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Riverstorm returned to her camp, her entire body exhausted from the wounds that laced her body. She looked around what little Clanmates she had left, their bodies also broken and wounded but their eyes were filled with a little bit of light behind the exhaustion. Riverstorm lifted her head, looking around her camp. It had been so long since she had been here, not since she, Silvermoon, Haresong and Lilyclaw all fled the camp to escape from Thornstar's tyrannical hold over their Clan.

AshClan camp was almost unrecognizable, bones of prey and crowfood were strewn about the camp and it reeked of rotting prey. Dens were in disrepair and it looked so...dead. "First things first." Riverstorm raised her voice. "We need to get our camp cleaned up, we to return it to its former glory."

"I think need to discuss a few other things first." Ashblaze spoke up. "We have no official leader and no medicine cat."

Riverstorm sighed. "We will discuss leadership--"

"I think it's obvious who the next leader should be." Silvermoon mewed, getting the attention of her Clanmates. "It should be you, Riverstorm. You were deputy before Thornstar took over and honestly, you are the most deserving of you. You kept us rallied, you gave us hope and you helped lead AshClan into victory."

"I agree." Ashblaze stood next to his mate. "But as a Clan, we should decide." He turned to his Clanmates. "All those in favor of having Riverstorm as AshClan's new leader, say I!"

"I!" Every single cat in AshClan raised their voices, taking Riverstorm by surprise. They really want me to be their leader. She was overcome by emotion, she had honestly given up on her dream of becoming leader of this Clan.

She had only focused on being there for her Clan, especially when Thornstar took over she had to focus solely on protecting her Clanmates, but here she was now, in the place where she had wanted to be almost her entire life. If this is what my Clanmates want, then I will be happy to honor their wishes.

"I thank you all so much for entrusting me to be your leader, I promise I will work my absolute hardest to bring our Clan back to the way it used to be, strong and powerful but I cannot do it alone. Our Clan was once full of many warriors, and we are now very small. Please lend me your strength as we work together to reforge the Clan we love so much." Riverstorm could see the light and energy returning to her Clanmates eyes. "I will go to the Moonstone tonight, for now, let's get started."

The cats of AshClan worked hard to start rebuilding and cleaning up their camp and Riverstorm was left with her thoughts and she wandered out to get building material. She wondered just how well her Clan would be able to recover from this, let alone Riverstorm. She felt an unbearable guilty weighing on her shoulders.

She couldn't get the image of Echoheart fleeing out of her mind. The sister she should've loved, the sister she should've built up instead of tearing down. I'm so sorry Echoheart. She thought. I hope you know I love you, I really do. Perhaps if Riverstorm had been kinder to Echoheart, his never would've happened. I was a terrible sister and Clanmate, but with the help of my Clanmates I can rise above and be better. Not only for my Clan, but for myself.

Riverstorm returned to camp with moss and bracken and helped rebuild the damaged dens. Her paws were sore and she was exhausted, but it had to be done. When she finished with the warrior's den she glanced sadly over at the medicine cat den. She stepped inside and was instantly overcome with grief.

She sat down in the den, feeling emotion wash over her. Oh Moonwhisker. The medicine cat den had clearly been empty for so long, she remembered all too well when she left Moonwhisker alone in the forest after telling her plan and she was killed by Echoheart. It's my fault. Riverstorm had done so many wrong things in her life, she felt as if she had caused the deaths of so many. I hope to see you in StarClan, sister.

She looked around the den, wondering about their other issue of their lack of a medicine cat. A Clan can't be a Clan without a medicine cat and Moonwhisker never took an apprentice.

"Excuse me, Riversotrm?" She lifted her head and turned around, spotting Skypaw standing in the medicine cat den entrance.

"Yes, Skypaw" Riverstorm faced the young warrior. "Did you need something?"

"I want to talk to you about something." He sighed and sat down, Riverstorm did the same. Skypaw and his siblings had been forced to become apprentices at a young age, before they were six moons and the three of them had been forced to grow up so soon, but they had all grown into incredible cats. Riverstorm wondered if she should make them warriors.

"I know that I'm not even a warrior yet," He spoke. "But I know that our warrior ceremonies probably aren't far off."

"Funny you say that, I was just thinking about making you and your siblings warriors after getting my nine lives."

