day 1

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First day of the Hero Factory Tournament. They were in a stadium similar to the one from MHA. Alpha-team and Wolfie were in one of the many waiting rooms.

Evo: *a bit jumpy*Oh boy oh boy oh boy....

Siren: *doing stretches* You good Evo?

Evo: Yeah, yeah I'm good. Just nervous.

Breez: I'm sure we all are.

Siren: I am too, *pops neck and shoulder* I myself am screaming internally.

Ruth is heard laughing from Siren's shadow at that.
Mr. Makuro's voice was heard from the speakers. He soon appeared on the small TV screen on the wall.

Mr. Makuro: Ladies and gentleman. I am here to welcome you, to the Hero Factory's very first, Hero tournament!

Cheering was heard from the outside.

Siren: *jumps at that* Jeez I'll never get used to speakers like that.

Stormer: You will, trust me.

Mr. Makuro: For the first round we got...

One of those slots similar to casino machines was seen on the screen.

Mr. Makuro: Vincent Anubis from the Beta-team.

A picture of a purple hero with gold core and eyes appeared.

Mr. Makuro: And Julius Nex from the Alpha-team!

Nex's picture appeared next to Anubis.

Nex: .... You gotta be kidding me...

Siren: Don't worry Nex you got this!

Nex: *smiles nervously* I hope so. I remember that this guy is built with agility and strength...

Nex walks out of the room. At the same time, the screen turned to the podium.

Siren: *quietly* That reminds me Onua, *sorta yelling* YOU GOT THIS NEX!

Nex: *yelling back* THANKS!

More cheering was heard when both heroes stepped onto the podium.

Siren: *watching from the small tv on the wall while still stretchin* This is on Nex now, but he's got us cheering him on.

Stormer: You got it.

Nex and Anubis are now standing opposite of each other, both equipped with a bladed and their usual weapon.
Siren continues to watch as she starts flying in the air with their heights.
Anubis glared at Nex for a few seconds. He then charged at him, swinging a sword at him. Nex ran towards him, dropped to the ground and slid right underneath the sword, to the the other side. He staggered to his feet and shot at Anubis, who dodged every blast.

Siren keeps watching from the TV.

Siren: Dang this Anubis got skill.

Furno: Nex is built with a fast reflex and agility, he should be able to handle him.

On screen, they were seen fighting against each other with their melee weapons. Nex with a spear, Anubis with a sword.
Siren flies a little higher due to the heights so she can watch.

Evo: He's doing pretty good so far...

Nex got behind Anubis and tackled him.

Siren: You know it's hard to watch things with you guys heights. Papa let me on your back!

Stormer: Alright.

As Anubis is on the ground, the battle ended. Nex was declared as the winner. The cheering of the crowd was heard.
Siren is on Stormer back and throws her fist in the air.

Siren: Julies Nex for the win boys!

Evo: Whooooh!!

Both Nex and Anubis left the podium.

Mr. Makuro: Nex has won and moves to the next round!

Siren: Oh boy who's next?

Mr. Makuro: Next are Selena Bond and Harry Blaze. Both from the Delta-team!

Two new heroes appeared on the screen. At the same time, Nex walked back in.
Siren watches, still on Stormer's shoulders, at that Ruth comes out of Siren's shadow.

Ruth: Nice job Nex!

Nex: Heh, thanks.

Furno: Knew you could do it buddy.

Ruth: I agree with Furno on that.

Siren is still watching the match.

Stormer: Selena Bond. From I've heard, she won't hesitate to use violence. But Blaze is a quick thinker.

Siren: *still watching the fight* Her last name reminds me of James Bond from Mission Impossible.

Ruth: *laughs at that* The fact she's only watching to study their fighting skills and style while making comments like this amuses me.

Wolfie: Exactly my thoughts Siren! While I thought of Harry Potter when I heard the guy's first name.

Siren: *Still watching the match* Of Blaze? Glad I'm not the only one.

Ruth laughs at that while shifting to his human form.
Blaze dropped down and kicked away Bond's legs, making her fall.

Breez: Oof, those tactics are always mean

Siren: *still watching the match* Mean but effective for their intended for, downing the opponent.

Ruth: Ackar has taught her to well.

Just when Bond was about to lose, she rolled to the side and kicked Blaze's legs. This time, it was him who was on the ground.

Siren: *still watching and gets excited while moving happily from happy stems on Stormer's shoulders* Damn Blaze got the slip up there!

Bulk: Yup.

When Blaze tried getting back up, Bond put a knee onto his back and pushed him back down.

Siren: *still watching and throws her hands in the air* GIRL POWER FOR THE WIN WHORES!

Ruth laughs at that, as Bond was declared as winner.

