38 Task Force/Squad 38 (2016)

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Episode 1.

Money dominates the law. Law is for the rich. – Ma Jin Seok

The world we live in created guys like me. My teenage years were about bravado and my 20s were about perseverance. Now, I'm in my 30s and all I do is con people. – Yang Jung Do

The principle is simple, so why do people fall for it? The answer is simple, too. People are simple. Every single human being wants the same thing—money, at the expense of everything else. – Yang Jung Do

Episode 2.

In your father's stead, let me walk you down the aisle, not walk you into prison. – Sa Jae Sung

Don't work hard at something so hopeless. – Yang Jung Do

The law is like a bully. It's weak for the strong and strong for the weak. – Baek Sung Il

Episode 3.

Men only see what they see, but women see beyond what eyes can see. – Yang Jung Do

If you keep giving up like this, you come to lie to yourself and settle for the wrong things. – Baek Sung Il

I'm telling you this in case you're mistaken. Don't let this break your heart. None of the things I did was from my heart. – Yang Jung Do

Episode 4.

After what you did to me, I learned to hate abstract ideas. – Chun Sung Hee

Episode 5.

It's too painful to struggle to survive. – Baek Sung Il

I won't stoop too low just to survive. I've been doing that for years, but it just makes me pathetic. – Baek Sung Il

Come after me. I'll keep running. – Yang Jung Do

Episode 6.

He can run, but he can't hide. – Sa Jae Sung

You should never use money to toy with others. – Baek Sung Il

You and I are always at odds. – Chun Sung Hee

If I had believed him that once, maybe he wouldn't have done it. – Baek Sung Il

People like him are needed for justice to prevail. – Yang Jung Do

Episode 7.

I was afraid you'd end up like Min Sik. When this happened to him, we all ignored it. No one took his side. That's why he's gone. – Kang No Seung

We thought it would be better if we all shared the pain instead of one person taking a terrible hit. – Chun Sung Hee

Don't give me a reason to go after you, okay? – Yang Jung Do

The rich live to make money and the poor live to curse out the rich. – Ma Jin Seok

Does money really accomplish everything? – Baek Sung Il

I need to crush them all. – Baek Sung Il

Episode 8.

The bigger the job, the bigger the risk. – Yang Jung Do

One thing's for sure, she's a diamond in the making. – Bang Ho Seok

A man with a pen can never beat a man with a blade. – Bang Pil Gyu

The rich keeps getting rich in this society. Why don't you become one of them? – Yang Jung Do

Episode 9.

Stop letting him toy with you. You'll end up like me. – Sa Jae Sung

You're not working on a con with him. You are being conned by him. – Sa Jae Sung

Do you expect me to take you for your word and betray him? – Baek Sung Il

You never come to see me when I ask you too. How is the situation totally different? The person is. – Jo Mi Joo

You give too much and get too little. What comes and goes are never equal. – Noh Bang Sil

Liking someone, that's your right. You should enjoy that right, but don't think that the man should be obliged to accept your feelings. – Noh Bang Sil

Don't you have any sense of responsibility? That day, and today too, you say things so easily. That's why you hurt the people around you. – Chun Sung Hee

Episode 10.

When you are hurt badly by someone, you can't remember what you liked about them. – Chun Sung Hee

I'm sorry that only I have the good memories. – Yang Jung Do

The older people get, the more they hide away. You hide your emotions and your wrinkles. – Bang Min Ah

How could you trust a con artist of all people? – Yang Jung Do

Episode 11.

It's a mistake to do it to anyone, but not to me. That's betrayal. – Choi Chul Woo

What a wake-up call, right? You lost a con what you made through a con. – Yang Jung Do

Don't let what happened get to you. That is life. We have to bear it. – Bang Pil Gyu

Episode 12.

Whoever they may be, everyone should pay their taxes. I believe that and will keep ploughing on. – Baek Sung Il

Mayor Chun: We're not fighting those with back taxes, we're fighting money. Unless money disappears from the world, the fight will never end.

