The bet, part two

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Tw: Intense sexual references.

15+ only pretty please.

"Thanks," I mumbled to Crosshair in the morning.

He hummed, eyes flicking to my bunk, where my stuffed animal was hidden. I sat next to him in the cockpit and grabbed a ration bar, taking a big bite.

"Y'know what?" Crosshair suddenly said.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm bored," Crosshair huffed. "The bet kept things exciting."

I rolled my eyes. "Get a hobby. Flirting with me shouldn't be your past time."

"Wanna make another competition?" Crosshair mischievously asked.

"You've got my attention," I replied, leaning back in my seat.

"Different stakes?" Crosshair suggested.

"What would the conditions  be?" I inquired, ideas running through my head.

Crosshair smirked. "It'd be-"

"Will you stop throwing my stuff around?" I exclaimed as Crosshair tossed my pack onto the table. "Treat it with respect!"

"It's a bag!" Crosshair glowered at me. "It's fine!"

"Stop arguing," Hunter sighed.

"Just a bag?" I hissed. "How would you feel if I banged you on the table?"

"Depends on how good of a job you did," Crosshair responded with a cheeky grin.

"Good grief," Echo groaned. "I thought the bet was over."

We ignored him.

"Can you two stop it?" Hunter's lips thinned. 

"Wait, are you saying you want to do it on the table?" I questioned Crosshair, gesturing to the piece of furniture.

Hunter facepalmed. "Can you keep it clean for once in your life?"

"Yeah," Crosshair smirked. "What's wrong with you?"

We were seated in the empty briefing room, Tech fiddling with his projects, Wrecker laughing with Echo, and Hunter reading over the plans. Crosshair and I exchanged a look.

"I have a question," I said, making Tech perk up.

"Perhaps I can answer it," Tech eagerly said. "What's the question?"

"I heard people saying something a couple rotation ago. They mentioned 'giving tongue' and I don't know what that means," I said. "Anyone know what it means?"

Crosshair lazily grinned. "You see-"

"No!" Hunter pinched the bridge of his nose. "No one wants to hear this."

"I wanna know what Crosshair was gonna say," Wrecker chimed in.

"Yeah," Echo said in amusement. "Let him speak."

"I must admit, I am also curious as to where Crosshair was going with his explanation," Tech confessed.

"Fine," Hunter grumbled. "You can finish talking."

"It's a kiss," Crosshair explained. "But you shove your tongue into the other person's mouth. Or throat. Personal preference really."

I tilted my head. "I don't get it."

"What is there not to get?" Hunter tiredly rubbed at his forehead.

"I guess I'm just more of a visual learner," I said and smiled.

"If it helps you learn," Crosshair said and leaned forward.

"Absolutely not!" Hunter cried out and stepped between us. "No! You can't just do that in front of us!"

"Fine, we'll do it elsewhere," I pleasantly said, grabbing Crosshair's hand and dragging him away.

Hunter pressed his face into his hands. "Why? Why do I have it deal with this?"

We went into a different room and started laughing.

"Hunter was so freaked out!" I hysterically said.

"Neither of us have won yet," Crosshair grumbled.

"Wait," I gasped. 

"What?" Crosshair asked.

"We need to bring it to the next level," I schemed.

"How? I thought it was already next level?" Crosshair responded. "How can we make it any more dramatic?"

"Good point, I really don't know." I sighed.

Crosshair considered it for a moment before shrugging. "We could just drop the competition."

"Are you kriffing kidding? Why would we do that?" I demanded. "No! We can do this!"

Crosshair sighed. "I didn't want to have to do this, but I have no choice."

"Oh kark, this must be serious," I gasped. "Tell me!"

"I never thought it would come down to this," Crosshair grimly said.

"Tell me!"

"It'll come with a price, but it might be worth it," Crosshair continued, making it even more dramatic.

"What nonsense are you two up to?" Tech didn't look up at us, gaze still locked in on his datapad.

"We need your help," Crosshair replied.

"I assumed as much," Tech dryly said, eyes peering up at us through his goggles. "Does this have anything to do with the vulgar nonsense you two have been spouting?"

"You noticed?" I asked.

"The bet has ended, and the only logical explanation to your actions is that you've made another bet," Tech reasoned.

"So you'll help?" I hopefully asked.

Tech out the datapad down. "On two conditions. The first being that you'll tell me what the bet is before I do anything, and the second is that I expect to be paid."

"How many credits are we talking?" Crosshair inquired.

"Not credits." Tech shook his head. "Information."

I sucked in a breath through my teeth. "What do you want to know?"

"Who ate my lunch?"

Crosshair and I exchanged a look before both speaking.

"No one. We accidentally threw it out thinking it was yet another bomb you had made."

Tech pursed his lips. "Fine. Now tell me what the conditions of the prank are."

"We're trying to make Hunter snap. If we don't manage to do it, we both have to show up to the next mission in... less clothes than normal. If we manage to make him snap, nothing happens and we both win," Crosshair explained.

"So you're working together?" Tech questioned. "That is... unprecedented."

"Are you in or not?" I impatiently asked.

"What if now that I am aware of the conditions of the bet, want you to lose?" Tech grinned. "What if I want to take holopics for blackmail of you showing up to a mission in a state of undress?"

"But don't you want to see Hunter explode?" I asked, starting to worry that we'd lose and have to show up to a mission in undergarments.

"If I wish to see him explode with anger and stress, I'd simply inform him of the bomb I have hidden on the ship in case we need to destroy it," Tech said. "What can you offer me that would make it worth my while?"

"We already told you what happened to your lunch!" Crosshair exclaimed. "You have to help us, since we already met your conditions!"

Tech rolled his eyes. "Fine. What is needed of me?"

"You know what I like?" I asked, a grin making its way onto my face.

"Here we go," Hunter groaned. "Why is this my life?"

"Good cooking. But no one here knows how to cook," I grumpily said.

"I'll kindly remind you of the dish I served last night," Tech said.

"I'll say it again; no one here knows how to cook," I complained. "I can cook a decent dish, but it's not always my night to cook. You guys need to learn how."

"This is... a normal conversation," Echo warily said. "I don't trust it."

Tech rummaged through a crate. "We seem to be missing some supplies.

Hunter looked up in concern. "What are we missing?"

"The grenades and the binders," Tech said, leaning over to go deeper into the crate. "I thought we had some in here."

"I used the grenades on the last mission," Wrecker sheepishly said.

"Well Crosshair and I-" I began, but when Crosshair elbowed me, changed my sentence, "-wouldn't know where those binders ended up."

Hunter paled. "What?"

"Nope. No idea where they went," I said.

Hunter leaned over and his shoulders began to shake as he sobbed into his hands. "Why, why me? Why do I have to deal with this?"

"Yes!" I cheered. "We win!"

"What?" Echo frowned. "Win what?"

"We made Hunter snap!" I cheered and fished the binders out from under my seat. "And here they are! Don't worry, we just hid them to her for this."

Hunter glowered at us. "Tech, were you a part of this?"

Tech blanched. "... No?"

"You're all grounded. Actually, I'm taking away your bar rights. The next time we have time off, you have to stay on the ship!" Hunter scowled. "Don't do this again."

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