Splash Splash Love (2015)

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Episode 1.

I'm going crazy because there's not enough time. But even if there's more time, it's not going to change anything. – Jang Dan Bi

Please make me disappear. Please, just this one time. – Jang Dan Bi

I don't believe in things I can't see. – King Lee Do

If I don't like what my eyes see, I need to know the logic and principle of it, no matter how strange is. – King Lee Do

You can leave when rain comes. – King Lee Do

How can you stare into my eyes? You have no fear. – King Lee Do

How can I trust something when I can't see it? – King Lee Do

When there is a person you like and your heart beats, you can know that it is your heart. – Jang Dan Bi

I wish to be a good King, so power is my priority. I don't want to lose. – King Lee Do

You're so handsome, but you're so mean. You're making my heart flutter. – Jang Dan Bi

Don't think of me as a king, but as a friend. – King Lee Do

It's normal to be thrown away after becoming useless. – Park Yeon

Dan Bi: I have never worked as if my life depended on it. Because if I couldn't do it even if I tried hard, then it would only prove how useless I am. But I really did my best this time.

Lee Do: It's okay. I also put a lot of effort into it, but I don't think there is an answer.

Episode 2.

It must be hard to endure everything alone. – Park Yeon

Mi means not yet and rae means to come. So you came from the days that haven't come yet? – King Lee Do

*** The Korean word Mirae means Future.

Dan Bi: In the future, there aren't many stars. You can only see the few brightest stars and the others are as if they don't exist at all.

Lee Do: At first you only see the brightest star, but if you keep looking the less bright ones eventually start to shine more brightly. The stars are not actually shining, but the person's will to see them is becoming bigger.

Don't cry. It's a royal decree. – King Lee Do

The next time it rains, don't go. – King Lee Do

If you're beside me, that's enough for me. It's not because I need you. You're enough for me. Just having you beside me is enough. – King Lee Do

I keep living while running away. – Jang Dan Bi

Lee Do: What am I to you?

Dan Bi: A dream.

Lee Do: A dream may not go back.

My dream is not feeling lonely in this nasty palace. – Queen So Heon

It's dangerous beside me, but I tried to keep you next to me. I'm sorry. – King Lee Do

A scary world without any discipline will come. The world will turn upside down.

Death doesn't scare me, but a future where we will be useless does.

What if a person becomes useless? It is still a person. – King Lee Do

The answer I couldn't find no matter how much I thought is you. – King Lee Do

We've met before, a long time ago.

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