Chapter 9.3

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A guttural growl escaped my lips as I unleashed a furious attack. My arm swung in a savage arc, the sheer force of my new form fueling each blow. The raider never stood a chance, caught off guard by the ferocity and speed of my retaliation. His face crumpled under the impact, bones shattering like shards of glass as he was sent sprawling to the ground.

But even as I triumphed over my enemy, I couldn't escape the pain that ravaged my body. Every movement was agony, and the wound on my side pulsed with an insistent ache that threatened to overwhelm me.

Through the haze of pain, Echo's voice pierced through, urgent and concerned. "Alec, you have to move!" it urged. But for a brief moment, I was frozen in place, acutely aware of my vulnerability. The soldier charging at me was equally exhausted, his aim faltering as he swung his weapon towards me. Though his strike landed shallowly across my other flank, it still elicited a sharp cry of pain from me.

My breaths came in ragged gasps as fatigue settled into my weary limbs. Another raider's blade sliced through my arm, searing hot pain lancing through me. But I refused to give up, pushing through the agony with sheer will. Each strike was fueled by pure survival instinct as I fought on against overwhelming odds.

I left a trail of carnage in my wake as I pushed through the ranks of raiders. Their confidence in their comrades' ability to repel me was quickly shattered as I unleashed my tendrils with ferocious precision, driving them deep into the backs of multiple men at once. The sound of their agonized screams filled the air, causing one brave warrior at the front to turn and face me.

His eyes narrowed as they took in the devastation I had wreaked upon his comrades. Unlike the others, he did not cower or flee at the sight of me towering over him. Instead, there was a calculating glint in his gaze, a sign of a keen mind rapidly adapting to the new threat I posed. His attention briefly flicked to the wound that marred my side, witnessing the few successful strikes the raiders had managed against me.

As our gazes locked, there was a moment of unspoken acknowledgment between two seasoned warriors. He barked orders to his men, his commanding voice cutting through the chaos of battle, but his focus remained fixed on me. With a swift gesture, he signaled for a retreat, pulling his forces back to regroup and form a more strategic plan of attack against me.

My injured body burned with every step I took, but I refused to let the pain stop me. The raider leader stood before me, fearless and unyielding, his solitary form a symbol of defiance against his retreating troops. His gaze focused on the gaping wound in my side, a proof of the effectiveness of blades against my monstrous form. With a calculated decision, he holstered his gun and drew out a long, well-worn sword, its glinting blade a deadly promise. Was he intelligent enough to exploit my weakness or just insane? It didn't matter as he readied himself to engage me in close combat. He would have his wish.

As I closed in on him, the chaos of the battlefield faded into oblivion, all my attention fixated on our impending battle. The raider leader positioned himself for attack, his sword poised to strike.

I charged forward, my claws extended and ready for bloodshed. His eyes held sorrow, fueled by personal struggles that only added to his ferocity. "For the world you took from me," he whispered before launching his first strike.

The clash was brutal and intense, the raider leader utilizing his sword with masterful skill that had me constantly defending myself. He moved with an agility and grace that seemed otherworldly, easily dodging my every attack.

The leader's sword whistled through the air, each strike precise and aimed with calculated malice. My wounds throbbed with pain, but I refused to let it show as I parried his attacks. I was clumsy and uncoordinated in my defense, my right side obliterated as it was by flame and blade. Despite my efforts, his blade found its way to my injured side, amplifying the agony. Echo's voice echoed in my mind, "Alec, he's targeting your wound, you must guard it better!" But my focus was divided between the relentless battle and the burning pain.

I couldn't help but admire the leader's technique and strategy, even as he relentlessly attacked me. Each swing of his sword was a dance of grief and vengeance. His strikes were not just meant to defeat me; they were a release for his own anger and sorrow.

As we continued to fight, I began to see potential in this man. His intelligence, skill, and unwavering convictions could be valuable assets to our cause. "Echo, we need him," I thought amidst the chaos of our duel.

"He's a murderer," Echo hissed back.

"And what does that make me?" I snarled, deflecting another expert strike from the leader's blade.

His roar was deafening as he charged at me, his sword glinting in the sunlight. "FOR THE LIVES YOU STOLE!" I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I raised my wristblades to meet his attack.

As our weapons clashed, I could see the desperation in his eyes. He wasn't just a ruthless raider, but a man fighting for something - or someone - he had lost. And in that moment, I couldn't help but see a reflection of my own pain and loss in him.

But despite our shared experiences, we were still enemies on the battlefield. His strikes were precise and calculated, each one fueled by his grief and anger. "FOR MY DAUGHTER!" I fended off another blow.

He was more than just an enemy to be defeated - he was a survivor, like me. And as we continued to clash, our blades, steel against bone meeting in a conversation only the two of us could have, I couldn't help but wonder if there was another way to end this battle.

But then came his coup de grace - a cry of anguish and vengeance as his sword found its mark on my chest. As I stumbled back, clutching my wound, I realized that maybe there was no room for mercy in this harsh world we lived in.

Yet even as blood poured from my chest, I couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to this raider leader than met the eye. His pain and drive mirrored my own in a way that both disturbed and intrigued me. And so, with renewed determination, I fought on, searching for a way to bring him down without taking his life. It would not be easy with this alien body that lacked finesse, but I had to try - for his sake and mine.

I parried another blow with my wrist blades and the raider leader paused, his breaths heavy, his eyes burning with rage and sorrow.

Respite ending, he lunged once more, and as he did, he stumbled. I glanced down. One of his men, bleeding profusely, had reached up and grabbed his leg. "Sir, please..."

That was my opening. I lashed out with my tendrils and just barely, I managed to disarm him, the sword clattering to the ground. The raider leader stood before me, his expression a mix of defiance and exhaustion.

As I towered over him, the weight of his words and the ferocity of his spirit resonated within me. My tendrils tensed, coiled and ready to strike if he drew another weapon, but he simply stood, panting, waiting.

The raiders, seeing their leader brought low, fled, broken and defeated. The raider leader stood before me straightbacked and proud, welcoming death, glaring at me. He spat at my feet. "Bastard."

Who was this guy?

Echo's voice broke through the chaos, pulling me out of my trance. "Alec, we need to retreat. Now." Its words were filled with awe and a bit of self loathing, mirroring the conflicting emotions within myself.

As I turned to run, bullets pierced through my shoulder. Betryal! The guards who had once welcomed me with open arms now aimed their weapons at me without hesitation.

"Bastards," I grunted. "Were more than happy for my help thirty seconds ago." Couldn't blame them though.

I followed the trail of blood left by the retreating raiders, blending into the shadows as I allowed my transformation to reverse. I welcomed the return to my human form, seeking refuge from the monster that I had become.

But as Alec, I was vulnerable once again. My body no longer a weapon but a vessel for a seemingly endless fount of remorse.

Exhausted and wounded, I emerged from the shadows and watched as the guards apprehended the raider captain. The sight only added to my conflicted emotions. I leaned against the wall and slid down it.

"We did what we had to," Echo said softly, trying to justify our actions. But as I surveyed the aftermath of our battle, the weight of our choices settled heavily upon me.

"Fucking monster..." I whispered to myself, feeling both disgusted and broken by my actions.

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