Chapter: 7

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We flew along the boarder of Ashenveil and Marrif. It was amazing to watch everything fly by-once I shifted around enough to be comfortable in Sarajah's claws. The wind whipped my hair into my face. "Sarajah!" I called, but my words were lost in the wind. I knew it was no use to try again, so I just waited. We slowly got closer and closer to the ground until Sarajah dropped me on the ground and landed a few feet away. I stood up and dusted my clothes off.

"Well, that was interesting," I said.

"See that rock over there?" Sarajah said.

I looked to my left and saw a huge rock.

"How could I miss it?" I asked.

She ignored my sarcasm and continued on.

"And see that little black hole at the top?"


"That's how you'll be getting in."

"Um..ok...but how do we know he's not right below the hole?"

"We don't."

"Lovely," I said under my breath.

"Now climb up the rock and go down the hole."

"How are we going to get your hatchlings out?"

"Look around until you find them, then lift them out of the hole one at a time."

"Ok, are they very heavy?"

"No, there pretty small,"

"Oh, good!"

"About fifty pounds."

"What?!? I'm not the strong!!"

You'll be fine! Now go! We've wasted enough time already!"

I climbed up the rock to the hole and peeked down before I jumped in. I landed with a soft thud on the dirt covered floor.

The cave was dark and smelled musty. I took a deep breath and sneezed as the swirling dust, that I had disturbed, got in my nose. My sneeze echoed through the cave loudly. I held my breath and stood completely still listening for the sound of an angry dragon. I heard nothing. Once I had calmed myself I looked around and realized they my eyes had adjusted to the darkness. I saw three tunnels leading away from the room I was in. I went to the entrance of the first tunnel and stood for awhile listening for any noises. Silence. As I started down the tunnel every sense was alert listening and looking for any sign of danger. I walked down the tunnel searching every room, dip, and corner for the hatchlings. Every time I stepped into a small space in the wall chills went up my spine. I was reminded of my fear of dark, small spaces.

I reached the end of the first tunnel with no luck, so I headed back to the room I began in. When I arrived there I went to the entrance of the second tunnel and stood there listening. I heard nothing. I went down the tunnel doing the same thing that I did in the first tunnel.

I don't know how long I had been searching the tunnel when I heard a noise. I whirled around in time to see a shadow. I inhaled sharply as I felt a hand, from behind, cover my mouth.

"Shhhhh......." A quiet voice whispered in my ear.

I felt myself being dragged into a side tunnel by the person........or thing that held me.

"If I let you go, will you promise not to scream?" The voice said quietly.

I nodded my head vigorously. The hold on my mouth was released. I turned my head to see who or what it was. I gasped in surprise.


Author's note: Hey guys! So sorry I haven't updated in a long time! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Did you like it? Please comment and vote!


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