Dress code

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Requested by Zelda_Story_Teller

Tw: Sexism? Being told how to dress.

Boring. Kriffing boring.

Guarding a Senator was always boring. Especially when that senator was Senator Jude, a man whose tone was as bland as his personality.

And Hunter had to wonder why his skills were being wasted on such a task. Tech didn't know why either. Crosshair said it was because they had gone on all the useful missions but they weren't allowed a vacation, so they had to do this.

Echo agreed with Crosshair while Wrecker had napped through the conversation.

So Hunter watched the senate proceedings day after day. Wrecker faked an illness to get out of it, while Tech discretely watched a holoshow on his datapad. Crosshair played a game of flicking toothpicks at the senators below them to see how many he could hit them with before they figured out where it came from. Echo was mildly interested in the senate and just watched it.

Hunter got so bored that he watched the only entertainment to be found.

Aslianu. Well, Ktas'lia'nulmit was her given Chiss name, although she went by the core name of Aslianu. Her black hair was always kept back in a neat black bun at the base of her neck and her uniform was always perfect without a single wrinkle or crease.

She was Senator Jude's assistant. Her main job was to write down important notes at meetings for Senator Jude to review later and include in his next debate. Aslianu was attentive and polite, always remaining professional when Senator Jude butchered the pronunciation of her name.

"Hello," Aslianu greeted him one day as she slipped past him. She sat on the back of the floating disk things that hovered in the senate. Hunter didn't know what they were called and refused to learn, much to Tech's displeasure.

"Hey," Hunter replied, crossing his arms. "What's on the schedule for today?"

"Five meetings," Aslianu answered, not even checking her datapad. "Lunch break has been delayed slightly, due to the large possibility of a meeting running late."

"Has the person who attempted the assassination been caught yet?" Tech asked. He looked over the senate, checking for any bounty hunters hanging from the ceiling or something.

"Not yet." Aslianu's lip twitched as she glanced up at him. "Isn't that your job?"

Crosshair scoffed, elbowing Tech. "She's got you there."

"It's your job too," Tech retorted. He gave Crosshair a little shove back.

"Asleena!" Senator Jude exclaimed as he bustled over. "Where's my speech?"

Aslianu frowned. "You didn't tell me to-"

Senator Jude threw his arms up into the air. "Unbelievable! I'm going to lose the debate because of your incompetence!"

Aslianu remained calm, but Hunter didn't miss the way her gaze sharpened. "I'm sorry, sir, but I don't remember you telling me to write a speech. You told me to reorganize your schedule and to order you a lunch, but you didn't ask me to write a speech."

Senator Jude huffed. "Fine. I'll just wing it."

He stepped up to the edge of the pod and cleared his throat. He began to talk, while Aslianu took notes.

"You okay?" Hunter questioned, whispering to Aslianu.

She blinked, tilting her head. "Of course. This is the job."

Hunter hummed and stepped back. "Right. Of course."

Eventually everything finished, and Senator Jude turned to Aslianu furiously.

"Great. I totally lost that debate because you didn't write me a speech!" he shouted, shaking his head. "Thanks a lot."

"Your next meeting begins in fifteen minutes," Asliamu said, staring at the ground. 

He brushed past her, and Crosshair shot Hunter a look before catching up with the senator. Hunter's brow pulled together as Echo also gave him a sharp look.

Before he could puzzle anything out, Aslianu tapped him on the shoulder.

"Yeah?" Hunter faced her, slightly worried as he noticed her jacket had wrinkle in the fabric.

"Is it hot in here?" she asked him, pulling at her collar.

"I guess," he responded, although it was just barely warm.

Aslianu muttered something in a different language and sighed. "The cooling system in the senate building broke, and it's heating up."

"It's not that hot yet," Hunter told her, confused and worried.

"Chiss are accustomed to cold temperatures," Tech informed him. He pushed his goggles up his face. "Therefore, anything warmer than their body temperature seems warm to them. Seeing as how the cooling system in this building is broken, it's going to be a very uncomfortable day for her."

"I'll be fine," Aslianu determinedly said as she adjusted the collar of her shirt. "It'll be repaired soon enough."

It was not fixed by the next day, and Hunter could tell Aslianu was suffering.

Eventually, she removed the upper layer of her uniform, leaving her in the shirt underneath. She seemed more comfortable in that as she jotted down notes from the meeting.

Senator Jude leaned over and whispered, "What are you doing?"

Aslianu gestured to her datapad. "Taking notes, as you instructed."

"No, I mean about your uniform," he scolded.

"The cooling system broke, sir, and I-" Aslianu began, only to be interrupted.

"I don't pay you to dress like some kind of-" Jude furiously said.

Hunter cleared his throat. "With all due respect, just her shoulders are out. Shoulders. Not very scandalous, sir."

"Did I ask you?" Jude spat out. He rounded on Aslianu. "You're fired. Oh, but send me those notes."

Aslianu cocked her head. "Why? You fired me."

"I- I need those notes!" Jude spluttered.

"Perhaps you shouldn't have fired her then." Hunter shrugged and grinned as Tech muttered something to him. "And if you'll excuse us, we'll be on our way as well."

"What about the assassination attempt?" Jude demanded. "You can't just leave me to die!"

"The assassin was just found and arrested," Hunter said, already walking away. "You'll be fine. Just don't do anything else to anger someone. Like fire them having bare shoulders for example."

"He wasn't a great employer," Aslianu mildly said as she walked next to Hunter.

"That's all you have to say about that?" Hunter questioned, smiling slightly.

Aslianu stared down at the coat in her arms. "Should I... wear my jacket? Was he right? Is it not proper?"

Hunter shook his head. "Dress how you like. Especially when it's hot in here."

Aslianu smiled lightly. "I know a good restaurant without a dress code. Would you like to accompany me there?"

"I'm hungry!" Wrecker nudged Crosshair.

Crosshair sneered at him. "She wasn't asking us."

"You can come too," Aslianu told them. "It was an open offer."

"It would make for a pleasant evening," Tech agreed.

"Fine." Crosshair sighed.

"I'd love to," Hunter said to Aslianu as Wrecker stole Tech's goggles for some reason unknown to him.

"As long as I don't have to sit next to them," Aslianu added as Tech blindly bumped into Crosshair.

"I'm sure that can be arranged." Hunter pinched the bridge of his nose as Wrecker accidentally broke Tech's goggles. 

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