Chapter 14

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After finally the showcase that was going on, I quickly acquired last-minute tickets to the Rookie class showcase. I looked at the somewhat long list of performers as I took my seat in the center back of the audience, there were going to be a total of 35 performers competing for top 3 in order to earn a princess key. Since there were this many performers, I surmised that this must be the first showcase Monsieur Pierre has held this year.

Just 2 minutes after I took my seat, the styling showcase had begun. First up we had a contestant named Altair, who immediately gained the crowd's attention. Not only was she the first contestant which gave her that edge if pulled off correctly, but her appearance made a good first impression on many.

Her hair was white as snow, and her eyes were an icy blue that was brimming with hope. She was dressed in ornate white gown with gold trim and a cobalt blue cape, the pokemon next to her was a Shiny Sylveon which was wearing a silver crown and had a white cape draped over its body with fur lining, in addition to that the back of the cape was embroidered with stars and to top it all off, on each of its paws were bands with light blue wings on them.

However, something felt off about her, I could feel... a pull, was the best way to describe this sensation, like magnets attracted to each other but at the same time a push as well.

After her, we had a person named  Opal who went with the theme of the ocean and sea, having Vaporeon as her partner and she was dressed in a light blue kimono with a wave design all over it. Vaporeon had these blue teardrop earrings hanging from's ears and wore a dark blue suit.

The third was Aikiko, and true to the meaning of her name, she had an entire autumn theme. Dressed in a white shirt with images of autumn leaves all over it, along with a vermillion zipper hoodie and some jeans. Her partner was Eevee, and it had a bunch of charms that represented autumn on a necklace it wore, and also have a matching hoodie with its paws encased orange sneakers.

TIME SKIP, I'm too lazy to write all 35, although I would love to because it makes the story longer XD.

After an hour and 15 minutes, we reached contestant 35, whose name was Victoria.

Her attire consisted of a light pink blouse under a black vest with gold buttons, magenta pants, and knee-high boots. She also had a black eye mask and a dark purple cavalier hat. she fittingly had Gourgeist as her partner but its hair was brown and the pumpkin portion of its body dyed magenta, it had a similar face mask and had some silver hairclips with pink gems in its hair.

After all of them had shown off their capabilities, we looked to the tablets in front of us to click on the icon of who we thought would win. Altair placed first, with Victoria in second, and a person named Akatsuki in third. Second and Third had a close gap with 7 votes, but second and first was much bigger at 21 people. The contestants then came on stage and bowed before the showcase ended with a speech from Monsieur Pierre.

"That wasn't half bad, though I don't get why anyone would take up a career in it, to each their own I suppose," I said as I got up and headed for the nearest exit while I could hear Angel and Hime converse about all the different outfits and ask Ōkami his opinion.

As I was walking out though, an explosion rattled the theater and looking up I saw a helicopter that had shot a missile towards the other side of the theater while team rocket grunts were dropping from it. I had no obligation to intervene and no interest in doing so either, in addition, fighting in such a public space and revealing myself would be troublesome so I went on my merry way.

Only to encounter a grunt who clearly had no intention of letting anyone pass and was trying to keep us all in, I had no time for this and asked him nicely once if he could move.

His response was "Give me all your pokémon bitch and we may let you walk out with some bruises"

This man was ruder than any other grunt of team rocket I had encountered, and so instead of sparing him, I used my whip chains from my wrist and decapitated him right then and there before continuing my stroll.

I had cast some minor illusion beforehand so no one could tell my identity or have the slightest chance to do so, and I enjoyed the rest of my walk back to the train station.

However, it seems the day was not done yet as an Officer Jenny had stopped me for looking suspicious, so after some mildly invasive tests, I was free to go once more.

After boarding the train I quickly sat down and looked out the window, where I could see the action going down. Using enhanced sight I could see the officers arriving on scene and taking some of the grunts by surprise before a full firefight broke out. Smoke rose from every crevice of the theater and I wondered how many casualties there would be.

After observing for a while, I turned around and looked out the other side at the sea and stared blankly at it until I arrived at my station before making my way back to base for dinner, a shower, and some quality sleep.

Hey! Next chapter we'll get back to the action and it'll be full, of it trust me. Other notes: COVID-19 is the bane of my existence, and my remote schooling has started and I'm being swarmed by a graduation research essay due next month and a fully coded game also due in days. Ja ne!

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