Tech and Phee's wedding (part two of the bake off)

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This was a request (Idk if it counts as a request. Zelda just said that I should write this so I did) by Zelda_Story_Teller

Tw: a bit of angst, violence, death, gore

I love Phee's confidence. She's truly amazing.

Omega painted Phee's nails as Phee tapped her leg against the floor anxiously. Omega stopped her work to confront Phee.

"What's wrong?" Omega softly asked.

"Nothing," Phee dismissed Omega's concerns. "I'm fine."

"You're acting nervous," Omega insisted. 

"You're acting nervous," Phee wrinkled her nose teasingly.

"No I'm not!" Omega huffed angrily. "I'm perfectly fine!"

Phee ruffled Omega's hair and stood up to stride to her closet. She pulled a dress off the hanger and laid it out on the table.

"Woah," Omega breathed out.

"It was my mother's," Phee smiled fondly at it. "And now I will wear it for my wedding."

It was a light blue pantsuit with ruffles along the bottom of the legs, which barely grazed the ground. It had a sash that cinched the waist that matched with a blue headband to match.

"It's so pretty!" Omega smiled up at Phee.

Phee patted Omega's head. "I can't wait to wear it. I love it so much."

Omega looked out the window where the sun was setting. "We Need to hurry it up. It's almost sunset."

"Before I get changed, there's something I want to give you," Phee crouched so she could look Omega in the eyes. 

"What is it? What is it?" Omega excitedly clapped her hands.

Phee brought out a second outfit, this one a small dress. "This is for you Omega."

It was a red dress that reached her shins, the back slightly longer than the front. It had a black ribbon around the middle, with a bow at the back.

Omega ran her fingers along the soft fabric, barely believing this was for her. "I get to wear this?"

"Of course!" Phee beamed. "You think it'd fit Wrecker? I got it for you!"

"I've never worn a dress before," Omega absentmindedly said as she toyed with the bow. 

"I have a pantsuit your size in case you don't like dresses," Phee offered, unsure if she offended Omega.

"No!" Omega quickly said, before taking a breath. "I mean, I want to wear it! The Kaminoans never gave me other pairs of outfits, and it's not like we have any extra credits to spare on clothes."

"Well here's your chance to try it," Phee handed it to Omega. "Go try it on."

Omega skipped to the 'fresher, while Phee went to her bedroom. They both came out later in their outfits, beaming at each other.

"What do you think?" Phee asked, watching Omega twirl.

"I love it!" Omega gushed. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Omega threw herself at Phee, hugging as tightly as she could. Phee smiled and hugged her back.

"No problem my little treasure hunter," Phee said.

Omega peeled herself off Phee. "Wow you look so pretty!"

"I know," Phee smiled coyly. "And now I'm getting married in it, looking as great as I feel."


He sat there staring at the setting sun, a heaviness in his heart. He was so happy, he was marrying the woman he loved, yet he felt like something was wrong.

He groaned and rubbed at his face, not able to figure out what was bothering him.

"Tech?" Wrecker asked as he plopped down next to him. "You're not dressed yet. Somethin' wrong?"

"I don't know," Tech entwined his hands together and tapped his foot nervously, leaning against his arms. 

"Don't know?" Wrecker doubtfully said. "You know everythin' though."

"I am extremely intelligent," Tech nodded.

"You can figure it out," Wrecker confidently said. "I believe in you. You're my smart brother."

You're my smart brother.


"That's it!" Tech stood up promptly, startling Wrecker. "Brother!"

"What?" Wrecker frowned, confused.

Tech ignored him and sprinted to the Havoc Marauder, putting his helmet on as he ran.

"Where are you goin'?" Wrecker shouted after him. "You're getting married soon!"

But it was too late.

Tech had flown off.


"He flew off?" Hunter angrily whispered, keeping his voice down so Phee couldn't hear him. "Where the kriff did he go?"

