My asks... =D

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Josjos- Heyyy everyone. I'm feeling bored, and I have no more requests on what I should do, sooo I thougt I could ask the gang on my own in this chapter =D. I'm curious about stuff.. And bad on doing dares... SO LET'S DI, DA, DO THIS!

Josjos- Hey King Peppy!

Peppy- Oh hey... ummm...

Josjos- ... I'm Josjos, but you can call me Jos!

Peppy- Oh, hey Juice! Nice to meet you.

Josjos- .. Eh, you can call me that too. It's actually another nickname I have.

Peppy- Okay. So what brings you here, Juice?

Josjos- Well I have a question to you.

Peppy- Well bring it on.

Josjos- You see, I'm pretty curious about your mustache.

Peppy- You are?

Josjos- Yes. I'm thinking, trolls store things in their hair, right?

Peppy- Yes?

Josjos- I was wondering if you can store things in your mustache?

Peppy- Ooooooh. Haha, you bet I can! *Pulls out stuff from his mustache* Here I have.. a banana peel.. Oh, and a... bottle giggle yum, heh how did that get there. Hmmm, and we have this... I don't know what that is... but it moves..

Josjos- OKAY, I get it King Peppy. You can store things in your mustache. 

Peppy- Yup

Josjos- Thank you for your.. eh... presentation, but I gotta go now. See ya!

Peppy- Goodbye!

Josjos- Soo, what's next... OH, I know. *Runs off*

Josjos- HEY GUY! *Jumps into Guys pod*

Guy Diamond (GD)- WAAAAHHH!! *Falls off bed* Oh, hey Jos.

Josjos- Hey Guy!... Did you.. sleep?

GD- Yes?

Josjos- It's in the middle of the day, Guy.

GD- It's called a siesta, early bird. I need my beauty sleep to be fabulous the rest of this day. *Sparkles*

Josjos- ...Right. But I have a question for you.

GD- Oooh, for moi? *Makes a pose like this:*

(Crappy sketch I know 😅)

Josjos- Yes, for vous.

GD- ...What does that mean?

Josjos- It's french, it means "you". I just googled it up =D.

GD- Okeh. *Thinks* What's google?

Josjos- So, my question to you is why are almost every glitter troll naked?

GD- Well, it's pretty simple, Jos. We just don't want to cover the beautiful body of ours. I mean, which troll do you think is prettiest in the village?

Josjos- *Says dreamy* Cloud Guy.

GD- 0_o I said troll, Jos.

Josjos- Hu! Yeah, right, ofcourse heh.. Hmmm. Poppy?

GD- Someone else?

Josjos- Branch =D

GD- One more..

Josjos- ... Keith?


Josjos- 0_o... Oooooooh, yeah. Ofcourse, it's you.

GD- Exactly, it took some time for you to realise it.

Josjos- Yup.

GD- Anyways, we glitter trolls can't let the world miss out on such beauty, so we don't wear clothes so often. I mean, what a lifeless world it would be without us, right Jos.

Josjos- *Snore* Zzz..

GD- I said, RIgHt JoS!

Josjos- Whaaa! Yes, yes, yeah..

GD- That's what I thought, yoU tHinK iT wOulD bE a liFeLEsS WoRld wiThOUt uS tOo.

Josjos- *Sarcastic voice* Yeah, what a shame it would be if you wouldn't go around naked and fart glitter all over us all the time. -_-

GD- Exactly. Do you have more questions?

Josjos- Actually yes. Glitter trolls can fart glitter, can't the "normal" trolls do that too? And if they can't, what  can they fart or poop that is a bit original?

GD- Well, it is only glitter trolls that can fart glitter. No "normal" troll can do that. Except if they have my Farty Party will say. *Smiles*

Josjos- Oooooh, I want one!

GD- Here you go. *Gives me a Farty Party* (reference from trolls the beat goes on)

Josjos- Yaaaay! *Runs around and "farts" glitter all over Guys pod*

GD- Some "normal" trolls fart or poop stuff that is original too. Like Cooper with his cupcakes.

Josjos- I know that Cooper does that, but is there some other trolls that can do something like that too?

GD- Hmmm... I think Branch poops weapons 'n stuff.

Josjos- 0_o 

GD- I mean, how else could he get his hands on those weapons he has.

Josjos- He maybe made them?

GD- Yes, with his butt.

Josjos- 0_o........ I think I end this conversation there, bye Guy!

GD- Later!

Josjos- So, now I have one thing left to do.

Josjos- Hey Poppy!

Poppy- Hey Jos! Whacha doing?

Josjos- Just asking people stuff, and you?

Poppy- Scrapbooking =D

Josjos- That's funny, I was just about to ask you something about scrapbooks.

Poppy- The DAy FinAlLy cAmE! What do you wonder?! 🤩

Josjos- How many scrapbooks do you have?

Poppy- Hmmm... Let's see... *Counts* ... Onehundred fifty three 😁.

Josjos- Wow.. That's a LOT. Where do you keep them?

Poppy- In my hair and my pod... *Wispers* but I have hidden some in the forest for the winther too. 

Josjos- What?

Poppy- Yes, but don't tell anyone, okay?

Josjos- But your winter is one day? *Thinks* She's like a squirrel..

Poppy- *Says in an slow but intense voice* But you'll never know when you need them...*Disappears behind me*

Josjos- WeLl ThaT's NoT cReEpy At aLl. I think I will go now.

Josjos- Well that's all for now! Thank you myself for taking your time to ask people completely unnecessary things.

Josjos- Your welcome, me. It has been an honor to spend this time with you.

Josjos- Oh you. You know exactly what to say to make me feel all happy.

Josjos- Pff, no you make me feel all happy.


Branch- I don't think this is normal.

Poppy- ScrApBoOks EvERyWHeRe...

Branch- 0_o 

(AN: Well I see you made it to the end. Congrats! You win a prize for endurance, because you made it thru my blind craziness!🤪😁 Anyways, if you enjoy this thing when I ask (or dare) the gang by myself, please let me know so I know if I should do some more. And also please comment some dares or asks too! Have a nice day, and week, and month... and year!!)

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