Chapter 11

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I wake up in the morning and I am about to stretch my arms but something is holding me down I start to panic. I then remember that Maverick stayed over last night, I have to tell myself that it's just Maverick and he would never hurt me; it is like a mantra in my head. I start to get up silently so I can use the bathroom. As I run into the bathroom to relieve myself I notice that Zoe is sitting in the kitchen. She gives me a look as to say that we need to talk, I nod at her. Once I get out of the bath room I start telling Zoe about the crazy three days that we had I tell her about running into Georgia, and enlighten her about the little run in that we had with her. She is staring back at me with her mouth wide open.

"So are you guys back together now?" She asks me with a self-satisfied grin.

"Ya Ya rub it in my face, but I think that he is a changed man, well he's-" I don't get to finish my sentence because I heard a loud moan.

"ELLIE" Maverick screams.

I run as fast as my legs can take me back into my room; I realize that Maverick may as well still be naked so I tell a worried Zoe to stay in the living room. As I start to run in a panic to my room he is thrashing all over the place, and I remember Maverick always had nightmare but I also remember that his nightmares were next to non excitant when I slept with him.

"Maverick, Maverick baby wake up it's just a nightmare"

His eyes open and he is sweating, he looks humiliated.

"Ellie you must have left, I thought you left; I thought you left me" He said all broad eyed.

"Maverick I just needed to use the bathroom I was going to come right back." I said to him as he grabbed me and put me on top of him. He's holding me I can feel his sweat on my T-shirt, its soaking right through. I then realize what he is trying to do as her starts to touch me.

He wants me I can feel his heartbeat against my chest and I want him more. I want him to forget that he even had that dreadful nightmare. I feel him slip his hands in my panties as he starts to tug off his boxers at the same time. Within seconds he is buried in me and I am screaming. I can tell by the pace of his hips moving that it is going to be quick and to be honest I want it to be. I want him to show me how I can make him forget all the pain he is going through, with one last thrust we both come together.

I look down at Maverick the man that has squeezed his way back into my life and into my heart. I then realize way to quickly that I am falling in love with him again and I am going to enjoy every second of it. Maverick and I both get up from the bed and start to change I have a couple of classes to go to and Maverick has a business to run. We both say our goodbyes to Zoe and she gives us both a hug and tells us to have a good day.

Maverick drives me to school and just as I am about to get out of the car Maverick is on the other side waiting to open the door for me."Have a good day Angel, and by the way I am going to pick you up from work today and we are going to have a nice quiet dinner at my house, uninterrupted by anyone."

"Ok baby." I say to him as I stand on my tippy toes to give him a kiss on the cheek, but in a last minute attempt he turns his cheek and give kisses me like he might never see me again. I watch Maverick get into his car a drive away faster than I have seen him before. I wonder why his mood has changed so suddenly. Until I realize why, my best friend that I have missed dearly is behind me its Gabriel.

"Hey Ellie it's so nice to see you I missed you, what have you been up to?" He said to me with that bright smile that I care for so much."Oh nothing Maverick and I have gotten back together, so we have been spending a lot of time together trying to figure everything out again."

"That's great Ellie, we have to go out for dinner and some drinks soon how about the weekend?" He asks me

"Sound perfect I will text you with the details." I say back to him, but Maverick is going through my mind I don't know how he is going to react to this. He's just going to have to get over it I am going to have friends and he is not going to stop me.

As I run to try to get to my second class I run into two people who I could have gone without seeing for the rest of my life.

Georgia and Brysen are standing in front of me holding hands; she has a wicked look on her face while he has an arrogant one.

"Hey Elouise, I know you have met my boyfriend Brysen right." Georgia says to me as she starts to move in quicker

"Yeah I do but I am going to be late for class." I try to sneak by them but Brysen grabs me by the arm hard and tells me not to move.

"Elouise you are going to take back all the accusations that you made on my boyfriend to the police tell them it was a lie, in fact I don't care what you tell them. But as long as you walk out of that police station with them convinced that you lied to them I will make your life a living nightmare." She threatened.As I am about to retort back to the both of them and tell her absolutely not I can feel the presence of my man behind me. I can feel his heavy breathing on my neck and his rapid heartbeat in my ear.

"Ellie angel, what the fuck is she talking about, why would you have to call the police?" Maverick says to me I can feel his irritation taking over and I am fearful of what he is going to do.

"Maverick baby I will explain everything to you lets go." I said to him in urgency

"Tell me what the fuck is going on here." He says looking at me

But just then when I thought I was going to get Maverick and I out of this situation Georgia had to open her big fucking mouth.

"She is alleging that my boyfriend raped her."

I looked over to Maverick as he started to put the pieces together, Georgia's hand was in Brysen's I could see the black over taking his eyes and I knew Maverick was going to lose his mind.

IfI were Brysen right now I would be trying to find a place to hide.   

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