Betrayed again

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Maverick and I find a nice quiet bench to sit on the cold air feels like it is going right through my bones. Maverick looks as broody and nervous as ever, which makes me fret about what is going to come out of his mouth.

"Ellie I never meant to hurt you, I just wanted you to come to the party with me so badly. It felt like we were starting to drift apart I was hanging out with a different crowd of people I was drinking, smoking and doing drugs. I did not want you to be around them but you insisted that you should come so I asked you to come along with me. I knew exactly what was going to happen at that party and I was hoping that it would so you could realize that I was not the right person for you any longer." Maverick say as he stares at me.

"Maverick that was never your decision to make for me, if you would have let me I would have helped you I would have took you away from all of those friends, I would have cherished you forever but you chose her you chose to leave me and you chose to make me hate you" I fired right back at him.

" I know Ellie baby now that I have you in front of me I am planning on never letting you go ever again, I am going to do anything that I can to get you back make you blissfully happy and make you forgive me". Maverick said to me with optimistic eyes

I start to think about how it would have been if that party would have never happened would Maverick and I still be together or would we have ultimately drifted apart into our unavoidable fate. I peek up at Maverick, oh god he's so beautiful it hurts.

"You don't get to call me baby anymore Maverick so please stop or I will end this discussion" I said so he understood where we stand, so he understood that it hurts me so much to have to tell him this.

"Ok sorry Ellie" he says with a defeated look in his eyes, it makes me want to hold him in my arms and never let go, until I remember what he did to me and the hole in my chest starts to rip its self open again.

He starts to continue his story "I remember that night as clear as day Georgia walked into the party with her group and I walked in with my group we all began drinking, I had never been more intoxicated in my life Georgia asked me to come upstairs everything was telling me not to go with her but the alcohol and drugs took over my body and my feet started to do the walking.

She got me into bed and we started having sex, rough dirty and all wrong sex. The whole time I was thinking about you, wishing it was you, and asking myself why I am here doing this. After we were done we both crashed on the bed and woke up in the morning and made a promise to each other that we would never tell you, even though I would eventually tell you.

So when I seen her walking towards us at the party I knew it was going to be over , I knew what she was going to say and when she stopped her rigid body in from of us I knew that she was about to break our promise, but finally I knew that I was about to lose you.

The look on your face will haunt me up until this day Ellie, but I knew you were going to be better off without me at that point so I let you walk away. As I look at Maverick with a wide open mouth at his explanation I get ready to say what I have been dying to say to him for five years. I have always wanted to lash out on him, hurt him as badly as he hurt me but for some reason the words were not coming out of my mouth.

"You broke my heart Maverick and I am not sure you can pick up the pieces, I waited for you to show up at my door or for a phone call but it never happened. It felt like I was waiting for the eventual dream that never became a reality".

"Angel I promise you it won't happen again" Maverick said

"I don't think I will be able to forgive and forget that easily Maverick, I think that we should just start with being friend" I said to him as I twiddled my fingers in my lap.

Maverick started to explain to me that when he finished high school he took a business program in University, and eventually his parents who are the best parents you can think of having gave him money to start his own small security corporation.

In that time the security business started booming and now he is the owner of a multi-billion dollar Security Company called Asher Security Enterprise. I could not believe that he had become so successful, well I could but I could not at the same time.

As we sit on the park bench Maverick continues to tell me about how his parents are his sister and then I realize how much I miss them.

Out of the corner of my eyes I see someone approach us, someone who in a million years I never thought that I would see again. The bitch, why is she walking up to Maverick and I. As I realize that she is walking towards Maverick I start to stare hoping that what I am putting together in my head is not true.

"What is going on?" I asked his fretfully

He just looked at me and mouthed I am so sorry angel, his composure went rigid again as she glared at me with her evil eyes. All the memories start to flood my head again, I am going to cry. Tears start to spill down my cheeks and Maverick grabs my hand but I snatch it away from him just as quick. He is nervous I can tell, the look on his face says it all.

"What the hell are you doing with my boyfriend?"

And I felt my world start to whirl all over again.

SOOOOOO i got one more chapter out this afternoon it was a boring day at work so I thought i would make it a little more interesting!!!! What do you guys think of this chapter. 

Do you think Maverick is going to stay with Ellie on that bench and ditch Georgia???

What do you think is going to happen next?

Leave your votes and comments please  

And thank you so much again for all of the reads 

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