School 2017

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Episode 1. Hierarchy of Grades

Exams. We all imagine the same thing in this suffocating situation. We hope the world will come to an end for us to stop taking this exam. And one of us made our imagination come true. My ordinary life as an 18 year-old started to become entangled unexpectedly. – Ra Eun Ho

We always went crazy with anxiety during exam time. Some feel like as soon as they put their pen down, the countless competition will catch up to them, and study until their fingers blister. They clench their teeth and work through it, they say.

Gu Young Goo: Who cares if it's unfair? That's the cruel reality of this society.

Eun Ho: So I should just accept it? It's totally unfair, so I should just take it and let people take from me? I should fight 'til my death until the same rules apply to all!

Episode 2. Innocent Delinquent

Park Myung Deok: It's like a math formula. Students with bad grades are mostly delinquents.

Eun Ho: That's not true at all. Adults who cause trouble these days used to be first place in their schools.

You never know by looking only on the outside. – Song Dae Hwi

Tae Woon: I guess people still have dreams these days. It's so tacky.

Eun Ho: It may sound tacky, but it's everything to me. Without it, I must've been suffocated to death.

I'll make a scapegoat if I must, to show the students that they should never challenge our authority. – Principal Yang Do Jin

There are no friends in this day and age. They are all competitors. – Bit Na's Mother

If we get bad grades and are poor, does that make us delinquents? – Ra Eun Ho

They discriminate against students. I hate it. It's because I'm a bad student. That's why they look down on me. – Ra Eun Ho

I prefer to draw than to write. Why does this stupid school keep telling me to write? – Ra Eun Ho

Gu Young Goo: The world out there is much crueller.

Shim Kang Myung: Exactly. We're shoving kids out into that cruel world. What a school.

Episode 3. Suspect Your Friend

If we don't train them cruelly, they will go off-track immediately. – Gu Young Goo

Eun Ho: Do you like teasing people?

Tae Woon: No, just dimwits.

That's why I'm looking for something big, because you won't change for something minor. – Hyun Tae Woon

That's the plan. I want to destroy this trash of a school. – Song Dae Hwi

Episode 4. Encounter

I didn't know that their personal circumstances meant suffering as well. – Ra Eun Ho

If you're powerless, you take all the blame. – Song Dae Hwi

If I really work hard, can I really break free? I may run like crazy but other kids start at a different starting line. Can I catch up to them? – Song Dae Hwi

If you openly look at me with pity, I'll feel pathetic. – Hyun Tae Woo

Episode 5. Something the Student Evaluation Doesn't Record

You might have done it because you were annoyed and bored, but because of it I suffered so much. – Ra Eun Ho

Go play being a hero by yourself. – Ra Eun Ho

It's because the school discriminates so much that they learn to discriminate at school. – Jung Joon Soo

The top kid's future isn't the only one that matters. – Ra Eun Ho

Now and then, I'm still a loser. – Hyun TaeWoon

I have to work super-duper hard so I won't feel guilty. I'm living in place of someone else. I'm going to do my best in everything, for his sake. I feel bad, so I have to try hard. So, stop wasting your life and try hard. – Ra Eun Ho

Episode 6. The Real Records of Our Lives

I know it's not easy to accept the truth, but I can handle it. – Ra Eun Ho

All I've ever thought about was facing reality and deciding which road to take. – Oh Sa Rang

If the kids' lives are already decided by money, I think that's wrong. – Shim Kang Myung

Episode 7. Everyone Lies

We all tell lies to protect something or to hide something. I guess his lie was the same case.

I feel the happiest when I draw. – Ra Eun Ho

Then again, this world is too much for someone with such a tiny brain. – Song Dae Hwi

Kids like me who have nothing have to do everything on our own to avoid being stepped on by jerks like you. – Song Dae Hwi

I may have no clue, but I feel like you guys aren't actually fighting. It's more like you're asking each other for attention because you're both hurting. – Ra Eun Ho

Episode 8. After the Lie

Even if it's painful now, I believe pointing out their faults and guiding them is what's right. – Han Soo Ji

What if they suffer more in a bigger world after growing up in a safe greenhouse? – Han Soo Ji

Come to think of it, it's not easy to step up for someone. I think I took your caring heart for granted. – Ra Eun Ho

Why take the blame just to be condescending? – Song Dae Hwi

You call your stupid inferiority complex your pride? I pity you. – Hyun Tae Woon

I just hate myself so much. Everything about me seems fake. It's all lies. – Song Dae Hwi

No matter how hard I work, I end up where I started. – Song Dae Hwi

Eun Ho's Dad: I'm not like other dads and can't pave your path in life for you, but I want to make my daughter's path to school in the morning nice and pretty. So I put down sidewalks and planted flowers. I want to make sure you walk on flowery paths all your life, but I can only give you a short path. I'm sorry.

