Pickpocket on Pantora, part two

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It's finally here!

It's been a very long time since the first part came out, so I apologize for the delay.

Tw: Mentions of domestic abuse.

Omega and Anzati played with their toys together while Hunter watched, a smile lingering on his face. 

It had been several months since they'd first picked her up, and she had truly become part of the squad.

"Wanna play?" Anzati offered, holding up her doll to Hunter.

"I'm good," Hunter turned the offer down. 

Anzati shrugged and turned back to her game with Omega.

"What are they playing?" Echo asked Hunter.

"I don't know," Hunter shrugged. "They're playing with dolls, but that's all I know."

"And then Princess Penelope kills you in your stupid face!" Omega said, hitting her doll into Anzati's. 

"That's dark," Echo remarked.

"What, you've never played like this with toys?" Omega asked.

"We never got toys," Echo shrugged. "And we weren't allowed to play."

"That's so sad!" Anzati frowned. "What did you do in your spare time then?"

"Trained. That's what the clones were for," Echo bitterly said.

"Like my friend," Anzati nodded. "He did that too."

"Trained?" Hunter questioned.

"Yeah," Anzati answered. "He was really nice. He looked like you guys too."

Hunter and Echo exchanged a look.

"What was your friend's name?" Hunter innocently asked.

"Something like... Dex... or Lex? I don't really remember," Anzati shrugged. "He gave me some credits to pay for a new set of clothes."

"Rex?" Echo eagerly said. 

"Oh yeah, that was his name," Anzati realized. "We talked for a bit and he told me about where he came from. I told him about my family in return."

"You have a family?" Hunter asked.

Echo elbowed Hunter.

"I didn't mean to sound rude," Hunter backtracked. "I just thought they were all... dead."

"They are," Anzati casually said. "They were... separated... separation..."

"Separatists?" Echo said.

"Yeah, them," Anzati nodded. "Rex found me and told me they were dead. I was fine with it since they were kinda mean."

"Mean?" Omega gasped.

"Yeah, they were mean. Rex was nice though," Anzati said and continued playing with her toys.

Echo and Hunter left them to play, giving each other concerned looks.

"You don't think... Rex killed her family, do you?" Echo whispered to Hunter. "He wouldn't do that, right?"

"I don't know," Hunter sighed. "But she doesn't seem upset about whatever happened."

Echo glanced over at her. "I still don't like thinking that Rex killed people. Even if they were Separatists."

"If you really care you can ask him next time we see him," Hunter told him. "He was coming to visit anyway."

Echo perked up. "When's that?"

"Rex is here," Crosshair said, pointing over his shoulder.

"Hello, boys," Rex said, removing his helmet. 

"Rex!" Echo said, a tiny breaking out on his face.

"How's it going?" Hunter asked, trying to make small talk while Anzati waved at Rex.

Rex ignored Hunter's question. "Who's that?"

"That's Anzati," Hunter said. "She says she knows you?"

Rex frowned as he tried to remember her. "I don't think I know her."

"She says you were the one to tell her that her family was dead," Echo said.

"Oh," Rex's eyes widened. "That little girl on Pantora."

"Yup," Hunter nodded. "That's her."

Rex grimaced. "Did she seem upset about what happened to her family?"

"All we know is that they were Separatists and they died," Hunter told Rex. "Did you kill them?"


"You what?" Crosshair hissed. "I don't know what half of this conversation is about, but you killed some little girl's parents?"

Rex sighed and rubbed at his temples. "They were attacking someone who was against their views. I tried to calmly intervene, but the situation escalated. I felt guilty after and tracked down their daughter to tell her what happened."

"Hi, Rex!" Anzati said as she walked up to them. 

"Hello, Anzati," Rex awkwardly said. "Did you... did you hear what we were just talking about?"

"Yes," Anzati said.

"Are you upset with me?" He asked.

"No," Anzati said.

"Why not?" Crosshair asked. "I'd be upset if Rex killed Tech."

"They were mean," Anzati said and showed them a scar on the back of her neck. "They gave me this."

"What happened?" Hunter worriedly asked.

"They tried to give me a haircut and were drunk," Anzati shrugged. "They said it was my fault since I was moving so much."

"Did they hurt you a lot?" Echo asked, giving Crosshair an angry look.

"Sometimes," Anzati said, hugging her doll close to her chest. "They liked my brother more than me."

"You have a brother? What happened to him?" Crosshair questioned.

"He owns a factory on Pantora. I went to him after our parents died and he sent me away," Anzati casually said. 

"Hey, Anzati!" Omega called. "I got my doll stuck in the vent!"

"I'll help!" Anzati said and ran over.

"Yikes," Crosshair's lips curled in distaste. 

"I'm glad you picked her up," Rex remarked.

"I am too," Hunter nodded. "Omega loves her."

Anzati let out a little giggle as they pulled Omega's doll from the vent. Omega pulled it close to her chest, reunited at last.

"I think she'll do well with you," Rex decided. "I always felt guilty that I just left her, but that weight has been lifted off my chest."

"I agree," Hunter said. "We'll make sure she had a better childhood than we ever had."

Why did Anakin cross the road?

To get to the dark side!

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