While You Were Sleeping (2017)

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Episode 1. While You Were Sleeping

I believe in you. Because it's me, I can believe you. – Nam Hong Joo

All of your dreams come true, you know. – Yoon Moon Sun

Have you already fallen for that guy? Is your heart an automatic door or what? It opens up before anyone even knocks on it. – Yoon Moon Sun

I saw you in my dream. What I see in my dreams always comes true, so if you want to live you have to listen to me no matter what. Everyone will think it's complete nonsense. Even my dad passed like that because he didn't believe me. The future is unchangeable. Knowing what will happen changes nothing.

You're the only one I have in this world, so don't leave me. – Nam Hong Joo

Episode 2. While You Were Sleeping

We trust evidence more than mere speculations. Unfortunately, none of the evidence supports your claim. – Jung Jae Chan

If something happens to you because of me, I won't be able to go on with life. – Nam Hong Joo

If this was a dream, I'd be so happy. If this was your dream, thank you for saying that you'll believe me. – Nam Hong Joo

You haven't changed one bit. You still blame others for everything and give lame excuses. – Lee Yoo Beom

I did it to save lives. – Jung Jae Chan

No one will believe that I changed your future. – Jung Jae Chan

Episode 3. The Good, The Bad, The Weird

When you stop running water, it diverts its course. You stopped things from happening just like stopping the running water. Time will flow differently. – Nam Hong Joo

People don't notice that time has changed in the beginning. Then as time passes by, the difference will get bigger. – Nam Hong Joo

I told you I can see the future in my dream, so it's true that you saved me. And it's true that I owe you. – Nam Hong Joo

I don't believe in your words. I don't want to believe it. I will never believe it even if I dream the same thing again. I don't care who dies in my dream. I'll have to save whoever is dying. If I can't do that, I'll have to blame myself endlessly. I can't handle that. Can you handle that? If you can't, ignore all your dreams as if they never happened. – Jung Jae Chan

I could not find anybody else. I don't know why it had to be you. – Nam Hong Joo

Episode 4. The Good, The Bad, The Weird

Prosecutors are dumb and lawyers are sly. – Park So Yoon

When drums beats, laws are silent. – Park So Yoon

I told you to believe me. If you believed me, you could have stopped it. – Nam Hong Joo

Episode 5. Secretly, Greatly

There are cruel moments you never want to encounter in life, and those cruel moments are always preceded by choices that brought them about. And those little choices come back as regrets and haunt us later on in life. If we can alter those seemingly insignificant choices, we might be able to prevent such cruel moments.

Yes, turn a blind eye! You'll get hurt if you get involved. – Jung Jae Chan

It's because I'm too incompetent, I have a lot of regrets. I just don't want you to turn out like me. I want you to have a much better life. I guess that's why expectations keep getting higher. – Jung Il Song

Episode 6. Secretly, Greatly

I'm not the type of person who chooses what to say and what to hold back based on money. – Jung Jae Chan

He loves to bluff, but he's so inconsistent. He's cool though. – Nam Hong Joo

Know with whom you're dealing with if you want to bluff away. I know what card you're holding. – Lee Yoo Beom

Do you know what's more awful than not knowing anything? Thinking you know everything. – Jung Jae Chan

I'd make the same decision even if I were to go back. – Shin Hee Min

"We will fight for justice and human rights. We will become warm prosecutors who help the weak and underprivileged." At times, fighting for justice and helping the weak can clash. In many domestic abuse cases, arresting the husband who is the breadwinner results in the rest of the family struggling to sustain themselves. His wife writing that statement doesn't mean she forgave him. We all know that. We're only pretending not to know because we want her to make a choice between staying inside the thorny walls and braving the thorny bush by stepping out of those walls. People like us who are sitting in a field of pretty flowers do not have any right to tell her what to do. You want to indict and arrest him without such rights? That's not justice; it's foolish bravery. Those who can't differentiate between the two should not be prosecutors. – Shin Hee Min

