The story of Ash

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  "Let me tell you something DeadWings, and listen closely." Raker started wiping away her tears. "What is it Raker?" She asked. Raker hesitated. "Love.. Doesn't last forever." She said sadly. DeadWings looked confused. Raker could tell. "What do you mean?" DeadWings asked. "I mean... I mean, me and Ash... Fell in love. Yes, we are mates, but Scarlet did something to him. We fell in love by a lake on a clear bright, starry night. He was such a great dragon..... Until I had to leave him. My chance for escaping had come. He fought Peril in front of my eyes.... But-but he somehow didn't burn." Raker wrinkled her forehead in concentration and confusion. She still didn't quite understand why he didn't burn. "Well, I had to tell him goodbye for the last time. And I did, and from then on I didn't see him again. The day I left him was the day I met you. And now I meet him, only for him to attack and try to kill me." Raker finished, looking down. DeadWings looked shocked at her words that that dragon could have ever been anybody's mate. That dragon had emotionless black eyes. His snarl was so cold. Raker could tell that DeadWings didn't want to believe it. Raker didn't want to believe it either herself. NorthLight seemed to have listened to the whole story. She had set up a campfire. "I loved somebody once." NorthLight said, staring into the flames. "He was mudwing. But somehow I was under a spell by an animus. I was a nightwing then. But that was only because I was wearing an enchanted ring. There was a volcano explosion back at the abandoned nightwing kingdom. He tried to save me from the magma, but only burned into flames." NorthLight said. Trying not to think about it. Raker saw the moment when it happened to NorthLight. She saw the fear and horror in her eyes. She felt the loss. Raker soon felt bad for NorthLight.

(Sorry the chapter is so short. I hadn't the time to finish it)

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