Eun Ho: Thanks to you, I'll be walking only on flowery paths. You're the best, dad!

I liked you a lot, so why do you keep lying to me? – Song Dae Hwi

We all tell lies to protect something or to hide something. And we have to be responsible for the consequences of our lies. Sometimes there's even greater truth within their lies that they couldn't realize in advance.

He couldn't believe it. He wasn't aware of his feelings. – HyunTae Woon

Don't smile like that. It makes my heart beat. – Hyun Tae Woon

Episode 9. The Weight Rumors Carry

I'm not playing around. Don't you see I'm very sincere right now? – Hyun Tae Woon

Rumors are started by something random. You try to kill them, but they survive. They reveal the weight that they carry through unexpected ways.

We are friends, but what is this feeling? – Ra Eun Ho

I'll stick to you like glue. I won't let go. – Hyun Tae Woon

It's not that I don't want to. I'm afraid of truly understanding someone's feelings. It's the first time someone confessed to me. – Ra Eun Ho

Episode 10. How to Endure the Weight

I won't let the same thing happen again. It means I'll kill you if you mess with Eun Ho again. – Hyun Tae Woon

I came in case you'd be doing this, smiling at another guy. Don't you dare laugh with another guy again. – Hyun Tae Woon

You may give up, but I can't. I refuse to see you suffer when you did nothing wrong. I won't let you fight alone and I won't let you be lonely, so trust me. Be strong. Let's fight together. – Hyun Tae Woon

Don't smile like that. It gets me excited. Look, my heart is pounding like crazy. – Hyun Tae Woon

You're not Ra Eun Ho unless you fight to death. – Hyun Tae Woon

I'm good-looking and talented. Whoever makes me her boyfriend must have saved the planet in her past life. – Hyun Tae Woon

To you who lies without batting an eye,

          Someone said you were blessed with good parents, but I don't envy you. Preferential treatment and shamelessness that mocks fair, hard work. I'm grateful, actually. Thanks to you, I was able to realize just how beautiful my life has been. I don't succumb to injustice. I can fight together with my friends. I'm happy and proud.

                                   – Ra Eun Ho

Why do you keep yourself so locked up and shun other people's feelings too? – Ra Eun Ho

You're right, I don't know what made you close your heart or what is making you hurt so much. But I did think about how it must have been for you all alone, how lonely it must have been. So let's do it together. It must've been hard for you to do it alone, but if we do it together, there may be another way. – Ra Eun Ho

I'm not trying to gain something. I just want to get back what you took from me. – Seo Bo Ra

Rumors start in unusual places, and the gravity of them surfaces in unexpected places. Just as rumors don't start on their own, we are not alone. Being together doesn't resolve everything, but being together at least lets us withstand it.

Episode 11. Dreams, Sparkly but Unnervingt

Maybe I put up with all that to stab you in the back like this. – Song Dae Hwi

That's why I'm bothering her, to teach her what it means to be powerless. How dare she mess with me? She's nothing. – Kim Hee Chan

I want to live too. I want to breathe. Why won't you let me breathe? Why do you keep suffocating me? – Kim Hee Chan

That's how people fulfill their dreams, through tough competition. – Hyun Tae Woon

Eun Ho: I wish you'd do something that'd make your heart race, something that gets you excited, something that you enjoy.

Tae Woon: I'm already doing it. I told you, you make my heart race. Seeing you gets me excited and I enjoy it. Does that make you my dream?

It's annoying if she gets hurt. It's fine if I get hurt for her. – Hyun Tae Woon

Episode 12. Soaring Up, You

You only think about your feelings, that's why everything's easy for you. Your feelings that made me think like crazy, it didn't mean anything you, did it? – Ra Eun Ho

You might've thought it was spontaneous and childish of me, but I countlessly hesistated before that. "What if I make her uncomfortable?" "What if I get rejected?" The endless thoughts that made me so anxious. You think it was easy? How can that be easy? That was my desperate effort. At least, I tried. I tried to think what my feelings for you are. I tried to understand what you were concerned with and why you were suffering, and what did you do? Have you even tried to understand me? What I'm really upset about is that, it was so difficult for me to tell you my feelings and yet just like that you made it something easy. – Hyun TaeWoon

