Chapter 2

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The cats were definitely not from GrassClan. They smelled different, and they all looked extremely skinny. Ashpaw felt nervous. Who were these cats? Who clan are they from? Are they going to hurt us? Ashpaw had a lot of questions, thoug kept them all in his head. He didn't know any battle moves yet. So how could he defend himself? Rabbitfur growled, and stepped forward, unsheathing his claws. "FieryClan cats! What are you doing on GrassClan territory? Your breaking the warrior code! Pieces of foxdung!" Rabbitfur spat. Even though Rabbitfur sounded mean, he had the right. And everything he said was true. A grey warrior prepared to attack Rabbitfur, but a brown she-cat stopped him. "No, Windtuft. Not yet." The brown she-cat then looked at Rabbitfur and Ashpaw. "We're here for business. Now, there are two ways this can go. Give us some of your prey, or—" Brownfang unsheathed her claws. "Die. Your choice." Now Ashpaw understood. These cats wanted to get prey out of GrassClan. They probably had no more prey in their territory. No wonder they were so skinny. At least now Ashpaw could tell them apart. Ashpaw tried to rake his brain for any ideas. If they tried to fight there way out, they would obviously fail. They were outnumbered. So now, the only thing Ashpaw could think off was to talk sense with these cats. Ashpaw collected all the courage he could, and faced the brown she-cat. "Your breaking the warrior code. StarClan won't like it." Ashpaw pointed out. Brownfang chucked in amusement. "Oh, dear. You have a lot to learn, little one. Now, we can't wait all day. I want an answer. NOW!" Brownfang yowled. Rabbitfur turned toward Ashpaw. He mouthed the words: Go. Get help. I will distract the mouse-brains. Ashpaw nodded. Rabbitfur then pounced on Windtuft. The other two cats lunged at Rabbitfur, trying to pull him off of Windtuft. The plan seemed to be working out. Ashpaw ran off to camp. Though just when he started running, Brownfang sprinted infront of him. Ashpaw stopped dead in his tracks. He had forgot about Brownfang! They were only a tail-length away from touching. "Going somewhere, little hero?" She hissed at him. Ashpaw backed away nervously. Just when he thought he was done for, a black flash pinned Brownfang to the ground. Ashpaw recognized his father, Blackstorm. Ashpaw was relieved. Behind him came Badgerpaw, Honeyleaf, and Raintail. "Father!" Ashpaw cheered. Blackstorm smiled at his son, before turning his attenchion back at Brownfang, and unsheathing his claws. "Don't even think about laying a paw on my kit! Ever again!" Brownfang covered under Blackstorm. Meanwhile, Honeyleaf, Badgerpaw, and Raintail had outnumbered the three FieryClan warriors, and sent them back over the border. "I won't! Please just let me go!" Brownfang squeaked. Blackstorm scratched her, and then gave her a warning. He then let her go, sending her running like a rabbit back across the border. Ashpaw turned to his father. Blackstorm licked him between the ears, while Ashpaw purred, and cuddled with his father. "How did you find us?" Ashpaw asked curiously. Blackstorm flickered his tail toward the hunting grounds. "I was on a hunting patrol with Badgerpaw, Honeyleaf, and Raintail. Just when we were finished collecting prey, we heard some cats making noise. We decided to follow it, and found you. We later worked out a plan to save you." Ashpaw thanks his father. Ashpaw looked at his clan-mates, and found none of them were injured. All accept Rabbitfur, who just had some minor scratches on his flank. Rabbitfur said he would be alright. Ashpaw was relieved. Blackstorm turned toward Rabbitfur. "I think my kit should start learning battle moves. He should prepare for the threats. Ashpaw could have nearly been killed. And I don't think that's the last time we're see them." Rabbitfur nodded his agreement. "Your right. I think everyone should start practicing moves." Everyone nodded. "Well, let's head back to camp. First my hunting patrol will get its prey. Then we will go tell Mousestar back at camp." Everyone agreed, so they were off. Half way toward camp, Badgerpaw caught up to him. "Hey, are you alright? You seem a bit scared." Ashpaw was surprised she asked, but simply told her the truth. "A little bit. Brownfang really creeped me out. The creepy teeth, and the ragged pelt." Badgerpaw laughed, and Ashpaw also laughed at his own joke. The stone walls of camp and the thorn-bush entrance came to view. "When we get back to camp, want to share prey?" Ashpaw nodded happily. "Sure!" It was getting dark. Once they got into camp, Rabbitfur and Blackstorm went into the leader's den to talk with Mousestar and Fishheart about FieryClan. Honeyleaf and Raintail went to the warriors' den for a nap. While Ashpaw and Badgerpaw padded near the prey pile for something to eat. They had a choice of 3 plump mice, two rabbit, a squirrel, or a shrew. Ashpaw was happy prey was going well. It was more then enough to feed the clan. Though he wasn't all surprised, because at the tour Rabbitfur had told him that GrassClan had the most prey of all the forest, and they were even able to just feed themselves in leaf-bare. That also explained why Brownfang chose GrassClan out of all of the clans for food. They chose a plump mouse, and headed toward a stump near the apprenrices' den to eat. Ashpaw explained to Badgerpaw all the things that happened with FieryClan, in exact detail. Badgerpaw had told him he was brave, which made Ashpaw lick his chest in embarrassment. Ashpaw sighed, as night started to peek in. 

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