Injured Tech

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Takes place during season two of Bad Batch, after Tech breaks (or fractures, I can't remember and am too tired to Google it) his femur.

Also it's a bit short but I just wanted to write something fluffy.

"Fluffy," Tech commented, staring up at Hunter.

Hunter frowned in confusion. "What?"

"Your hair. It's fluffy. What shampoo do you use? Perhaps a clarifying solution? I must admit that's a reason why I keep my hair so short. It tends to get greasy, something I detest," Tech rambled, still focused on Hunter's hair.

"I- I don't know what kind of shampoo." Hunter squinted at Tech. "Are you okay?"

"He's on pain killers," Echo told him, flicking a switch on the dashboard. "Lots of painkillers."

Hunter pinched the bridge of his nose. "Great. Whose turn is it this time?"

"I did it last time." Echo glared at Hunter. "Don't even think about making me do it."

"It can't be Omega," Hunter shot back. "She's not ready for this!"

"And you think Wrecker can do this?" Echo spun around in his chair and leaned forward, bracing his forearms on his knees. "Must I remind you how he handled Omega when she was sick?"

Hunter groaned. "Fine. I'll do it."

"What's everyone talking about?" Omega curiously asked.

"Tech's weird when he's sick," Wrecker told her.

Hunter squatted next to Tech and put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, Tech'ika, you ready for bed yet?"

Tech giggled and pulled Hunter's hair. "Maybe I should grow mine out. Although the chances of me actually accomplishing it are low. It gets irritating after a while."

"Let's get you to bed," Hunter decided, helping Tech stand. He put an arm under Tech's to support him and guided him to his bunk.

"I'm not tired," Tech said, grabbing his pillow and holding it to his chest. 

Hunter sighed. "Tech, go to sleep."

Tech shook his head. "As I said before, I'm not tired. I will work on one of my projects."

"No, you'll go to sleep," Hunter insisted.

Tech reached around him to grab a chunk of metal and wires, but Hunter slapped his hand away. Tech pulled his arm back with a whine. "Hunter! I'm not tired!"

"You need rest! You hurt yourself!" Hunter grabbed the pillow and placed it at the end of the bunk. He tried to gently push Tech down, but Tech resisted.

"At least let me remove my goggles," Tech grumbled, handing them to Hunter.

Hunter put them on a nearby surface and watched Tech lay down. "Alright, sleep well."

Tech hummed and closed his eyes. Hunter returned to the cockpit and looked over Echo shoulder to stare out into hyperspace.

"I finally got him to go to bed," Hunter told Echo, laughing softly. "He's a handful."

"Oh really?" Echo glanced up at him. "Then why is he sneaking across the ship?"

Hunter whipped around to glare at Tech, who was hobbling towards the device he had tried to grab. "Hey! You! Get back to bed!"

"Tattletale," Tech muttered, shooting a filthy look at Echo.

"Get back to bed!" Hunter pointed at Tech's bunk. "Now!"

Tech stared at him for a moment before sighing and hanging his head. He limped back to his bunk and crawled into it. "Hunter."

"Yeah?" Hunter raised a singular eyebrow.

Tech gazed at the wall.

"Yes?" Hunter asked again, punching the bridge of his nose. "What is it?"

"Tuck me in," Tech requested.

"I kriffing hate him when he's like this," Hunter whispered to Echo. He went to Tech's bunk and put his hands on his hips. "If I tuck you in are you finally going to go to sleep?"

Tech drowsily nodded, struggling to keep his eyes open. "Uh-huh."

Hunter grabbed the blankets and threw them over Tech, crossing his arms when he was finished. "Happy?"

Tech snored in response.

Mando'a translations:

Tech'ika~~~~~ Little Tech

I might make a couple of these one shots where someone is sick or something and the others have to care for them.

I think it's adorable.

Also when I wrote "tuck me in" it kept autocorrecting to that but with the letter f at the beginning.

I almost didn't notice before I published it.

It almost got very weird.

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