I made up my mind then, to study hard so that I can become an influential person, not to lose what's precious to me because of money ever again. – Song Dae Hwi

I couldn't stand how powerless I was but there was nothing I could do, so I justified myself. I blamed you when I should have blamed myself. I thought that you were worse than me. – Hyun Tae Woon

Luck is usually on the side of those with power. – Ra Eun Ho

I found a weakness, so I should milk it. Isn't that right? – Kim Hee Chan

The one who causes someone pain usually hurts more when it's within the family. – Yoon Kyung Woo

Know what's sadder? It's that admitting I don't have talent makes more sense and I'm using that as an excuse to give up, like a coward. – Ra Eun Ho

I realized with time that each person isn't limited to only one dream and that nothing stops you from changing it along the way. – Jung Joon Soo

I'm smart. I just don't study, that's all. – Hyun Tae Woon

As you said, it may not work out even if you work hard. People may never know what you drew, what you wanted to do all your life, or what dreams you failed to achieve. But I know, I saw how hard you tried. I'll stay by your side, so let's not give up. Let's give it our all. – Hyun Tae Woon

You think only of yourself. I think only of you, too. – Hyun Tae Woon

Hellen Keller said, Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing. You should just walk confidently toward your dream. What we find at the end of the road will not be a fancy destination, but beautiful footstep we made along the way.

I think I've always kept my feelings hidden away. – Ra Eun Ho

You're saying you like me, right? So I'm saying, today is our first day of dating. – Hyun Tae Woon

Episode 13. Between the Two

Relationships among people tell you what kind of person they are. Someone once said, relationships start to crack not from big incidents but from trivial misunderstandings.

I thought he was a jerk at first, but the more I knew the better he seemed like. He looks indifferent but he's caring and gentle, and he has such a nice voice. – Ra Eun Ho

Run your mouth again and I'll kill you all. – Song Dae Hwi

If you keep knocking, it might open to you one day. – Han Soo Ji

Episode 14. How to Face a Misunderstanding

Why can't they know about it? Everyone should know about it so that no one will have feelings for you. – Hyun Tae Woon

Why do I feel like his being X is a childish hero cosplay? – Oh Sa Rang

I thought I knew her best. I thought I understood her best. But now I wonder what we were to each other. – Ra Eun Ho

Relationships get harder the deeper it gets. – Han Soo Ji

I didn't do my job, so I must be held accountable. – Han Soo Ji

I must protect the kids, as well as the woman I love. – Shim Kang Myung

Minor misunderstandings weaken a relationship. But that weakness creates an opportunity, an opportunity for a new encounter, an opportunity to reaffirm long-time relationships. The best way to heal that weakness is to hold each other's hand firmly.

Episode 15. How to Protect You

I won't sit by and watch if you're planning to put the blame on her again. – Hyun Tae Woon

I'm dating you to tease you. – Hyun Tae Woon

There are times when you have to make a choice for someone you cherish, even if that choice might hurt the other.

I'll do my best to protect both my boyfriend and my bestfriend. – Ra Eun Ho

We should either have the culprit or someone to take responsibility. – Director Hyun Kang Woo

You'll never be able to find someone like me in your lifetime. I'm handsome, cool, healthy, and I love only you. – Hyun Tae Woon

My rule is that you must be honest with the person that you love. – Shim Kang Myung

How is a woman so tough, pretty, smart and loveable? – Shim Kang Myung

One iced Americano and your number please. I heard you don't have a boyfriend right now. – Song Dae Hwi

Don't even think about sacrificing yourself to save me. – Ra Eun Ho

You're the biggest coward. You always hide behind a mask but act arrogant. – Kim Hee Chan

He finally looks like an average kid. He had no friends to joke around with at school. He never got in trouble for talking in class. Rather than fond memories, he had more sad painful ones. – Ra Eun Ho

I'll protect your dream. – Hyun Tae Woon

Episode 16. On My Way to Meet the Real You

I worked so hard to make you mine. I'll never let go of this hand. – HyunTae Woon

I'll wait for you. I think it's my turn to give to you. I'll stay by your side, so I'd like you to think hard about your life as well. – Ra Eun Ho

I still haven't overcome my bus trauma. Wounds don't heal so easily. The true feelings hidden inside are still fragile, but the fact that you don't stop from walking right now is as important as arriving somewhere. – Ra Eun Ho

I hid myself behind the mask called X, but I learned to take off that mask and face the world as someone who's more mature than before. – Hyun Tae Woon

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