"I don't know!" Wrecker threw his hands up. "We were takin', then he got up an' ran to the ship, then he flew off!"

Hunter's lips thinned as he glanced at Phee, who was happily preparing for the event, oblivious to her missing fiancé.

"We have to find him before he does something karking stupid," Hunter pinched the bridge of his nose.

"What do we do if we can't find him?" Wrecker worriedly asked before gasping. "I know! We disguise you as Tech and marry you to Phee!"

Hunter stared at him. "No. We're not doing that."

Wrecker ignored him. "We need some goggles now..."

Wrecker wandered off in search of goggles, while Hunter started trying to comm Tech.


He shot another pair of stormtroopers, before whipping around and punching one that got too close. A shot barely whizzed past his head, and his eyes widened. 

He killed the one that nearly got him and checked if there were any more.

All clear.

His comm buzzed, but he ignored it.

He stepped over the corpses of the stormtroopers and stood in front of the prison cell. His grip went weak and his blasters clattered to the ground as he stared at the prisoner inside the cell.

"Tech?" Crosshair whispered, swiftly standing up and making his way to the ray shield keeping them apart. "Is it really you?"

"Yes vod," Tech nodded. "It's really me."

He pressed the button shutting down the ray shield, and they both stood there, breathing they same air.

"Wh- what made you finally come for me?" Crosshair choked up.

"I needed to invite you to my wedding," Tech smiled, tears glistening at the corners of his eyes.

"Wedding?" Crosshair raised his eyebrows. "How long have I been here?"

"Too long," Tech tucked his blasters back into his belt. "Now let's get-"

His mouth froze as his eyes widened, his gaze moving down to his chest.

Which now had a smoking hole in it.

"Tech!" Crosshair screamed, tears running down his face.

Tech fell to his knees, revealing Dr. Hemlock standing behind him with his blaster still raised. Tech fell to the side, blood trickling out of his mouth.

"You monster!" Crosshair angrily screamed, rushing to his fallen brother's side.

Dr. Hemlock's lips pulled back in a cruel sneer. "Get back in your cell."

Crosshair buried his face in Tech's chest, sobbing. "Tech! Wake up!"

Crosshair was pulled off Tech by a couple stormtroopers. "You can't miss your wedding! Wake up!"

"He's dead," Dr. Hemlock sadly said. "It was such a shame. I would've loved to study him."

Crosshair cried, picturing Tech's lonely loved one, who would never find out what happened to their fiancé.

Mando'a translations:

Vod~~~~~ Brother

Something something something something something something something something something something something something something.

This is Ashla's normal after story rambling.

It is completely normal.

Completely normal.

There's nothing below.


"Tech?" Wrecker repeated, waving his hand in front of Tech's face. "I asked if somethin' was wrong and you didn't answer. You okay?"

"Oh, yes of course," Tech broke himself out of his thoughts. "I guess I just lost myself in my thoughts."

"Well you didn't answer me. What's bothering you?" Wrecker asked.

"I was merely thinking about what might've happened if we never rescued Crosshair," Tech replied, looking up to where the silver haired clone stood. 

"Come on!" Crosshair waved them over. "It's time for the ceremony!"

And so they got up and walked to where there was a arch set up, overlooking the sunset on the horizon. The beach was a lovely spot for a wedding, and they were sure to all remember it for the rest of their lives.

Tech and Phee lovingly stared into each others eyes and they held hands, Hunter Dori ging on about their eternal bond, as he was officiating.

Omega threw flowers into the air and they said their vows, slipping rings onto the other's hand.

Crosshair watched silently to the side, a proud smile on his face.

Wrecker loudly blew into a handkerchief, crying.

"I now pronounce you a married couple!" Hunter announced.

Phee and Tech's lips met and they kissed, for the first time as a happily bonded couple.

Mando'a translations:

Vod~~~~~ Brother

Ahh that was a roller coaster was it not?

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