Chapter 2

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"Leave her alone Tumblekit she is still sleeping" Daisy scolded. The small cream-colored kit put its little tail in between its legs and sat down next to his sister Deepkit.

"It's ok I'm already awake. Where is Ashfur?" Squirrelflight asked.

"He had to go on patrol with Lionpaw, Brackenfur, and Hollypaw," Daisy said. "How are the kits doing?"

"Pretty well I think, they slept through the night which is good," Squirrelflight said in a tired voice. Squirrelflight's stomach started to growl. "Haha I guess when five little monsters are sucking on you all night you get a little hungry," She said with a chuckle.

"Tumblekit and Deepkit why don't you two go get some mice for me and Squirrelflight," Daisy says.

"Okay momma," The kits said at the same time. They scrambled out of the nursery hopping around to the fresh-kill pile.

"They are so cute Daisy" Squirrelflight says.

"Oh, thank you," Daisy said back. A broad-shouldered tabby tom walked into the nursery.

"Hello Squirrelflight," The tom said bitter-sweetly.

"Brambleclaw" Squirrelflight said ignoring the bitterness in his voice. "You came to visit me... I really hoped you would."

"I would always come for you..." He paused his voice became warmer and quieter "You know I would do anything for you anything." He said firmly.

"I know" Squirrelflight looked away. Is this really the cat I should have chosen... should I have chosen Brambleclaw? She thought. No. she decided.

"So, Introduce me to the kits," Brambleclaw said trying to change the subject.

"Oh yes. This one is Snakekit and this one is ......."

Ashfur rushes through the camp entrance hoping to catch his kits awake. He drops a squirrel and a mouse on the fresh kill pile still holding on to a raven he caught especially for Squirrelflight. As he was about to go through the entrance Brambleclaw walked out. That little mouse brain messing with my mate. Ashfur thought.

"Ashfur" Brambleclaw stopped and said in a bitter tone of voice.

"Brambleclaw." Ashfur spat back. "What were you doing in the nursery?" Ashfur asks aggressively.

"Seeing my friend's kits" Brambleclaw retorted.

"I'm flattered but we are not friends," Ashfur said circling the muscular tom.

"I was talking about Squirrelflight" Brambleclaw spat and stalked away to the warrior's den. A cream-colored apprentice rushed out to stop his mentor.

"Can we please go hunting or battle training or something?" The apprentice complains.

"Fine Berrypaw... get Cinderpaw and Cloudtail and meet me in the hollow." Brambleclaw walked off past the thorn tunnel.

Good riddance. Ashfur thought. Berrypaw rushed off to the apprentice den and came out with a grey she cat. Ashfur walked into the nursery to find Squirrelflight cleaning her little kits.

"Ashfur" She exclaimed and let out a deep purr.

"Hi... I brought you this raven... figured you would be hungry." Ashfur greeted. In the corner of the nursery Daisy's kits, Deepkit and Tumblekit were fighting a ball of moss that was apparently a 'shadow clan warrior'.

"Thank you, I already ate but I am still starving," Squirrelflight said taking the raven thankfully.

"Sorry Squirrelflight we should have gotten you a bigger mouse," Deepkit said.

"Or a rabbit or something" Tumblekit added.

"You did fine," Squirrelflight said. "Ashfur you should take Lionpaw out training he needs more practice." She said.

"I know it's just..." He trailed off.

"I will be fine... Lionpaw needs training." She said finally looking up from her raven.

"Okay... bye," Ashfur said sadly. He walked out of the nursery to the apprentices' den and then called for Lionpaw.

"You shouldn't be so hard on him he is just sad that he can't spend ALL his time with you," Daisy says trying to joke around slightly.

"I guess" She responds.

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