He nodded slowly. "The truth is, while I want to become a warrior more than anything, I think there's something else that I need to do."

Riverstorm looked at him with deep concern. "What do you mean? Is something wrong?"

"We need a medicine cat, and no one else is willing to step forward. If StarClan will accept me, I am willing to become our new medicine cat."

Riverstorm's eyes went wide. "Are you sure, Skypaw? Are you absolutely certain this is what you want?"

"It's not about what I want, Riverstorm. It's about what AshClan needs. I will learn herbs with the help of StarClan and when its time for me to train an apprentice maybe I will return to being a warrior."

Riverstorm could barely believe what she was hearing. He is giving up his dream for the benefit of the Clan. Just as I did. "Skypaw you are being so incredibly mature and making a big sacrifice. AshClan will be very lucky to have you as a medicine cat and I will be honored to work along side you, leading this Clan."

"Thank you, Riverstorm." Skypaw dipped his head.

"We should inform the Clan, I will also be taking you with me to the Spirit Tree tonight, so StarClan can welcome you as a medicine cat." Skypaw agreed and he and Riverstorm stepped out into the camp. They would have to leave soon, but she needed to tell the Clan. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather for a Clan meeting!"

The Clan stopped working and turned to Riverstorm, it didn't take long for the remaining warriors to gather. "As you know, we are without a medicine cat but this brave apprentice has stepped forward and is willing to fill that role. Skypaw has decided that he will be trained by StarClan to be our new medicine cat."
There were several gasps of shock and his two siblings padded forward along with their parents Lilyclaw and Wheatwhisker. "Are you sure about this, Skypaw?" Wheatwhisker looked at his son.

"I am." Skypaw nodded. "AshClan needs a medicine cat, and I am willing to fill that role."

"I am so proud of you." Lilyclaw padded forward and nuzzled her son. "You will make a wonderful medicine cat."

"With that being said, Skypaw will be joining me on my journey to the Moonstone so he can be accepted by StarClan." The two of them bid their farewells and started off on their journey.

"So what do I need to do at the Moonstone?"

"I've never gone personally, but Moonwhisker told me that all you have to do is press your nose to the stone and StarClan will come to you." Skypaw nodded but she could tell he was nervous, she was too. But I have to be strong for him, I am his future leader.

The walk was long, but they soon approached the Spirit Woods. The trees were glowing in the faint moonlight and Riverstorm felt slightly uncomfortable, something about the place was incredibly eerie to her. She felt Skypaw press closer to her, he was clearly nervous as well.

One tree stood out amongst the rest, the Spirit Tree. It's roots twisted away revealing the cavern below. "Stay close." She told Skypaw and stepped into the cumbersome darkness. She felt a chilled air as they ventured into the pitch black tunnel, she could hear Skypaw's panicked breaths behind her, she touched her tail to his pelt to keep him calm.

The padded down the cold cavern and she was met by a blinding light as she faced the shimmering Moonstone. "Its beautiful..." Skypaw breathed out. "I never thought I would see it." Riverstorm anxiously stepped forward. I waited my whole life for this moment, and I am finally here.

She looked down at Skypaw. "Go ahead, you first." The timid apprentice padded forward and laid down in front of the stone. He hesitated for just a moment before pressing mus muzzle to the surface of the stone. The moment he did his entire body went still as StarClan pulled him in.

Riverstorm faced the stone herself, laying down and looked at the surface. It seemed as if the entire night sky was trapped inside. She took a deep breath, the noise echoing in the cavern and touched her nose to the Moonstone. She was met with a harsh cold and she slipped into pure blackness.

He body felt completely frozen, as if she had been buried alive in snow. She couldn't move and she wasn't even sure she was breathing. What's happening to me? Riverstorm tried to move, but her body wouldn't budge. StarClan help me! She started to panic, but her body would not give.

As she was panicking more and more, she felt warmth flow into her body and felt paws on her. "Riverstorm! Riverstorm!" Her eyes opened to the panicked face of Skypaw who looked over her. "Y-you weren't breathing."

Did I die? Riverstorm wondered but sat up, she briefly expected to be back in the Spirit Tree but the two of them were in the gathering hollow, it was silent. Riverstorm couldn't help but recall the violent battle that had just taken place here. "Look!" Skypaw exclaimed and motioned towards the sky. Riverstorm looked up and saw the stars seemingly falling from the sky.

