Chapter 19: Return

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I arrived at the airport and picked up my team before driving us to the inn I was staying at and getting them rooms before leaving them to their own devices and grabbing my duffle bag to head out towards Hammerlocke before I blacked out again.

Third Person POV

Once he got to Hammerlocke he stopped by the vault to check what they had there, and just as he expected, all they had were those tapestries of "The Darkest Day". They didn't stand out to him in any way and once he looked around the room for any hidden switches and such he left and jumped onto a house that looked over the path to the station. 

There he waited for about 15 minutes before some small commotion happened and I looked over to see the police escorting a black SUV. 

He grabbed his rifle out of his bag and loaded it with armor-piercing rounds before taking aim and realizing the windows were too blacked out for him to see anything so he switched to infrared and the windows blocked that too. He scowled for a second before deciding that hand to hand was going to be the best option here, however, he first had to disable the car so they didn't just drive off. 

He reached into his bag and grabbed two of the expanding foam balls and jumped into action, throwing them at the front of the car, jamming the two wheels and sticking it there for a while before throwing a smoke bomb as well.

He immediately disabled one officer by landing on him and commandeered his gun to use for himself. He dashed towards the position of the car only to be greeted by a Bolthound that was going to use Thunder Fang. He quickly brought out the knife he had for defense and slashed the leg so the dog fell over in pain before moving on. 

He brought the pistol in front of him and shot the officer that appeared in the chest before kneeing the officer again for good measure. A random bullet grazed his arm not soon after and he dropped to a crouch before moving towards the next officer. 

Unfortunately, the next officer had a Growlithe that used flamethrower, he covered his face with his arms and dashed straight through it and clocked the Growlithe in the face before jumping over the officer and sweeping her off her legs before knocking her out with a kick only to be put in a chokehold from behind.

He still had the knife in hand and slashed the burly man's side before using the brief opening to kick the man in the chest and try a roundhouse kick that the man caught before flipping Ash over. Ash narrowly dodged another bullet fired his way and jumped over the car and landed on the front windshield. The smoke was starting to clear so Ash sped up his movement from disabling to killing. The nearest officer fired a shot that hit his side and it knocked the wind out of him for a second, that second was enough to have a Mightyena pounce on him.

Ash brutally kicked the Mightyena off him before it could headbutt him and shot the officer that had shot him before. Ash saw the target out the corner of his eye escaping with 2 officers as an escort and they had a Lycanroc and a Manectric with them making it pretty difficult to just take them head-on.

He reloaded the pistol he had stolen and readied another expanding ball before assessing the situation, his only objective was to kill Lillie Aether, however, now the smoke had pretty much cleared and the officers and pokemon were watching like a hawk while people had also started gathering and no doubt reinforcements were on the way.

Weighing his chances, he decided to take one shot at Lillie, and if it failed he would make a hasty retreat.

Unfortunately for him, Raihan could be seen rushing over.

He carefully peeked over the hood of the car and lined up his shot, the world moving in slow motion as one crowd member screamed, prompting the police to look over and spot him the dog pokemon rushed at him and he pulled the trigger once he thought he had lined it up. It would've hit, of not for two factors. One was that Lycanroc had fired stone edge at him and that made the bullet go off course, and the second was that when Ash and Lillie locked eyes for that split second, it seemed like time had stopped altogether. 

He developed tunnel vision and it was like he was flying through a corridor at some high speed, the scenery flashing by him. 

"Remember, Remember who you are, what your goal is, and our contract, Return to me and fulfill your end of the deal. Ash Delta, The Cloned One."  Voltanuc's voice echoed throughout his head and a dizzying pain enveloped him, he barely knew what was going on and ran on instinct, scaling a house and jumping roof by roof, feeling he could collapse at any minute but knowing his survival depended on running.

End Third Person POV

"What, was that?" I breathed out as I came to my senses and collapsed on the grass, 

"Wait, Grass?"  I instantly shot up and looked around while hearing a bunch of frightened squeaks.

Panting, I sat there as I tried to mitigate the horrible headache and then realized what had happened.

"DAMN!" I yelled aloud while slamming my fist into the ground seething in anger as my heart was beating erratically.

"Wait, Anger? That's something that shouldn't exist within me, my emotions were torn from my body during that experiment, could this be a side effect of regaining my memory?" I sat deep in thought while letting myself calm down.

"Fro, Froakie" I heard in front of me and saw a Froakie presenting me with a Sitrus berry, I lifted my shaking arm and took it before taking a bit out of it. Savoring it's sweet and sour flesh that energized me and took away some of my exhaustion.

After finishing eating, I realized I was surprisingly wet, and it wasn't from sweat so I decided to look around. It turns out that I was on a small island in the wild area, so I went by the water to wash my face and hands before thinking about a way back, Arceus knows how long it's been since I started running.

I noticed a Milotic nearby and tried communicating with it, just for it to ignore me with a shocking amount of hostility. So I simply sent out my emotions with Aura and after a few seconds, it turned around and reluctantly let me on it's back before swimming to the main part of the wild area.

I thanked it profusely before seeing it off and walking back towards Hammerlocke to retrieve my duffle bag if possible, and then head back to the inn as it was nearly nightfall.

"Voltanuc, you there?" 

"Yes, what do you need?"

"Nothing, just wanted to check that you hadn't abandoned me after what had happened. Speaking of which, what's up with that Altair girl, she seemed odd the first time I saw her but is she now being used as an envoy?"

"My best guess is that she houses an Empress or Emperor as well and that's why she was targeted, as  for when she was captured, I would bet on that Team Rocket attack that you ignored."

"I see, so that was my mistake, in any case, we will have to deal with her at some point, as for the  Darkness, we need to be warier than ever before now that it's bared its fangs."

"Indeed, I doubt we will get a second chance like this again, on a side note, in order to protect myself from the Darkness, I had to explain some stuff to Lillie so you should probably go and check on her"

"Why should I go check on her? It's not like she is an essential part of our plans, and she can't possibly do anything with that info you gave her, right?"

"No, she can't, but according to human customs, apologizing when you've done something wrong is very widespread as a tradition." 

"Pardon? You want me to risk getting my face plastered all over the region for an apology? You should know I'm not human either, speaking of which, what happened to that Ketchum kid I was cloned after?"

"Ah, The Chosen One? He is unfortunately in critical condition from the fight with Groudon, the only upside being that Groudon is also in such a state. So that leaves you as my only way to fight the Darkness and restore the world to what it once was. As for the details of your cloning, that I do not know, so you'll have to figure out what's going on yourself."

"I see, well you should rest up for now and after I take the Relics for the Sword and  Shield pokemon, we can attempt to free them"

"Alright, sounds good"

I picked up my duffle bag from the roof and then flew off into the sunset towards the inn to get a good night's rest.

This was a pretty interesting chapter to write, I did enjoy writing it though and I hope you enjoyed reading it! I hope you and your families are well during this time, and be sure to stay safe out there! Ja ne!

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