Horrible torture

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Horrible insults, part two.

Tw: Langauge, kidnapping, Rayna being an idiot, torture, blood, sexual references.

Rayna healed quickly after the incident with Rex. After she had regained her sense of control she was horrified to discover how she had flirted with him. Before she could even apologize to him, he was swept away on another mission.

Thank the Maker.

Rayna could not have dealt with the embarrassing aftermath of her actions. She tried to push it behind her and managed to go a full five months before she had to face the music.

Rayna got a new job (the application process was a bit weird but she ignored that) and was given a set of instructions on how to arrive at work. She hopped on a shuttle and arrived in her best (and only) pencil skirt.

She followed the direction she had been given until she reached a building that looked... rundown, to say the least. Its windows were broke with shattered glass lying in the grass around the building. Someone had scribbled on the walls, and it looked filthy in general.

Rayna frowned and checked the address she had been given, but it was correct. She was at the right place, so why did this seem so wrong?

Maybe she shouldn't have taken a job that didn't offer any details. Maybe she also should've read over the terms and conditions surrounding the qualifications she had for the position.

"You're Rayna?" A burly looking woman with a blaster at her waist cautiously approached. She wore a mask over her mouth and wore a shirt with the sleeves cut off entirely.

"Yes, I am." Rayna nodded, offering a kind smile. "Though I'm a bit confused about-"

"I'll take you to the secondary location now." The woman glanced around.

Rayna raised her eyebrows. "What?"

Then a stun ray enveloped her form and darkness took over her conciseness.

Rayna groaned as she woke up, slowly sitting up. She opened her eyes and immediately was unsettled.

Was this... a basement? Oh no. She was in someone's basement.

She stood on wobbly legs, making her way over to a door. To Rayna's surprise, it opened as she walked over to it.

"Ah, you're awake." The woman from before grunted and waved her over. "Come. Your work will begin now."

Rayna hesitantly followed the woman, seeing as she didn't have much of a choice. Was this kidnapping, or just a misunderstanding?

"Here." The woman thrust a bag into Rayna's chest. "I saw you don't have any tools, and I had a spare around here."

"Um," Rayna warily said, "can you, like, explain this a bit more to me? The job description was a bit vague."

"I don't see how you're confused. You agreed to the job, so you read and understood the contract. Besides, you've done this before apparently." The woman opened another door ahead, and Rayna's eyes widened in terror.

Oh shit.

Tied to a chair was Captain Rex. The same Captain Rex that she had flirted with as she bled out all over him was slumped in a chair. He was unconscious with his mouth parted slightly. He was stripped of his armour and wearing a form-fitting, black under-suit.

"Uh, why is he here? Do I have competition for the job?" Rayna asked with a nervous giggle.

The woman cocked her head. "No. He's the job."

"Woah." Rayna held up her hands. "I'm uh, I'm not that kind of entertainer. Nothing against them though."

The woman scowled. "Why are you joking? I didn't hire you for that."

"Sorry," Rayna muttered, glancing at Rex again. "I guess I'll... start now?"

"We need to know where he hid the holodisk he stole from us." The woman pulled up a chair in the corner of the room and sat on it. "There's a table over there for you to set up, if you need."

"Thank you." Rayna was still confused, but she went over to the table nonetheless. She placed the bag on it and reached into it, pulling out a knife. Her stomach dipped unpleasantly as she reached in again, this time holding up a set of pliers.

Oh shit.

Her chest tightened as she fully realized what she was supposed to do.

She was supposed to torture that information out of him.

Rayna gently nudged his shoulder, trying to wake him. When he didn't stir, she turned to the woman. "Can you-"

The woman snapped her fingers, and two men that Rayna hadn't noticed lumbered over from the shadows. They tossed a bucket of water over Rex and stepped back as he gasped awake.

His vision locked in on Rayna and he narrowed his eyes. "You've got to be kidding me."

