So we meet again

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"Ellie come on you are going to be late for your class". Screams my fiery red headed friend from the kitchen, I wake up in a panic not realizing that I only now have fifteen minutes left to brush my hair out of its knotted mess and squirt a couple of sprays of perfume on my body.

"OK OK Zoe I am just brushing my hair as we speak". I say back to her.

I hear Zoe say in the background about how she is going to be late to one of her classes and say bye as she slams the door on the way out of the apartment. I look up in the mirror and try to tame my unruly curls but they don't seem to be cooperating with me.

Today is my first day back in my second year of my psychology program, also a new year without a certain man in my life that I don't like to talk about. Speaking of which I should start to look up security camera company's. I take a look on my computer and find one, and call the first one I see. 

"Asher Security Enterprise how may I help you?" as soon as I hear the name Asher recollections of memories start flooding my head as I think about a love so long ago. It cant be that Asher Ellie you left him long ago. 

The way to cheerful lady sets up a scheduled time for the company to come in to look at the apartment at the end of the week and I am satisfied that I have accomplished one thing on my list today.

As I approach the front of the school and look up to its beautiful structure I realize that this is where I want to be right now head in the books learning about psychology which comforts me. As I walk into my first class I see the bright eyes of my other best friend who is also a Psychology major along with me.

His name is Gabriel Daniels and he is a notorious man whore, ok so not so much man whore but he definitely has a hard time sticking to one guy. He is spontaneous, spunky and the most wonderful friend, he is always here for me on my worst days and makes me laugh and on my best ones.

"Hey Ellie its Thursday night and we don't have classes tomorrow what do you say about a night out on the town" says Gabriel

"Ok ok but I am telling you now that I want to be home by at least one am because I still have to get up early tomorrow for the security company that is coming to install the security system".

Once we agreed on a time and place to meet I head off to get some lunch and go home to take a peaceful nap before we go out. I am rudely woken up by a banging on my door panicky I grab a hold of the baseball bat and slowly make my way to the front door and look through the peephole to see my asshole of a best friend jumping up and down.

As I open the door he screams at me for not being ready even though it is only eight in the evening, I tell him to wait for me in the living room while I get ready. I open the door to my bedroom to see a smiling face beaming at me, god I love my best friend so much sometimes. We lock the door and make our way out.

As we pass by many bars we finally decided on a fancy bar on King Street and when we enter we are greeted and sat down at a table. We order food to start I get a cheeseburger minus the tomatoes and Gabriel gets fish tacos and some salad.

As we sit and wait for our food Gabriel decides that he is going to go to the bar to get us some drinks to start off with. When he comes back he has two cosmopolitans in one hand and two shots of something red in the other. We down the drink our drinks and our food arrives and we dig in.

Two hours later Gabriel and I are talking about one of the people in the world that meant so much to me at one point in my life Maverick. 

"See Gabriel I was in a relationship with someone that I thought I would always love. His name was Maverick he was beautiful. Black shoulder length hair and beautiful green eyes. We loved each other and did everything together from study to watching movies. One day I went to a party with Maverick and his friends decided that they would tell me that my boyfriend just slept with my enemy. Georgia was the most popular girl in school and always bullied me but Maverick decided to cheat on me with her. So I changed schools and left Maverick and never seen him again after that." Wow look back at that it makes me want to cry but it also makes me miss Maverick. 

"I am so sorry that happened to you Ellie, I can't believe he was such a jerk to you, you deserve much better and for both our sakes I hope that we both never see him again."

We both break out into a fit of laughter and I am starting to regret how much I drank because I know I am going to have a dreadful headache tomorrow.

As the night goes on we start to make our way to the dance floor and dance until our feet hurt, but out of the corner of my eye I can see someone staring at me in the distance. I start to study his features I realize that he looks familiar. I would recognize those green eyes from anywhere. His black slicked back hair in addition to the way the he stands all broody and miserable.

I start to pale Gabriel asks me "what is wrong?" and I ignore him. I see him start walking towards me my palms start to sweat and now I recognize him as Maverick Ryker Asher the man who broke my heart. 

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