Chapter 24

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As Zoe and I are driving along the street I realize that the leaves on the trees are starting fall. I sigh to myself knowing that winter is around the corner and snow is about to litter the streets. I see Zoe looking at me in the corner of her eye. "Ellie what the hell happened?" I am still reeling from the information Dr. Nash gave me.

"Ellie what happened?" Is she calling my name again, I can't hear her with the faint buzzing sounds in my ear. My heart is pounding at 100 miles a minute. Why would Maverick not tell me about Georgia and his marriage? I think I deserved to know, why does he chose to lie to me over and over again. Well I mean technically speaking it would not be a lie but still.

I look over to Zoe and she sees that I have tears falling down my face.

"Zoe, he was or still is married I don't know." That's all that I said to her, in an instant I had my best friends hand in mine.

"What do you mean he was married Ellie." She is as confused as I am, looking at me with sympathy in her eyes.

"I don't know Zoe Dr.Nash." I started to say but she opened her mouth to cut me off.

"What do you mean Dr.Nash Ellie? Why would be telling you and he is your Psychologist why would he be getting involved in your relationship." I looked at Zoe and realized I still have so much to explain to her.

"Well Maverick thought it would be a good idea if we took a therapy together. He wanted me to understand that he loves me and needs me. So he called Dr.Nash and paid for a couple's session, but as soon as I walked into his office he started acting weird. We started to talk about our relationship and in the meeting I had a revelation and realized that I love Maverick so I told him. Maverick had to leave to attend to his business. But after he left Dr.Nash started to get weird. He told me about Mavericks married and asked me if I was sure I wanted to be with him." I realized that I am now crying.

"Ellie I think that you and Maverick might have jumped way too quickly. I am sure he was going to explain the marriage thing to you but it still was not right. But it was also not right of Dr.Nash to interfere I hope you talk to him about this and find someone else." Zoe says to me well she is pulling into the parking lot.

"Defiantly, I just want to try to get some sleep I am so emotionally tired right now and I still have two exams to still for that are tomorrow. I am just glad that by Friday I will be done them all and not have to worry." I smile as I appreciate how hard that I have work for my degree. I am also excited to start my new internship. It is at a Psychologist's office I will have my own desk and even my own patients. Also they will pay me for it which will be amazing.

"Ok Ellie I good luck on your exams tomorrow, I am going to be gone early in the morning for my exams so I will see you in the evening." Zoe says as she walks towards her room.

"Love you Zoe good night and thank you for everything." She smiles at me a sends an air kiss my way and I catch it like we always do.

It is only eight and I am exhausted I take a look at my phone and see that I have twenty missed calls and ten messages from Maverick.

Ellie are you done with your appointment yet I am on my way.

Ellie answer the fucking phone please.

Ellie seriously you are starting to worry me please answer your phone.

Ok that is it Ellie I am coming to your house and you better fucking be there and have a good explanation as to why you dint answer.

Shit. Shit. Shit. He is on his way over here now. I should have known that this was coming I just dint think he would come all the way here. I put on some clothes and start heading to the window in my apartment to see if I can see his car parked in the parking lot.

It is there but I don't see him.


That is when I hear it and bang on the front door of my apartment.

"ELLIE OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR." I hear him scream through the crack and he is furious so mad.

"NO MAVERICK I NEED SOME SPACE SO GO HOME." I scream back at him he needs to understand I won't sit back and let him scream at me.

"NO ELLIE, I WONT GO HOME WE NEED TO TALK OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR OR I WILL KICK IT THE FUCK OPEN." He is still screaming, I am going to let him in but I need him to calm down a little bit.

I then see Zoe come out of her room and yawn and stretch her arms out. "Ellie is everything ok is that Maverick screaming?"

"Yeah it is just go back to bed Zoe I will take care of it." I say to my sleepy friend and she walks back to the room and closes the door.

I then hear my door handle jiggling again and I hear Maverick take a deep breath in and out. I look out of the door peep hole and see Maverick slowly sliding down the wall till he hits the floor. His hands are covering his face and his hair looks like he has been pulling at it way too much. O god I can't stand to see him like that my heart is ripping in half. I stand there deliberating if I want to have this conversation with him in the house while Zoe is trying to get sleep.

I decided to let Maverick sit outside of the door a bit longer and get dressed into a pair of tights and a comfortable sweater. I knock lightly on the door and tell Zoe that I am going to go to Mavericks house for a bit and she nods her head and I walk out. I look though the peep hole again and still see Maverick in the same position. I start to unlock the door and I see him move his hands from his face and look at me. I start to slide down the wall beside him he tries to put his hand in mine but I move it away. He is looking at me with wide terrified eyes.

"Why Ellie angel what did I do please tell me I can't take this." His eyes are looking right into my soul, but I need to be firm with him.

"Maverick we need to talk and you need to start being more honest with me. But not here I am going to come to your house. Zoe is trying to sleep and I don't want to wake her." I tell him as I get up and start to walk towards the elevator. He is up in two seconds and walking quickly towards me.

"Ellie please angel don't leave me I can't live without you, I'm begging you baby please." Maverick says to me, I just look down and press the elevator button so he doesn't see me crying.

We get into Mavericks car and starting riding down the street not saying a word to each other. 

I hope that all of you enjoy this chapter it was so fun to write this one with Maverick starting to get more crazy and obsessive. I love to see that side come out in him, but I also love to see Ellie standing her  ground as well and give Maverick a challenge. Please do not forget to vote and comment and read read read love ya all !! :) 

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