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They flew towards Jade Mountain. Raker knew that there were students in their classes, but her mind was telling her that there was danger there, so that's where she led the others, just to find out what's happening or what will happen. "I'm a bit tired." She heard NorthLight complain. "Where are we going?" DeadWings asked behind her. She was to focused in the direction she was going in to notice, her mind was whirling with questions ever since what happened yesterday. Glow still did twirls in the air happily. Raker and the others could see Jade Mountain in the distance and the other smaller mountains surrounding it. At the sight, Raker flew harder. Somewhere's a little distant from them, but closer to them then Jade Mountain was a pure red dragon with fiery orange wings. His horns were very dark gray. They saw his underbelly was a lighter fire color. Whenever Raker squinted, she could see this dragon had dark gray eyes. Darker than Ash's. The dragon was holding something in his talons that Raker couldn't quite see. She flew harder towards the dragon until she found out it was a Skywing. "Hey! You!" She roared. The Skywing whipped his head around to face her with a menacing snarl. He saw that they were after him and he beat his enormous wings harder and he flew faster. "Hey! I called to you! Answer me!" Raker roared in anger at his ignorance. He was holding something that looked like a knife, but the blade was a sharply cut black diamond with red diamonds embedded in the sides. She knew he was up to something. Once they reached Jade Mountain, the dragon burst into the cave entrance with his wings spread in the air. Raker heard dragons screaming in terror at his appearance. "WHERE'S ASH!!" Raker heard a strong roar from him as they landed in the cave behind him. She saw the massive and muscular dragon picked up a Rainwing. The rainwing's scales turned white with terror as he picked her up by her throat and held her in the air as he rampaged through the cave. "I SAID, WHERE'S ASH!!" He roared even louder then the last time. Everyone screamed in horror as he threw the Rainwing hard against the stone wall. Raker heard a loud cracking sound and the Rainwing was now on the ground dead from his brutal strength. Raker saw Glow knock him to the ground. Raker went over to help. Then the others followed and they held him to the ground. He didn't squirm or make any noise except growling and snarling. He held the knife in his talons and held it close to his chest so nobody saw it. Glow didn't see it even though she was on top of him. "What's your name Skywing!" She heard DeadWings growl. "MY NAME IS MADFIRE!!" He roared in so much anger she thought he could literally explode. He shoved all of them off with one swipe of his wing. He saw Raker growl at him and shoved her to the ground, holding the knife visibly in the other talons. "Say goodbye little hybrid. I will not let hybrids rule this world any longer. It's all my brothers fault. He's coming after all the hybrids. I figured if I try to kill them before him, we will meet and then I can kill him." MadFire smiled. Raker saw the knife come down upon her and she felt sharp pain in her chest. She made a grunt, then she realized what happened. She saw MadFire pull the knife out of her. It was covered with red blood. MadFire spread his wings and knocked down a few other dragons until he left. Raker gasped and tried to breathe for air. She clawed the stone underneath her. She put her talons on her chest and saw where he had stabbed her. It was a deep gash inside her. Blood poured out as she tried to stop it. She saw that DeadWings had seen her. DeadWings quickly rushed over to her with horror and deep concern in her eyes. Raker saw her kneel next to her. "Go stop MadFire." Raker choked out blood in a whisper. "Are you crazy?! We are not leaving you here!" DeadWings roared. "It's fine. I'm fine." Raker said. She started to turn pale. She was losing blood. She knew it was the end. She saw DeadWings start to cry with normal tears. Everything started to blur away. She saw dragons surrounding her, one was Tsunami. They were all blurred out. Raker's eyes were shut against the world.

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