Breez: *laughs a bit*

Siren: Bond wins! Woman powers hoes!

Wolfie: That is why you shouldn't underestimate a woman!

The two heroes leave the podium.

Siren: Damn right Wolfie!

Ruth starts laughing at that.

Mr. Makuro: Bond moves to the next round! And now we have- wait, gimme a sec... Steven Grant from the Gamma-Team and Walter Dew!

Siren: Huh Grant? Let's see how this goes.

Surge: Grant is one of the few heroes who possesses a portal maker. But Dew has built in jetpacks.

Wolfie: I thought it isn't allowed to use them?

Stormer: It isn't.

The heroes stepped onto the podium.

Siren: *watching the screen* Well this should be good then.

Dew made the first move by shooting at Grant.

Furno: I just remembered, Dew's power is based on water as an element.

Rocka: His gunshots can still be deadly Furno.

Siren: *still watching* Yup! Take Gali and Kiina for examples, their elements are water and their pretty tough opponents too!

Ruth: I'm gonna second that.

Grant dodges the blasts and attacked Dew. Dew dodged Grant's attacks and charged at him.
Siren is still watching the match as her tail starts to wag excitedly. Dew was about to punch Grant, when he suddenly jumped up, flipped over him and at the same time grabbed Dew's outstretched arm. When he landed, he threw his team mate over his shoulder and onto the ground.

Evo: Despite Dew being newbie hero in his team, he's not going easy on him...

Siren: *still watching the fight* Like Papa when Momma, Breez and Surge were rookies?

Evo: I wasn't created at that time, but I guess.

Dew was struggling to get up, as Grant held him down. He was soon declared as winner.

Siren: Why am I surprised Grant won?

Ruth: I have no idea ether Siren.

Grant pulled Dew back onto his feet, before they both left the podium.

Wolfie: I second that Ruth.

Siren: And who's next? The world may never know!

Ruth laughs a bit at that joke she did.

Mr. Makuro: Next we have... Timothy Boulder from the Zeta-team versus Duncan Bulk from the Alpha-team!

Stringer: Oof, two heroes built with strength. This is going to be interesting.

Siren: You got this Bulk!

Ruth: That Timothy Boulder guy sounds like a side character from one of Siren's old shows.

Siren: *remembers* Oh yeah! The Boulder from Avatar The Last Airbender when they introduced Toph!

Bulk: Here goes nothing...

Bulk walks out of the room.

Siren: You got this Bulk!

Bulk: *from the hall* THANKS!

Boulder was already on the podium. He had a similar build to Stormer, only he was grey. In his hand was a mace.

Siren: *looking at the screen* He kinda reminds me of how Rocka had a similar model to momma's.

Furno and Rocka: Never noticed that. *look at each other* Seriously?

Bulk now also stepped onto the podium.

Siren: *laughs at that while watching the screen as her tail wags* That's weird to me still.

Ruth: I second that.

Wolfie: .... I hope Bulk is fast enough to avoid that mace...

Stringer: Don't doubt him. He plays a lot of dodgeball in his free time, he'll manage it.

Siren: Why the hell would Duncan Bulk play the most savage game known in schools?

Ruth is snickering a bit at a thought Siren had.

Wolfie: Whaa??? You don't like dodgeball????

Boulder immediately charged at Bulk and swung his mace at him. Bulk ducked underneath it and shot at Boulder.

Siren: Say that to the times kids my age would purposely throw them at my face.

Ruth: I'm over here laughing at one of Siren's thoughts she had picturing between Boulder and Bulk God damn. *Laughs again*

Wolfie: Oh come one Ruth, now I'm picturing them playing dodgeball!!!

Boulder dodged the blasts. One nearly got his foot, but he was fine.

Ruth: No it was that Avatar thing Siren remembered from Boulder's name.

Siren: The Boulder feels conflicted about fighting a young blind girl!

Ruth: Sounds to me like your scared Boulder.

Siren: The Boulder is over his confliction.

The two laugh at that.

Wolfie: I have no God damn idea what you two just said...

Both Boulder and Bulk were now shooting at each other.

Siren: *still watching* Don't worry about it, I can have us binge the series.

Wolfie: Oh sh-t. *focuses back on the screen* .... Okay, this really reminds me of dodgeball right now...

Siren laughs at that.

Siren: I can see that now God damn! *Laughs more as her tail wags while watching the fight*

Zib: This is going to take a while...

Ruth: Unfortunately maybe, but at least Siren found that amusing.

Zib: Seems like it.

Stormer: Dude, one of them has to make a different move...

Siren: *calmed her laughter down while resting her chin on the top of Stormer's head* This is gonna take a while for the other to do so.