That's when I learned that my made a choice. He sacrificed his life to save others and the world called him a hero. My mom lost her husband and Seung Won and I lost our father. I cannot say that his choice made me proud. Rather, I resented it. To others his choice meant justice, but to me it was nothing but foolish bravery. – Jung Jae Chan

You put up a tough front, but you're not strong at all. You seem like a nice girl, yet you say such mean things. – Nam Hong Joo

That small change I did, will it prevent the horrible moments that are about to unfold? – Han Woo Tak

Episode 7. A Few Good Men

"I'll slip out of my old skin and become a new man." You know, humans don't slip out of their own skins, only snakes do. Snakes become bigger and creepier as they slip out of their old skins. – Jung Jae Chan

He came to bluff like a tiger, but he's only a cat. – Jung Jae Chan

You have to be firm on him, so he doesn't bother you again. – Jung Jae Chan

I can live without a piano, but I can't live without my mom. – Park So Yoon

I have this ability to understand even the most complicated things. – Nam Hong Joo

Is it the women's fault when perverts take their photos? Is it the victim's fault if they get their money stolen by a thief? – Jung Jae Chan

Episode 8. A Few Good Men

I'm giving him a choice to either jump off a broken car or kill himself in it. – Jung Jae Chan

If you feel like I've changed, doesn't that mean you're the one who's changed? – Choi Dam Dong

I won't get disappointed. If you do well, I'd be grateful. If you fail, I'd be grateful that you tried. – Nam Hong Joo

Dad, I became a prosecutor just like you told me. I was afraid of disappointing you, so I tried really hard. Sometimes, I wanted to run away because it was too tough. That's how much I must have loved you. Now, I have someone who wishes the best for me. Whether I do well or not she'd say that it's okay, but I want to do well. Now I'm scared of that thought. Before that thought tires me out, before that thought gets bigger and bigger, I want to run away. – Jung Jae Chan

Episode 9. Don't Trust Her

It hasn't happened yet, but the dream makes me feel like I'm already there. I still feel like I'm in the midst of that dream even after I wake up. It makes me feel like morning will never come. It is a complete nightmare. There's a sound that wakes me up from that nightmare. It comforts me by letting me know that the night and the nightmare are gone for the time being. It tells me, "Morning is here. You're okay now." To me, my mom is like the morning that banishes the nights. – Nam Hong Joo

I enjoy seeing your face much more than working. – Nam Hong Joo

Why can't I change my future if he is able to? – Nam Hong Joo

We prosecutors should not turn innocent people into criminals. – Park Dae Young

Hong Joo: What if you dream about your death?

Woo Tak: Then I'll have to change my future. It can be changed.

Episode 10. Don't Trust Her

You know how much I love writing in my diary... But these days, I only write six words. "Today wasn't any different from yesterday." I just want today to be a little better. I don't want to waste my life just because I fear my dreams. – Nam Hong Joo

There's one thing I know for certain in life, the fact that nothing is set in stone in life. – Nam Hong Joo

It was breaking my heart to watch her having to hold back from what she wants to do. – Yoon Moon Sun

It wasn't because she didn't want to go back. She wanted to, but she was scared. – Jung Jae Chan

Facial expressions can be deceiving. Sometimes we can read someone's mood, thoughts, and feelings from their facial expressions like an open book, but some people use their facial expressions like a mask to conceal those things. Nevertheless, there are flashing moments that collapse the border between such deception and truth. The truth that no one can see, the truth that no one can find out, there are brief moments when they're revealed to the world. Let's not close our eyes if we ever happen to face such moments. Don't pretend you didn't see it. Don't avoid it. Face it squarely. – Jung Jae Chan

Hong Joo: Why are you being like this? I'll get the wrong idea again. I'll cling onto you and ask you to take me to work everyday. I'll also pester you to protect me.

Jae Chan: We can do that. Cling onto me, ask me to take you to work, and pester me to protect you. I'll try. Well, I'll do it if it'll give you relief.

