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I have recently been made aware that I have zero Cody content. So here is my solution.

(Gender-neutral reader/OC I don't care which. Name isn't mentioned)

Tw: Overworking, rejection, sexual references, eating disorders if you squint really hard. Sexual content (just kissing), language.


Cody was persistent. It was a trait that could be considered annoying or endearing, depending on your point of view.

Every day at noon he would knock on their door with a bouquet of flowers. Every single day at exactly noon.

It became routine.

He'd knock, they'd awkwardly accept the flowers, and he'd ask what they had planned that evening. They'd always offer some half-hearted excuse, and he'd believe it every time.

But how did they tell him that they didn't want to date him?

"Hello," Cody greeted them as he handed them yet another bouquet. "May I come in?"

They nodded and stepped aside, letting him into their cramped office on Kamino. They placed the flowers on the desk and began to twist their hands anxiously.

"You look good today," Cody said, before flushing. "Not that you ever look bad! I- I just meant-"

"I know," they softly said. They hesitated before holding out a paper bag. "Sandwich?"

He took it and nodded. "Thank you." 

They both stared at each other before Cody looked around the room.

"There's a lot of flowers here," he remarked.

They nodded.

"Lots of flowers..." Cody said. He was stiff and wasn't sure what to do with his arms. Were they supposed to hang at his sides? Was he supposed to salute? "Would you like to go out tonight?"

"Sorry," they quietly said. "I can't."

He smiled. "Okay, then. I'll see you tomorrow. Uh, thank for the sandwich."

Then he was gone.

"Why did I give him my lunch?" they muttered to themself as they returned to their desk.

"Hello," Cody warmly said after they opened the door.

They bobbed their head as he entered.

"Sorry. No flowers today. I figured they were just going to go to waste. I have chocolate instead." He held out a box of chocolates.

"Why?" They didn't take the box. "Why do you keep coming back?"

He blinked in surprise. "Because you haven't said you don't want to go out. You've just been too busy."

They bit their lip. "Cody, I don't want to go out with you."

Cody smiled softly. "Okay, then. Goodbye."

And he slipped out the door, leaving the chocolates on their desk.

They almost called him back after seeing the look on his face. They hadn't wanted to hurt him, but they couldn't go out with him. They couldn't go out with anyone.

So they settled behind their desk and started working on the paperwork. That was their job after all, and distractions wouldn't get in their way.

Six hours later, they finally finished.

They rubbed at their strained eyes and put the datapad down, leaning back in their chair. The dull ache in the back of their head signalled that it was time to go to bed. A quick check of the time confirmed that it was past midnight, so they exited the office.

Trudging down the hallways was never fun on Kamino. The bright lights made headaches worse and everything looked the same. 

"Consultant. What are you doing wandering the hallways?" Nala Se's cold, disapproving voice met their ears.

They cringed. "I'm going to my room. I finished with today's work."

Nala Se sighed. "Your deadline is soon. I expect the work done soon."

They nodded. "Yes, ma'am. I'm almost done, I promise."

"I've seen you engaging with CC-2224. Please refrain from distractions in the workplace. You're payed to complete your work, not to make conversation," Nala Se coldly said.

They twisted their hands nervously. "I understand. It won't happen again."

Nala Se didn't bother to respond as she glided away.

They bustled back to their room and practically collapsed into their bed. Sleep came easily after such a long day.

The next day was as long as the one before it and the one before that. The only different was the lack of Cody. 

Noon passed without a visitor, and it felt like their day was missing a vital piece of it.

Then twenty minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

"I thought you understood that I can't date you," they said as they opened the door to Cody's face.

"I know. Now I'm visiting as just a friend." Cody smiled kindly. "I think you need one."

They weren't sure if that was an insult or not. "What makes you think that?"

Cody shrugged. "You just seem lonely. I don't think I've ever seen you talking with someone and you always seem to be working."

They swallowed thickly. "Cody-"

"But if you want I'll leave." Cody put his hands up.

"I can't date you because I don't have time. It wouldn't be right to you. I can't be your friend because Nala Se thinks it's distracting," they blurted out. "I'm sorry, Cody, but it's best that we don't see each other anymore. At all."

Cody frowned, his forehead pinching in concern. "Nala Se says we can't talk anymore?"

"Yeah. She says it's a distraction." They had already started writing a new report about the newest battle formations.

"So... you don't have any friends. I never see you in the cafeteria either. What do you do in your life?" Cody appeared concerned and tilted his head at them.

"I- I work." They avoided his gaze by staring at their feet. "It takes up a lot of time. I sleep too."

"When do you eat?" Cody worriedly asked.

They shrugged slightly, rolling out their shoulders. "I dunno."

"In a week I'll leave you alone. But in the meantime, I'll be your friend. Friends help each other, okay?" Cody's firm tone was somehow soft at the same time, asking them for permission.

"Okay." They nodded their head in agreement. 

"Good. Let's go eat something. This'll count as a lunch break," Cody said, opening the door for the pair of them.

They followed him down to the cafeteria.

The week flew by quicker than they had noticed. It had been fun having a friend for once. Cody reminded them to eat and to take breaks and more often than not dragged them to bed.

He had threatened once to pin them to the bed if they kept fighting sleep, and they totally hadn't been thinking about that.

Then there was the time he had caught them crying in their office. He had immediately given them a hug, but seemed awkward about it. 

When they bawled into his shoulder, he had set his jaw and pulled them closer, resting his chin on the top of their head.

"Why are you still here?" Cody had asked.

They had shrugged, pulling away. "It's just a bit longer before I go to the Chancellor's office. I get to do this whole process again of accounting and auditing and just..."

"Sounds exhausting." Cody had smoothed their cheek with his thumb.

And that's how they ended up kissing him.

They were straddling his lap as he sat in their chair. They were holding onto his collar as his hands were in their hair and-

"I do hope I'm not interrupting anything."

They coughed and slipped off of Cody, face lighting up. Cody stood up abruptly and his face settled into a professional one.

"Sorry, sir," Cody quickly said.

The man hummed, crossing his arms as Nala Se passed behind him, flashing them all a bored look. "Sorry for walking in, but I was told you'd be here. I needed to discuss our most recent formations, but I can see you're busy."

"Apologies, General Kenobi." Cody glanced at his... partner? Kiss buddy? "I'll be out in a moment."

Kenobi bobbed his head and exited, leaving them alone.

"Sorry," they immediately said. 

"Don't be. I'm glad it happened. Are you still too busy to date?" Cody teased.

They pursed their lips. "Maybe I can clear some time. I'll have to ask my nosy friend who keeps telling me what to do."

"Not to mention how handsome they probably are." Cody grinned. "I'll see you later, but I have to go."

"I'll see you later," they replied with a soft smile.

And he did see them again later.

As they were forced onto a shuttle to Coruscant, and again later on the news for high treason after they killed a Jedi.

He saw them again after that on the news before they were executed, staring with deadeyes into the camera.

He saw their face every time he looked at Nala Se, the bitch that reported on his first kiss and framed them for murder.

And he mourned what could have been.

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