The fell in front of the two of them and took the shape of nine cats, all of who Riverstorm recognized. Her heart filled with pain and love as she saw many of the cats she had loved and lost throughout her life. "Welcome, Riverstorm and Skypaw." It seemed as if all the voices of StarClan spoke at once, she could see Skypaw was very nervous.

Riverstorm's heart ached as Moonwhisker stepped forward, seeing her sister back to her original beauty filled her with such love. "Moonwhisker I--"

Moonwhisker gently shushed her. "There will be time for words later, sister." She looked at Skypaw. "For now, I would like to start with you." Skypaw forced his head high, clearly trying to look bigger and braver. "Being a medicine cat takes a lot of courage, patience and wisdom. You have already proven that you are worthy of a true medicine cat name by stepping forward and taking on this extensive role. I, and the other medicine cats of StarClan, will take great pride in training you, but first you need your true medicine cat name."

"I, Moonwhisker, former medicine cat of AshClan call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. Though he may not have trained to be a medicine cat, I know he has the heart of one." Skypaw swallowed nervously, but faced Moonwhisker. "Skypaw, do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do." His words carried weight, but Riverstorm knew he meant them.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your true name as a medicine cat. Skypaw, from this day forward you will be known as Skyfeather. StarClan honors your courage and sacrifice to take on this role and I welcome you as a full medicine cat of AshClan."

Moonwhisker touched her muzzle to Skyfeather's forehead and he licked her shoulder in return. "Thank you, Moonwhisker." Skyfeather bowed his head and stepped back and Moonwhisker turned her attention to Riverstorm.

"Now, it is your turn Riverstorm. It is time that you receive your nine lives and become AshClan's true leader." Moonwhikser padded up to her, she felt so overwhelmed at her sister's prescanse. "With this life I give you compassion. Never forget to look at your Clanmates with love and kindness, they are the heart of your Clan and they will help you lead this Clan into a bright future."

Moonwhisker touched her nose to Riverstorm's and her body was wracked with a fiery wave of pain that nearly took her breath away, she felt the fierce burning of anger and hatred only for it to slowly ebb away with the feeling of love and kindness. Riverstorm was left breathless. "That--that hurt."

"Each life will feel different, but you can handle it." Moonwhisker purred. "I am so proud of you." She stepped back to the line and the cat that took her place was Sharptongue, the elder that had been killed by Thornstar.

"It feels a bit weird to be doing this, but I want to see my Clan rise again so I am happy to give you this life, Riverstorm." Sharptongue had always been ill-tempered, but Riverstorm was glad to have his support. "With this life I give you stubbornness, sometimes that skill can help you. Use it when you need to stand strong and don't let any cat make you fall." He touched hus muzzle to hers and she felt a sensation of annoyance and frustration, but it soon faded away.

"Thank you." She mewed to Sharptongue and the tom returned to the line. The next cat up was Mistypool, Riverstorm's mother. It had been so long since she had seen her mother's face. What does she think of me? After everything that happened.

"Hello my daughter, oh how I've missed you." Mistypool purred.

"I've missed you too." As Riverstorm breathed in her mother's scent she felt a sense of familiarity and for a moment she was a kit again. "With this life I give you a mother's love. You never had kits of your own, so I want you to protect this Clan with the love that a mother has for her kits." Mistypool touched her nose to Riverstorm's and she felt a violent, agonizing shock of pain.

She let out a gasp and nearly fell to the ground. She felt love, but on a scale unlike any other. She felt a violent sense of protection for her Clanmates, after everything they had gone through she wanted to give them nothing but happiness and love. Mistypool stepped back and Riverstorm was finally able to talk a breath. "It's a powerful force, isn't it?" Mistypool gave Riverstorm one final comforting touch of her muzzle before returning, her place was taken by Ivystar.

"It's nice to see you here, Riverstorm. I'll admit I used to worry about your ambition but I know that your loss and experiences have shaped you into a strong warrior, you've come a long way and that's why with this life I give you pride. Take pride in your experiences, you have grown and worked so hard. Just don't like your pride turn into arrogance."