Episode 11. A City of Blinds

I can't be pretty all my life. I must work hard. – Nam Hong Joo

Episode 12. A City of Blinds

When I crossed the road holding your hand, I let go of all the fear, worries, and everything else. Otherwise, I can't be a reporter. – Nam Hong Joo

Episode 13. Secret that Can't be Told

You're technically telling me to fill a bottomless barrel. You need to tell me where the hole is for me to patch it up and fill with water. – Lee Yoo Beom

Don't be so sure. My today might be your tomorrow. – Lee Yoo Beom

Regrets are pointless. There's no use in crying over spilled milk. All you can do is slowly fill the glass up again. Time won't flow backward for you. – Jung Jae Chan

Don't cry too much. Don't beat yourself up for too long, but never forget what happened. – Choi Dam Dong

Episode 14. Secret that Can't be Told

Stop disappearing whenever I'm looking for you. – Jung Jae Chan

Episode 15. Pride and Prejudice

I should stop caring about something so petty. – Jung Jae Chan

My friend told me to turn myself in because the law will protect me. He said that the law will prove my innocence. – Do Hak Young

Episode 16. Pride and Prejudice

We can't assume an answer just because we don't have one. – Son Woo Joo

He's just like us. He also can't believe what happened yesterday. He also wants to turn back the time to stop what happened. He must have wished that this was all just a dream. – Jung Jae Chan

I like you so much that I hate the fact that I disappointed you. I wanted to charge Do Hak Young no matter what, but I can't charge an innocent man. It might destroy one's life. I really like you a lot, but my feelings can't be compared to his entire life. My feelings are nothing. I'm sorry I disappointed you. – Jung Jae Chan

The sweetest dream I have ever dreamed in my life turned into the most horrible one. – Nam Hong Joo

Episode 17. The Usual Suspect

This time, it's my turn to keep you safe. – Nam Hong Joo

We must change the flow of time. – Nam Hong Joo

He's the type you'll want to see until you get sick of him. – Moon Hyang Mi

Episode 18. The Usual Suspect

There's a thing called the Law of Motion in the news industry. If we suddenly make a U-turn after going straight for a while, what will people think of us? If we keep changing our direction, no one will want to watch our news because it'll make them dizzy. – Captain

You should live. I don't resent you. I'm glad that you're alive, so just live. – Nam Hong Joo

Anger can make even things that are right feel unbearable.

Captain: Who'd want to watch a news program that keeps changing its words?

Hong Joo: Even navigation systems search for the best route again when the driver takes a wrong way. Can you drive with a navigation system that keeps telling you to take the wrong way? When something is wrong, you need to correct it. Who'd trust a news program that insists what's wrong is right?

Episode 19. Boy Meets Girl

So you were Chestnut. Why didn't I recognize you? I want to tell you something. Rather than saying I can't forget the day 13 years ago, rather than saying that it's great to see you again, there is something I want to tell you more. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those words then. My words must have been hurtful to you. You must have blamed yourself for things you can't even handle. I said such mean things to you. I regret it a lot. If this is the last time, you would blame yourself because of me. I'm worried about you. I should have said nothing and taken your umbrella. – Jung Jae Chan

I could not change the future. No, I mean, I tried changing it, but it changed to be worse. – Nam Hong Joo

Hong Joo: People say that ignorance is bliss. If that's true, should I just act like I don't know anything and lie?

Woo Tak: Do you think you can lie until the end? If you can keep things until the end, then it's not a lie. So just act like you don't know anything.

Episode 20. Boy Meets Girl

The more you give excuses, the worse it gets. – Nam Hong Joo

Why does he do things he'd be sorry for? – Moon Hyang Mi

Now that my son is sick, do you know what I think? There must be many car accidents because it's raining hard. By any chance, will there be anyone who can transplant a kidney to my son among the dead. I wish for it when it rains. The sound of an ambulance means someone is hurt. This could be a horrible tragedy for someone else, but for people like us, it gives us hope even if it's just a faint one. I know I'm horrible. – Son Woo Joo

How can I forget you? You're the person who was with me on the saddest day of my life. You're the one who created the day I want to forget the most. – Nam Hong Joo

I know my excuses won't work, but I lost someone I love. His absence was too big for me. I couldn't stand that, so I filled his absence with anger. – Nam Hong Joo

The regrets remained with me like some scars. – Nam Hong Joo

I just thought, I'm not better than anyone. – Jung Jae Chan

You and I get to meet each other no matter what happens.

