The power of youth

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Amber: hello everybody and welcome back to ask a Naruto character!!!! With your host Amber Goldwing. So today we have a question from drum roll please
*cricket noise*
I said drum roll please
* louder cricket noise*
Oh come on guys
*drum roll sound*
Thank you, so are question is from @YunieCorn, so the question is for lee

Lee: for me what kind of youthful question must I answer, shall it be how fast I can run around the village or-

Amber: and I'll stop ya there the question is- lee do you ship your youthful teammates

Lee: of course, neji and tenten were made for each other, may their love blossom with the power of youth and *goes on youth rant*

Gai: *joins youth rant*

*random door apears and gets broken down reveling Magyk *

Amber: what are you doing here

Magyk: *joins in the youth rant*

Amber: Should have guessed

Amber: wow guys, ummm guys let's stay on topic... guys...GUYS!!!!!

The youth squad AKA Gai, Lee, and Magyk: sorry

Amber: so lee in conclusion you ship Nejiten right

Lee: yes very much show, they are the most youthful couple of all, well besides me and Saku-

Magyk: *Cough* Naomi *cough*

Lee: are you okay youthful Magyk

Magyk: oh yes of course just saying that the power of youth is the best

Lee: yes-

Amber: sorry that is all the time we have for now, see ya

Naruto cast: see ya next time

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