf." Eagleclaw stepped onto the stones and crossed, upon reaching the other side he looked over his shoulder. "Now you."

Moonpaw confidently stepped forward, stepping on the smooth stones. She stepped from stone to stone until she reached the soft sand on the other side. "That's the path we take for gatherings as well." Eagelclaw turned and began heading towards the gathering hollow. Moonpaw followed into the sparse forest.She could see the large hollow where the four Clans would gather. "Next time you come here, this hollow will be full of cats."

"I'm excited." Moonpaw purred happily. "But I think I'm more excited for the Moonstone."

"It's an incredible experience." They passed the gathering hollow and neared the other river, but this area was thin enough to jump across. "We're in MoonClan territory now, we'll head towards the Spirit Woods border, we'll probably meet up with the others."

The strange scent of moorland and heather filled Moonpaw's nose. She found it almost suffocating. How do MoonClan cats handle this? Another scent filled Moonpaw's nose as they walked along the river. She looked to her side and saw two cats padding through on the other side of the river, coming from LichenClan territory.

"Who's that?"

"Sagefeather and Stormpaw." Eagleclaw explained. Both she-cats were gray, but one of them was much younger and the older one had long, fluffy fur.

Moonpaw could see the ghostly white trees in the distance, the trees she saw in her dreams when she was a kit. There was a lone shape of a cat near the river, he looked over his shoulder as Moonpaw and Eagleclaw approached.

"Greetings." He bowed his head, his yellow eyes resting on Moonpaw. "Who's this?"

"Moonpaw, my new apprentice." Eagleclaw explained curtly.

"So soon after Featherstorm's death." The medicine cat pointed out. "You're very young to be taking on an apprentice, Eagleclaw."

"When I take on an apprentice is not your concern, Skyclaw." Eagleclaw growled. "And Moonpaw is an exceptional apprentice, even with how little training she's had."

"I didn't mean to assume anything." Skyclaw bowed his head. His gaze drifted behind him and rested on something behind Moonpaw. She turned to see two more cats approaching the group. One was a silver tabby tom and a golden she-cat.

"Good evening everyone." The tom called, once again looking at Moonpaw. "You have an apprentice, Eagleclaw?"

Eagleclaw nodded stiffly. "Yes, this is Moonpaw. She became an apprentice about half a moon ago."

"It's nice to meet you, Moonpaw." The SunClan tom dipped his head. "My name is Feathernose, and this is my apprentice Honeypaw."

"Hello." Moonpaw dipped her head respectfully.

"It's nice to meet you." Honeypaw purred happily, her voice sweet.

"And here comes Sagefeather and Stormpaw." Eagleclaw looked towards LichenClan territory as both cats bounded over the river. After one final introduction, the medicine cats continued on their way into the Spirit Woods.

She was soon surrounded by the pale trees, the moonlight now reflecting off their bark and making them glow. She heard faint whispers in her ear, she almost felt scared. I saw them in my dreams, but it doesn't compare to this.

In the distance a giant birch tree rose from the ground, it's roots twisting away and making way towards the tree. "Stay close to me." Eagleclaw spoke quietly to Moonpaw and they stepped into the pitch black tunnel.

Moonpaw followed Eagleclaw closely as he took the lead into the dark tunnel. She could sense Feathernose behind her. It didn't take long for light to completely vanish as the medicine cats were consumed by darkness. Moonpaw's steps were shaky, and she felt fear weighing on her chest. She forced herself to remain calm and followed her mentor into the tunnel.

At long last, a faint shed of light came into view and the narrow tunnel opened into a massive cavern. In the center was a pristine stone, though it wasn't lit up. She glanced upwards and saw an opening in the ceiling above, she could see the moon inching closer.

"It will be moonhigh soon." Eagleclaw said. "Once it is, we will hold your ceremony."

"My ceremony?" Moonpaw questioned. "I already had a ceremony."

"You were made an apprentice before your Clan, as a medicine cat you need to me made an apprentice before StarClan. This is your true ceremony."

As he spoke, the moon overtook the sky and the stone illuminated. It shone with a brilliant silver light, Moonpaw felt her heartbeat quicken as she stared into the shimmering surface. "It is time." Eagleclaw spoke up. Moonpaw faced her mentor, the rest of the medicine cats sat down, watching Moonpaw intently. "Are you ready?"

"Yes." Moonpaw replied and held her head high.

"Moonpaw, is it your wish to enter the mysteries of StarClan as a medicine cat?"

"It is." Moonpaw spoke boldly.

"Then come forward." Moonpaw took a step closer towards her mentor. "Warriors of StarClan, I present you with this apprentice. She has chosen the path of a medicine cat. Grant them your wisdom and insight so that she may understand your ways and heal her Clan in accordance with your will." Moonpaw felt a strange feeling overcome her. I'm a real medicine cat apprentice now. "Now, touch your nose to the surface of the Moonstone and StarClan will come to you."

Moonpaw turned away, approaching the beautiful stone. She laid down, tucking her paws underneath her chest. Taking a deep breath, Moonpaw touched her nose to the surface. A sharp cold sensation spread through her body and in an instant, Moonpaw slipped into slumber.

Moonpaw opened her eyes, but she was no longer in the cavern with the Moonstone. She was outside the Spirit Tree, the half-moon shimmering beautifully overhead. Moonpaw rose to her paws, she expected someone to be here with her.

"Greetings, Moonpaw." Moonpaw jumped and spun around as an unfamiliar voice spoke her name. She saw a slender gray she-cat with a long, fluffy tail.

"Who are--" Moonpaw spoke, then had a realization. "You're Featherstorm, aren't you."

"I am." The she-cat nodded. "I only knew you when you were a kit, and I knew you were destined to take my place as medicine cat."

"Did you send me the signs?" Moonpaw questioned. "The feather?"

Featherstorm nodded. "It was mostly for Eagleclaw, but I wanted to put the idea of being a medicine cat inside of your head. It was your destiny."

"How did you know?" Moonpaw questioned.

"StarClan told me." Featherstorm explained. "On the night you and your sisters were born. You all have a destiny, though their's isn't as clear as yours."

"Can you tell me about them?" Moonpaw asked eagerly, she wanted to know what lied in her sister's destinies.

"One of them will follow a dark, twisted path." Moonpaw tensed. "The other will overcome terrible struggles to shine amongst her Clanmates."

"How do I stop one of them from following this dark path? Can I stop them?"

"Destiny isn't always set in stone." Feathernose explained. "Help to guide your sisters, they will be relying on you for a bright future. The three of you are the future of AshClan, and you must do everything it takes to serve your Clan."

"I will." Moonpaw vowed. "I won't let anything bad happen to my sisters, I promise."

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