Episode 21. To Die or To Be Bad

Your life is in my hands now. In other words, I have more power than you. – Lee Yoo Beom

This hierarchical culture needs to be uprooted. Being older doesn't give you all the power in the world. – Nam Hong Joo

I know that I'm being a coward, but I still want to run away. – Jung Jae Chan

Episode 22. To Die or To Be Bad

We'll probably be able to create a new path if we work at it. – Nam Hong Joo

If I were you, I wouldn't choose either of them. If I were you, I'd save those seven lives and also catch the culprit. That's my choice. – Nam Hong Joo

Episode 23. Knocking on Heaven's Door

His style is to start on something without thinking of the next move. – Choi Dam Dong

You'll suffer because you're too slow, but you'll catch both nonetheless. – Nam Hong Joo

There's only one theme in heaven. It's the sea.

I don't know about others. But I, as your mom, know it. I can see what you're thinking. I can read your mind. Your dad's passing away, Jae Chan's accident and all that. You're blaming yourself and you're suffering from it. You keep blaming yourself, and you're hurt inside. And you'll keep doing that. Whenever you see him, it scares me that it will hurt you and it worries me so much. – Yoon Moon Sun

Episode 24. Knocking on Heaven's Door

I'm the mom now because my brother is a horrible housekeeper. – Jung Seung Won

I have to see if the slow turtle can catch the rabbits. – Nam Hong Joo

He got a devil's tongue. – Shin Hee Min

Please let justice flow like river in this court. – Jung Jae Chan

I'm sorry for being a small person. I know that I shouldn't be doing this, but I'm quite cunning like all humans. I hurt someone else's child to protect my own child. I'm sorry for behaving that way as an adult. – Yoon Moon Sun

It's a blessing to know what's going to happen. I thought of it like that, but this blessing takes away the feeling of excitement. It kills a will of challenge. It puts out embers of hope. A future I can't change, a future that's been decided—that's another form of despair that makes me lose everything by giving up and repeating every day in vain. I wish I gave her some time to relax by bringing her to the sea. I hope this can be a shelter from those days that are in vain. I wish she had a fluttering day today.

Episode 25. We're on Our Way to Meet You Now

The moment felt like a gift. I was thankful for all the choices I've made, because they brought this moment to me. The choices that seemed foolish at that time were actually wise decisions. Even all the choices that I regretted eventually proved to be right. Everything made my heart flutter and lovely. I was relieved about everything. But there was one thing... will we be able to recognize each other if we meet again?

Even if life deceives you, don't be sad or angry.

The heart lives in the future,

So what if gloom pervade the present?

All is fleeting, all will go;

What is gone will then be pleasant. 

My life shouldn't end now. There's someone I must meet later on in life. – Choi Dam Dong

It's possible that we crossed paths but didn't recognize each other. – Jung Jae Chan

When we met him again later on, he said that he had thought about us and missed us a lot more, and that he wanted to meet us again more desperately. When he came to meet us again after many twists and turns, we couldn't recognize him for a pretty long time. And like little waves, small incidents that were scattered started coming together one by one and stepping towards us. Merging into high waves, they began guiding us towards him.