Sung Il: So you decided to take their hand instead of fighting the endless, hopeless fight.

I have no time to fight a fight with no end in sight. – Mayor Chun Gab Soo

They steal a thousand wearing a jacket on. They steal a million with a tie on. Politicians get to steal 100 million. They're the same kind of people in different clothing. – Baek Sung Il

Sung Hee: Did you like him back then, too?

Mi Joo: It's not past tense. It's present tense, but I'll make it past tense. It's not my style to watch from afar.

Justice, is it visible? Trying to catch what you can't see only gives you a headache. – Bang Pil Gyu

You feel intimidated that's why you're so talkative. – Baek Sung Il

It took me over 10 years to get here. I lost it all in a day. – Ahn Tae Wook

You may use anything to con people, but you shouldn't use their feelings to con them. The other person gets hurt and you become lonely. – Chun Sung Hee

The world doesn't only have good and bad people. There are not-so-good and not-so-bad people like us too. – Park Deok Bae

You know with cons, it flows with circumstances. The winners and losers are decided according to how you adapt to situations that come. – Yang Jung Do

Will you be a virus that keeps attacking the system? Or will you protect it? – Chun Gab Soo

Episode 13.

Power should not be used to hurt others. It should be used to protect the people who have been wounded. – Chun Sung Hee

Make me not regret my decision. – Chun Sung Hee

I can't give up on my right just for your pity. – Choi Chul Woo

Following the law doesn't justify violence. – Chun Gab Soo

He's a crocodile. He hunts, but doesn't shed blood on his hands. – Choi Chul Woo

Our processes might be different, but we share the same goal. No, our processes are the same too. You just keep deceiving yourself. – Choi Chul Woo

They feared us. They looked down on the law and people, but they feared us. For the first time in their lives, they feared people they mocked. A world where the evil prevails, that's bad. A world without common sense is bad. A world where the illegal trumps is bad too. So, let's do it one more time. Jerks like us con artists, we lack common sense and we break the rules in the book. How angry must we be to be doing something like this? How much worse are the people these con artists are fighting? How evil and greedy are the people we're fighting that made us want to go this far? Let's show them good people winning and bad people losing. That should only be natural. Let's make it a reality. – Yang Jung Do

Let's go stomp on them. – Yang Jung Do

Scared men don't betray their masters. – Chun Sung Hee

He has changed. He's back to his old self. No, the right way to phrase it is: He'll change. He has to. – Chun Sung Hee

The world is too frustrating to keep taking it. – Yang Jung Do

I won't watch my people get hurt anymore. – Baek Sung Il

Your intention is better: justice. – Yang Jung Do

You be the navigation system, I'll drive. – Yang Jung Do

Duties aren't one-sided. – Baek Sung Il

Episode 14.

Isn't that why you put up the Taxation Office? To teach a lesson to those who think money makes them better than others.

The right focus on rights more than duties. From the poor, we demand more than they signed up for. It shouldn't be like that. One's rights and duties should level out. – Baek Sung Il

Drunken ramblings mean nothing. – Kim Chang Soo

A person who did his duty deserves to have his rights. That is fair and equal. – Yang Jung Do

I won't clean up after them anymore. I'll chop off the heads of the jerks who did this to me and live like a model citizen. That's what I decided. – Ma Jin Seok

If fools don't gather at the smell of money, we would have starved to death already. – Jo Mi Joo

I can't clean up after rich people's garbage forever. – Ma Jin Seok

Con artists aren't lions but crocodiles. – Baek Sung Il

What do you think, did hard work defeat talent? I realized that's what cons are like. – Baek Sung Il

Make them unhappy and nervous about reality. They have no choice but to enter the crocodile's mouth. – Baek Sung Il

Episode 15.

That is precisely why you can't beat us. You don't know what's important. – Choi Chul Woo

Choi Chul Woo: What do you want, money or power?

Ahn Tae Wook: Both.

