Abandoned cruiser, part two

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Part two was requested, so here we go!

I worked really hard on this, and I'm really proud of it. I hope you enjoy!

Tw: Needles, death, violence, dark themes.

Omega squinted at the words, but it didn't make any sense to her.

She should ask Tech for help.

Tech was smart.

He knew the answer to everything.

"Tech?" Omega called out. "Can you help me please?"

"Of course!" Tech smiled and walked over. "What do you need assistance with?"

"I can't read this note I found under the table," Omega sadly said and handed it to him.

Tech looked at it curiously, and read it. His gaze hardened and he crumpled it in his hand. He tossed it to the ground.

"What did it say?" Omega asked.

"Nothing!" Tech harshly said. "I mean... nothing you should worry yourself with."

He hurried off, and Omega picked up the paper and held it up to her eyes. She could only read what the signature said at the bottom.


Who was that?

Why did they leave a note?

Omega tucked it into her pocket and went to see how her brothers were doing.

"Hi, Crosshair!" Omega cheerfully said as she walked into his room he shared with Wrecker.

"Hello, Omega," Crosshair greeted her in return. "I was just practising my shooting outside with Wrecker. I can never aim right."

"I'm sure you'll get it," Omega assured him.

Crosshair sighed. "I sure hope so."

Omega continued with her journey, and saw Wrecker in the kitchen, sneaking a cookie from the jar.

"Wrecker!" Omega gasped. "You're not supposed to do that! Tech will find out!"

"No he won't!" Wrecker whispered and put the jar back, cookie in hand.

Omega looked around fearfully, as if Tech would come out of nowhere and catch them.

"Wrecker, what are you doing?"

Wrecker froze, his eyes wide with terror. "I was jus' hungry."

Tech glided into the kitchen, hands entwined behind his back. "I've told everyone that the cookies are for dessert only."

"Uh huh," Wrecker nodded.

"And yet, I find you here with one in your hand!" Tech shook his head in disappointment.

"Sorry, Tech," Wrecker lowered his head.

Tech sighed. "This was your warning. Don't let me catch you again."

"Understood," Wrecker meekly said and handed Tech the cookie.

Wrecker walked off, while Omega stayed behind with Tech.

""You know I care, and that's why I'm so strict. Right, Omega?" Tech softly said.

"Yes," Omega replied.

"Good," Tech said and patted her back. "Now go play outside."

Omega cheered and ran outside, running for the shooting range they had in the back. She set up her blasters and tried her luck.

She hit the targets, but didn't get bullseyes.

She sighed and went over to the targets to measure how far she'd been this time, and noticed a slip of paper peeking out from behind the target.

Omega tilted her head at it and pulled it out, noticing the same name as before as a signature at the bottom.


Omega traced her finger along the writing, wondering why the name seemed familiar. She thought about why it would've been hidden like that.

Maybe Tech left the note there.

Liked hiding things, and seeing who would figure out the puzzle.

She should ask him about this note.

But there was a part of her that didn't want to show Tech for some reason. That part of her didn't want to give up the note.

She tucked it into her pocket, next to the other one.

"Omega!" Tech called. "Time for bed!"

"Coming!" She shouted back and sprinted back to the house. 

She got ready for bed and tucked herself in, feigning sleep when Tech checked to see that she was slumbering.

As soon as he closed the door, she grabbed a light-stick and tried to read the notes.

It took a while, and a lot of struggling, but she finally managed to figure out what it said.

Someone named Phee had written about how she woke up each day with less memories than the day before. She wrote about how Tech kept injecting her with various things, and wouldn't let her leave.

But that couldn't be right.

Tech wouldn't do that.

He'd never do something like that.

Omega slipped the papers back into her pocket again and fell asleep with a heavy heart.

"Omega, I can't find my hair ties. Do you know where they are?" Hunter asked the next morning.

"No, I haven't seen them," Omega apologetically said.