If I have to force him to stay, I wouldn't want him to stay. – Jung Jae Chan

No one accepts punishment gladly. It's not some kind of candy. It's meant to be bitter, so accept it as it is. – Shin Hee Min

I want to thank you for staying by my side even though I'm full of flaws. – Jung Jae Chan

Episode 26. We're on Our Way to Meet You Now

What you're doing now is like what a quack would do. You're like a foolish doctor trying to spend hours trying to put a bandage on a patient with a scratch on his knee when traffic accidents are dying in the emergency room. – Park Dae Young

Do you think he deserves that much scolding just because he was fooled by someone? I mean, believing someone isn't really a bad thing. – Nam Hong Joo

I don't even need to dream anymore. I can read you like a book now. – Nam Hong Joo

Has something like that ever came to you? Feeling like you came back to life after a near-death experience. I was incredibly grateful to you for that feeling. I thought I could've really died and that I want to make sure I can repay you for the rest of my life. That thought must be what started those dreams, the dreams where I can foresee the future of the one who saved my life.

Episode 27. Catch Me if You Can

Whatever he does makes my heart flutter. – Nam Hong Joo

Don't do that to me. Don't say you're okay when you're not. Bad things, bad things, you have to tell me everything. Don't lie to me. – Jung Jae Chan

I know it in my mind, but my heart can't believe it. – Jung Jae Chan

The assumptions get out of control if we don't ask anything. If you hear from him, you don't have to doubt him anymore. – Nam Hong Joo

Episode 28. Catch Me if You Can

Someone who as a lot also has a lot to lose. – Ha Joo Won

The one who gave me hope was you and you will remain my only hope until the end. – Ha Joo Won

Episode 29. Stand by Me

You're leaving me all alone. Why do you have to leave me? – Jung Jae Chan

Now, make a choice. Will you go punch him now and get excluded from the investigation and legal proceedings or will you just suck it up now so that you can give him the punch he deserves through the investigation and trial later on? – Choi Dam Dong

Thank you for getting rid of my long-standing nightmares. – Nam Hong Joo

Episode 30. Stand by Me

Let's not get all awkward. I'll pretend not to know about it, so let's keep on being friends. – Jung Jae Chan

Yesterday, today, tomorrow. We were used to having every day being like any other day, but a very special day was about to begin. For some people, it will bring joy or rage. And some will remember today as a sad day for a long time. At the end of the day, we'll hear someone's last words. "Don't cry. Don't beat yourself up too much. But don't forget about what happened."

I won't run away. I won't make any mistakes. Don't worry. – Han Woo Tak

Episode 31. Goodbye, My Friend

Never did this badge belong to me. It was always heavy. It was tough, but I wanted to bear the weight of it. – Han Woo Tak

I've had enough. I don't think I should ask for more. – Han Woo Tak

Stop running away, not anymore. You'll only end up getting hurt and suffering. Stop being stubborn. Stop hurting others. – Choi Dam Dong

I knew how fall came because of you. – Choi Dam Dong

I didn't recognize you like a fool. – Jung Jae Chan

Why would you be the only one to get hurt? – Jung Jae Chan

If you can still hold on to someone like me, please come to me. – Jung Jae Chan

I came here knowing this will happen. This is my choice. Don't blame yourself. – Choi Dam Dong

Episode 32. Goodbye, My Friend

Don't be afraid. I'll be right here for you every day until the end.

Among the cases that can ruin a person's life, among those thousands of cases, are you sure you never made a mistake? – Lee Yoo Beom

When you investigated the IV drip case, you set someone as your target and made the puzzle pieces fit. You even falsified evidence to finish your puzzle, but you knew all along that you were wrong. Maybe when you did that to us, it reminded you of the things you did. That's why you were so mad. You were not mad at us; you were mad at yourself. You hated yourself. You thought your mistakes would be gone if you washed or blamed others. You were scared. You continued to hide and mask the facts and felt guiltier as the days passed. You're not here because your answer was wrong; you're here because you insisted that the wrong answer was right. You aren't unlucky; you were bad. – Jung Jae Chan

I hope that in this country, those who protect the law will be accountable when they enforce the law. – Jung Jae Chan

This all will pass. They may look like something big, but when they pass they'll be nothing. You may not believe it, but you will talk about things as if they're some jokes. So I tell myself not to worry about things too much. I'll make difficult choices, and it will be hard for me. After a year, a morning like today will come. Trust those days and survive.

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