I shouldn't betray my team. Not after what I did. I betrayed them first two years ago. – Yang Jung Do

I don't bet on a losing game. Now that you got me involved, do your very best to make it work. – Kim Chang Soo

Two years ago, I took the fall. Not this time. – Yang Jung Do

I can deal with loneliness. What I can't stand is the thought that others might get hurt. – Yang Jung Do

I'm doing this to get back at you. I re-joined the team to give you a taste of your own medicine. I conned you. Do you get it now? How does it feel? This is what you get for betraying me. – Jang Hak Joo

I came to cut my ties with you. – Chun Gab Soo

To you, I'm just another fool. You acted like you listened to me, feared me and respected me. – Chun Gab Soo

This is what happens when you abandon your people. – Choi Chul Woo

I'll be a mayor who is not obsessed with money. I'll be a mayor who does not work with dirty money. I'll be a mayor who looks at and stands with the people. That's the type of mayor I will be, so disappear from my life and from Seowon City. – Chun Gab Soo

What could I say when you have your hand around my throat? – Choi Chul Woo

Soon enough, you'll realize what kind of person you are. – Choi Chul Woo

Do you know why the chairman has been supporting you? Because you were skilled as you were arrogant. But all I see right now is arrogance. – Mr. Kim

There's something I told myself for two years as I waited for Jung Do to get out. Don't get tired. Just hang in there. And once Jung Do gets out, let's fight. Don't fight to win, but fight until we win. We barely threw one jab. We need to hit them more until they collapse. – Baek Sung Il

You are a smart man. Why are you trying to do something so foolish? – Chun Gab Soo

I'm begging you. I'm asking you to save me. – Ahn Tae Wook

Look at the world with naïve eyes, but don't be naïve in life. That's the only way to survive. – Chun Gab Soo

Episode 16.

There are times when money are earmarked for someone. Those bills were meant for you. – Choi Chul Woo

How am I supposed to trust you? Cash is the only thing I trust? – Sa Jae Sung

I want back in. Keep me in the loop. Keep me in your life. – Choi Chul Woo

Shouldn't public officials like us work for the public and not for a few rich individuals? Isn't that why the people pay taxes to pay our salaries? – Baek Sung Il

Can you really not let go of me? Please, I want to be a good mayor. – Chun Gab Soo

I thought I had to do it just once. I thought if I'd accept their help just once and become mayor, I could do the things I had dreamed of. But you know, in this world, convenience becomes a privilege, consideration becomes a bribe, and friendship becomes a crime. Eventually, those things will hold me back. What kind of mayor do you think your father, Mayor Chun Gab Soo is?

How far must we go for all this to end? – Chun Gab Soo

Hang in there. I haven't shown you the Seowon that I have dreamed of, yet. – Ahn Tae Wook

I'm a changed man. – Ma Jin Seok

We must do this. If he didn't do this, we couldn't even touch those rats that we should be fighting. If he didn't fight like this, we could never beat them and more people around us would have been hurt. All those people who worked with me, at least for those people, I need to fight like this. – Baek Sung Il

To whom must we government workers look up to? For whom and with whom must we fight? Please think about that. Please show the people whose side the law is on. – Baek Sung Il

It's only natural that I should go. You're a public official and I'm a con artist. – Yang Jung Do

I'm sorry I can't keep the promise I made you. Even if I can't, you have to. Don't get fired. – Yang Jung Do

Gomawoyo, hyung. – Yang Jung Do

There was something I had to do, what Min Sik tried to do back then. What you wanted to do, I had to do it. – Baek Sung Il

I wish you'd go back to the person you used to be. – Baek Sung Il

You were a mayor consistent with the husband mom said you were. You tried to be a good husband and a good dad, but mom had a tough time because you were never there. She said that was why she had no choice but to leave. From now on, don't make Seowon and the people of Seowon end up like mom. – Chun Sung Hee

I catered to people like Choi Chul Woo. I convinced myself that it was necessary in order to run the city. I realized I can't create a city in which the people can be happy by breaking the law and sacrificing my conscience. – Chun Gab Soon

Taxation Office: Chase until the end and collect it all.

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