"I told you to be more careful with your things," Tech said.

"Sorry, Tech," Hunter muttered.

"Um, Tech," Omega hesitantly said, "have you ever met anyone named Phee?"

Tech narrowed his eyes at her. "Where did you hear that name?"

"Um..." Omega couldn't think of an explanation.

Echo and Crosshair shuffled out of the room.

"I need an answer, Omega," Tech angrily said.

"I can't tell you!" Omega blurted out.

Tech tilted his head at her. "You can't tell me?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you!" Omega apologized.

"Hunter, Wrecker, leave us," Tech ordered.

They nodded and hurried away. Tech locked the door behind them, trapping Omega in the room  with him.

"Have you started remembering?" Tech questioned.

"Good question," Tech said. "This is a serum."

"What does it do?" Omega turned it over in her hand.

Tech ignored her question. "I've known about this cruiser for a long time. Whenever we had a break or a day off, I came here. I memorized every turn and twist of the hallways."

"Huh?" Omega tilted her head at him.

Tech took the needle back from her hand, and stared at it.

"Omega?" Tech said, waving his hand in front of her face.

Omega shook her head, drawing herself from whatever that was. "Did you say something?"

"I asked you if you've started remembering anything," Tech reminded her.

"Remembering what?" Omega asked.

"Never mind," Tech said, his voice filled with relief.

"I found a note," Omega hesitated. "From someone named Phee."

Tech's jaw clenched. "And? What did it say?"

"She said you held her against her will and injected her with stuff. She said her memory disappeared," Omega told him.

Tech tapped his leg anxiously. "Is that all?"

Omega nodded. "Who's Phee? Did you actually do that?"

Tech slowly drew something sour smelling from a drawer. "Phee was my girlfriend. One day she told me my nightmares were happening every night, and that I should talk to someone about them. So I thought about my brothers, and their own nightmares."

Omega listened silently, watching Tech raise whatever he was holding up to the light.

"So I began to try and fix the problem. I spent night after night trying to help them through their nightmares, but nothing worked," Tech continued. "And I figured out the only solution was to go to the source of their nightmares: their trauma. And I couldn't just make them forget about it... or could I?"

Omega's head started to hurt, and things she didn't know she knew were flooding through her mind.

"Tech, please!" Omega begged. "You don't have to do this!"

He slowly approached her, holding the needle up. "Yes, I do have to do this. This is what's best for you."

"So I set to work on trying to find a way to erase the trauma. I used Phee as my test subject, and I quickly discovered I couldn't erase select memories without her remembering that I did it, and her trust in me vanished," Tech said. "So I erased them all."

"This is insane!" Omega cried out. "Tech, you murdered our brothers! They won't be themselves anymore! Their memories are what made them them!"

"It's okay Omega," Tech assured her. "Your childhood trauma is speaking now. Let me fix you."

"But she didn't live through the serum, and now she's buried in the yard, Tech sadly said. "I used the data I had gathered to perfect the serum, so her death wasn't wasted."

"Let me fix you."

"But I can see she was clever, and left notes," Tech sighed. "I should have known."

"Let me fix you."

"Tech, I'm scared," Omega quietly said.

"Don't worry," Tech soothingly said. "It'll only hurt for a moment."

"Let me fix you."

He raised the needle in the air.

He stopped, and started coughing, placing his hand against his chest. His face screwed up in pain as the coughing intensified.

Then his limp body fell to the floor, a knife sticking out of his back.

Hunter gave Omega a wide-eyed look of panic, staring down at his brother.

"I heard what he was saying and picked the lock!" Hunter explained. "And I saw him coming at you and just reacted!"

"He killed his girlfriend!" Omega tearfully said. "He erased our memories!"

"I heard," Hunter solemnly said.

"Let me fix you."

"I don't want to be fixed," Omega said weakly and sunk to her knees.

That wasn't a happy ending for anyone :(

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