ashfire kicked out

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Fernpaw was chasing a very large rabbit across the plains and didn't notice when she crossed the line into Shadowclan territory
A big black tom run over he's name was night fox he was the highly reosd tom he was thr deputy
Fernpaw saw him and realized she had crossed the borders
He jumped at her and hissed
She backed away slowly
he hissed again
She hissed back, fur rising
he pinned her getting her claws out
After a few seconds of struggling, Fernpaw began to howl and screech, crying for help. The cats at the Windclan camp heard it
Ash fire run over. Foxpaw come with him
Farstorm ran over too
Ash fire hissed as the tom
Night fell was ash fire dad he jumped at ask fire
The rest of the clans were suddenly there, fighting. As Ashfire and the Shadowclan deputy fought, other small battles were taking place.
The deputy pinned ash fire and claws at he's cheat " you are the worst kit ever!" henfellee at his son
Ash fire hisses
Farstorm ran at the deputy and sank her claws into his back, leaping on and scrabbling to get purchase on his pelt. But even that didn't save Ashfire. When all seemed lost...
"How can you protect him he have Kitty pet blood Shadow clan blood and River clan blood as well as lightning and wind clan!" he yelled as the two clan heRb it
Farstorm gasped, muzzle turning pale.
"Is it true?" The leader of Windclan, Dawnstar, asked.
Ash fire was quiet. The shadow depthy got up
"It is," he rumbled. "Tell them."
Ash fire look at he's leader "dawnstar I Will always be loyal to wind clan!" he said
Dawnstar looked conflicted for a second. Farstorm begged her, "I know he'll be loyal, let him stay in the clan! Don't exile him or let the deputy kill him! Please!" Her grey eyes were frantic.
ashfire sighed
The deputy waited for Dawnstar's next words. All the fighting had stopped by then.
Nightfell hissed "hes apart of your clan it's up to you you can kill him or kick him out it's your clans not shadow clans" he said
Dawnstar's gaze turned cold. "Ashfire, you have betrayed your clan. I am exiling you," making her meow louder, she said to the whole assembly, "I say these words in the hearing of Starclan. Ashfire is no longer part of Windclan." There was uproar instantly.
Ash fire ears drooped than he run off as he didn't understand why how did he get kicked out it was not his fault it he was other clan blood in him be ran off not of shadow clan territory
"How did you know this?" Farstorm asked suspiciously. "Why did we not know this before?" She was still upset about Ashfire's exile
"I'm his father, I'm him. Part of shadow clan. And thunder clan and my mom had kitty pet Broomspring is river clan and wind clan" he asked
They all gasped at his revelation. "Go back to your clans. We can bring this back up again at the Gathering later." He said. The cats all dispersed, shooting glares at others from the opposite clan.
The shadow clan depthy walked with the warriors
Farstorm stayed for a few seconds, lingering to shoot an angry look at the deputy. Then she padded away, angry inside.
Most of the clan didn't care
They saw Ashfire as a traitor
ashfire was not a traitor he didn't even know it he know only his mom she say her dad dead
That night, Farstorm went to sleep in the same spot as before.

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