Chapter: 14

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"O-ok. Do you remember anything else? Like why you were in the woods, or why you have that knife wound?" I asked quickly.

"Um..." he squinted and scrunched up his nose as he thought hard, "n-no... I don't," he said with a sigh.

"It's fine, it's perfectly ok," I said reassuringly.

He sighed again then gave me a small smile, "ok, thanks."

"How do your wounds feel? I cleaned and bandaged them," I said to change the subject.

"They feel a whole lot better! Thanks!"

"No problem!"

We sat for a few moments in silence until Sarajah walked in. She was carrying two loafs of bread and two apples. My mouth watered at the sight and I realized how hungry I was. She set the food down in front of us and then turned and disappeared down a tunnel again. I tossed Jackson a loaf and an apple and took the others for myself.

I bit into the apple and flavor exploded in my mouth. It had been years since I had eaten an apple. They were always out of our price range. Eating the apple slowly I savored every single bite. I ate the apple down to the very core getting every thing off of it.

"I think you missed some there," Jackson said.

"What?" I asked snapping back into reality.

"I said, I think you missed a bit on that apple."

"What? Where?"

"I'm kidding! I'm just kidding!"

"Oh...well, haha," I said as I rolled my eyes.

I threw my apple core out the entrance of the cave and heard it hit the water with a satisfying splash. I then reached for the loaf of bread with a satisfying smirk. I tore off small chunks and ate them slowly. I was thinking about what I was supposed to do now when Sarajah walked back in with a jug of water and set it down. She went back into the tunnel and came back a minute later with a couple of cups which she set down next to the pitcher. I thanked her and poured myself a cup of water.

Why is she being so nice? She was the one who insisted that I leave... I need to talk to her about it.

I took a slow sip from my cup as I pondered what to say to Sarajah. I was angry with her for forcing me to leave, but now she was all of a sudden welcoming us. I didn't know what to think about it.

"Don't drown," Jackson said.

"Hmm...what?" I asked snapping back from my thoughts.

"I said, don't drown!"

I wrinkled up my nose and forehead to give him a confused look. He gave a disgusted sigh and rolled his eyes.

"Do you not understand humor?!? I said that because you were taking a drink from that cup for like five minutes!" he exclaimed in exasperation.

"I was just thinking about stuff," I replied.

"Ah! There's no hope for you! Do you ever laugh?"

"Sometimes..." I said as a mischievous smile crept up my face

"Oh, no!"

He tried to get up and run, but before he had a chance to I emptied the remaining contents of my cup onto his head. The look he gave me and the dripping mop of hair on his head caused me to burst out in a fit of laughter. When I had gained control of my laughter I glanced at him again only to see him with the jug of water in his hand a split second before I felt the water all over me. I gave him a death stare. He tried to return it, but erupted in laughter instead. I tried to continue my look, but I couldn't handle it and joined him in laughing.

I was laughing so hard that I could barely breath. I tried to take a breath, but I choked on my air somehow which caused us to laugh even more. We ended up on the ground because of laughing.

When we had finally stopped laughing and had caught our breath I glanced at Jackson. He had a big smile on his face and color in his cheeks that wasn't there before. There was also a twinkle in his eye that I hadn't seen yet.

Sarajah came rushing into the main cave.

"Is everyone ok?" She asked worriedly.

"Yeah, everything is fine. Why?" I questioned.

"It sounded like a fight was going on out here or that someone was being attacked!"

"Well...I mean there kinda was a fight..."

Jackson and I made eye contact and the laughter started again. Sarajah rolled her big blue eyes and walked away. Once we had contained our laughter we sat there in silence gazing out at the darkening sky. The moon was starting to shine, and the stars were staring to twinkle. I took a deep breath and sighed deeply.

"Thank you," I said as I turned to Jackson.

"For what?" He asked with a baffled look on his face.

"For the fun. I haven't laughed like that in years."


"It's a long and depressing story that I would rather not dampen the beauty of this evening with."

"Oh, ok. I understand."

" me about yourself," I said in an effort to get the subject off of me.

"Um...I can't," he responded.

"Why no--oh...I forgot...sorry!"

"It's ok. Why don't you tell me about your family?"

The one subject I don't want to talk about and was trying to avoid was my family!

Jackson gave me a questioning look.

", my father is a cloth merchant and my mother is a seamstress. We live in a relatively nice house and have two servants. I also have my own horse. She's a beauty..." I said.

"What is your horses name?" He asked.


"That life sounds really nice..."

"Yeah it was--I mean is! It's great..."

Why did I just lie to him and tell him about my old life? I'm so stupid!
Author's note: Hey guys! What's up? How did you like my chapter? Did you like some of Scarlette's back story? How are you liking Jackson? Please give me constructive criticism! Please comment and vote!


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