"I hope you slept well, Captain," the woman sharply said, drawing his attention to her. "This is an expert of anatomy. She is an expert on how to make someone snap. She will make you feel pain of which you've never even dreamed of. All you need to get it to stop is to tell us where you put the holodisk."

He gritted his jaw and glared up at Rayna. "Do your worst."

Rayna tapped his knee with her fist as if she was knocking and slowly spread her fingers. His leg twitched as a response and she grinned.

"What are you doing?" he demanded, pulling against his bindings. "That feels weird."

"It's a way of tickling," Rayna informed him. 

The woman cleared her throat. "You're not here to tickle him."

"Right. Sorry." Rayna flinched and returned to the table. She hesitated before wrapping her fingers around the handle of a knife.

Rex muttered something in a language she didn't recognize and shook his head. The woman leaned back in her chair and watched as Rayna stalked closer to Rex.

Rayna's hand shook as she levelled the knife with his throat. "T-Tell me where the holodisk is."

He cocked his head. "You going to stab me if I don't?"

"No." Rayna's lower lips trembled. "I- I'll carve out your eyes."

The woman said, "That sounds interesting."

Rex arched a brow challengingly at Rayna. "Sorry. Can't tell you where it is. Confidential."

Rayna's voice dipped as she whispered, "Help. I don't know how I got here but now I have to torture you. I don't know what I'm doing."

Rex rolled his eyes. "I know that. I did research on you after I save your life. I needed to know if you were actually flirting with me or not."

"Okay, so you were stalking me?" Rayna hissed. "Wow! Unbelievable!"

"You're the one with a blade to my throat!" Rex snapped.

"Can we hurry this up?" the woman impatiently asked. "I have a deadline."

"Just stab me," Rex murmured to her. "It'll look gory and it'll keep her happy until back up arrives."

"What?" Rayna blinked in surprise.

"Just do it," Rex firmly said. 

Rayna's hand quivered and she softly shook her head. "I- I can't."

Rex gritted his jaw and said, "You're the prettiest woman I've ever seen."

Rayna's mouth fell open and her grip on the knife slipped. She scrambled to catch it and ended up burying it in his abdomen.

"Kriff!" Rayna screamed as she stared at the knife sticking out of him. She was getting lightheaded. "Oh my- Oh no-"

Rex tipped his head back and squeezed his eyes shut. "This is just great."

Rayna pulled it out, thinking it would make it better, only to pale as blood began to pour out. "Uh-"

"Gonna tell us where the holodisk is yet?" The woman smirked as she looked over the scene in front of her of Rayna holding a bloodied knife and Rex bleeding out.

"No," Rex stubbornly answered.

The woman sighed. "Continue then."

Rayna nearly cried as she pulled out the pliers. She stood by Rex, holding them up, her head spinning.

Then half a dozen soldiers ran in, blasters up. They were shouting orders and the woman and the two men tried to escape. They were swiftly stunned, and someone united Rex. Someone else began to apply gauze and bandages to his wound, while Rayna was pinned to the wall with her hands behind her back.

The pliers were wrestled from her grip and tears were running down her face. She was patted down until it was confirmed she didn't have any other weapons and her wrists were forced into binders.

"Under the authority of the-" the one arresting her was cut off as Rex interrupted.

"Wait!" Rex exclaimed. "She's innocent! She's just some civilian that was thrown into this!"

The one treating Rex's injury pulled off his helmet, and Rayna recognized him as Kix. "He's right. She was at the attack months back."

Rayna was released and she sunk onto the ground next to Rex. She hesitated before letting her head fall on his shoulder. "Did you mean what you said about me being the prettiest woman you've ever seen?"

He rested his head against hers. "Why would I lie about that? You're karking gorgeous."

"Sorry about stabbing you," Rayna apologized.

"Maybe you could make it up to me?" Rex quietly asked. 

"How so?" Rayna laughed.

Rex pretended to consider it before saying, "A date might make up for it."

"Very well," Rayna agreed.

"Great." Rex winced as he shifted slightly. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go get stitches."

Next part coming soon.

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