Ivystar stepped forward and touched her muzzle to Riverstorm's. This life was energizing, as she felt a sense of pride over herself. I did work hard for this. It didn't last very long and Ivystar stepped back. "Good luck, Riverstorm." She turned back and Riverstorm now faced her father.

"I knew I would see you as leader someday," Jayclaw mewed. "But I have some regrets, I treated your sister unfairly and I shouldn't have. I wish I could have been a better father to you three, so allow me to make up to you this way. With this life I give you strength, use it to fight through any battle you my face and come out on top."

Jayclaw pressed his muzzle to hers and she felt a sensation of fear weighing on her shoulders, but it was soon overcome with a sensation of strength and bravery. Jayclaw gave her a respectful nod and returned. Next up Silverstripe, Riverstorm's original mentor. That feels like such a different time in my life.

"I know you struggled when I died, but I do want you to know that I am proud of the warrior you became, but hopefully with this life, you will finally listen to me. With this life I give you patience, think before you act, it could save lives."

With this life, Riverstorm felt the frustration of wanting to act and not being able to, it was incredibly frustrating but as with her other lives, it faded away. "Thank you, Silverstripe." Riverstorm mewed quietly. "I wish I could've been a better apprentice to you."

"There's no need to worry about that now. I know you'll do great." Silverstripe returned to the line-up and the next cat nearly broke Riverstorm's heart. It was Batpaw, just as young and energetic as she remembered.

Upon looking at him she nearly fell apart. "Oh, Batpaw." She cried. "I'm so sorry, I failed you--"

Batpaw shook his head. "You didn't do anything wrong, Riverstorm." He waved his tail. "I was very lucky to have you as my mentor and I miss you a lot but I have no regrets. I'm giving you a life so you never forget your sense of adventure, have fun and explore. Remember the joys of being an apprentice out of the camp for the first time."

Riverstorm had to lower her head slightly to reach his muzzle and when she did she was sent a rush of excitement, one she had often felt with Batpaw. The sense of joy, excitement and adventure. "Thank you, Batpaw." She mewed to her former apprentice. "I will never forget this life, or you."

"I'll always be with you, Riverstorm. I promise." Batpaw quickly padded back to the lineup and next was Lionstar, Riverstorm's best friend.

"I'm glad that you are taking my place as leader, I wouldn't trust any other cat to bring this Clan back from the brink of destruction. Our friendship was so important to me and that's why with this life I give you friendship. Use it to build bonds and friendships with all the cats in your Clan, just as we did." Lionstar's life was also reassuring, she felt the joys she had spent with him, the closeness they felt. "Usually the leader that preceded you would give the last life, but everyone knew who it needed to be from."

Lionstar turned around Goldenstar rose to her feet, she gave her son a respectful nod and padded over to Riverstorm. "I knew from the moment that I found you out in the forest that you would be leading this Clan some day. It wasn't quite the straight forward path I pictured, but it's one that you worked hard. You didn't become leader because you deserved it, you became leader because you earned it and I am very proud of you."

"Thank you, Goldenstar." Riverstorm bowed her head. "This has always been my dream, and I am proud to have been your apprentice and Clanmate."

Goldenstar's eyes glowed. "With this life I give you determination. Never give up on your goals, you need to fight until you are exhausted to get what you want, fight for your Clan and fight for yourself but never turn your back on them." Goldenstar leaned forward and touched her muzzle to Riverstorm's.

With this life, Riverstorm was filled with the despair of wanting to give up, of feeling lost and hopeless but it eventually faded into a powerful burst of energy and drive. This is Goldenstar's determination. Goldenstar stepped back, her eyes shimmering with pride.

She raised her voice and began speaking, her powerful voice casting across the entire forest. "I hail you by your new name, Riverstar. Your old life is no more. You have now received the nine lives of a leader and I grant you guardianship of AshClan. Defend it well; care for young and old; honor your ancestors and the traditions of the warrior code; live each life with pride and dignity."

"Riverstar! Riverstar! Riverstar!" The cats of StarClan cheered her brand new name, and Riverstar felt a surge of energy. I've wanted this name for so long. I've worked hard, I've lost loved ones and made many mistakes, but I can now move forward and grow with the rest of my Clan. The future is bright, and not just mine, but all of AshClan's future.

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