Wolfie: Wait, I think Bulk's up the something.

Bulk was slowly walking towards Boulder.

Siren: *perks at that sight* What are you thinking Duncan Bulk...

Soon, those two were standing opposite of each other. Boulder swung his mace, but Bulk already drop slid underneath him and kicked his knee from the back, causing Boulder to fall forward.

Siren: *Gets hyper and jumps happily on Stormer's shoulders at that action* I saw Ackar do that before with training to help Mata Nui know how to fight!

Wolfie: I thought Mata Nui was more skilled! I stand corrected.

Bulk was declared as the winner, before Boulder could get back up.

Siren: Nah, Mata Nui knows how to fight because of Ackar.

Wolfie: Oh.

Bulk and Boulder gave each other a hand, before they left the podium.

Wolfie: That remind me of Kirishima and Tetsutetsu.

Siren: *realizes* Holy shit it was!

Breez: And again, we still don't know who they are

Siren: My Hero Academia, it's an anime.

Breez: Yeah, I know that. We just don't know who the characters are and stuff.

Mr. Makuro: For the next round, we got... Jimi Stringer and Natalie Breez, both heroes from the Alpha-team!

Stringer and Breez: ... Oh boy

Siren: Alright bets have started, my money is on Breez.

Ruth: I'm betting on Breez too.

Wolfie: Sorry Breez, but I'm betting on Stringer.

Breez: It's fine.

Stringer: Let's go now.

The two leave the waiting room.

Siren: *looks back at the screen* Lets see how this goes.

The heroes got onto the podium, equipped with their weapons. Siren watches paying close attention.
They stood opposite of each other for a few seconds, before Breez made the first move and shoot her boomerang like blasts at Stringer.
Siren closely watches as Ruth does too. Stringer ducked under her blasts and shoot a sound blast at her. Breez rolled to the side to doge and continued firing at him. Siren still watches paying close attention to their fighting and whatnot.

Bulk: Breez is currently doing better than Stringer..

Ruth: Are you doubting your boyfriend Duncan Bulk?

Siren giggles at that.
Bulk gives her a look that says "Seriously?".
Siren laughs more at that with Ruth chuckles a bit.
Stringer managed to get behind Breez and fired a sound blast at the ground beneath her feet. She went flying for a second, before she landed on her hands and rolled to get back on her feet.
Ruth whistles at that.

Ruth: Damn now I see one of the reasons why you chose to date Breez Stormer.

Stormer: *blushes a bit* Shut it Ruth...

Breez and Stringer were firing and dodging each other again.

Ruth: Hey she's a catch, I'll give ya' that.

Siren: *still watching the battle* Ruth stop trying to flirt.

Ruth: I'm not!

Siren: I know but it sounds like it.

Wolfie laughs at that, as Stringer fired a blast at Breez, while doging at the same time, causing the blast to go a bit of course. It hit the ground right next to Breez. Having no time to react, she got thrown to the side by it and landed on her right side.

Siren: *eyes widen at that* Come on Breez! Kick his ass!

Just as Stringer walked up to her, Breez kicked his legs and got up, while he landed on the ground.

Siren: Oh! *Throws hands in the air* BREEZ FOR THE SAVE!

At the same time, Breez was said to have won the round.

Wolfie: There goes my money. Wait. My wallet isn't in this universe.

Siren: How much did we bet anyway?

Ruth: *realizes* I don't think we did.

Wolfie: Ye, we didn't.

The two heroes left the podium.

Siren: Unfortunately yes, but it was also fortunate for the looser honestly.

Wolfie: Mhm, which is *points at herself* Me.

Breez and Stringer entered.

Siren: Yup. *Looks at the two* The winner Natalie Breez!

Ruth: Can see a reason of the many why Stormer fell for ya' in the first place Breez.

Stormer: *actually blushing a lot now* Ruth!!!

Breez: *laughs a bit* Wow, I'm flattered

Siren is laughing a bit as her tail wags.

Ruth: *grinning a bit* What? Am I wrong though Stormer?

Stormer: *groans*

Mr. Makuro: Alright folks, it's getting late. We will continue next week. Or does anyone want another round?

Loud cheering was heard.

Mr. Makuro: Okay, the last pair for today will be Rena Dark and Felix Hades, from the Epsilon-team!

Siren: Wait he has the same last name as the Greek god of the underworld Hades!

Wolfie: ... Girl, there was this one guy who's last names was ANUBIS, an Egyptian god! And Hades is my favourite Greek God btw.

Siren: Oh yeah! Kinda forget not gonna lie.

Ruth: Like mother like daughter I suppose.

Furno: Heyyy!

The said Heroes stepped onto the podium. Dark was a dark orange one, while Hades was black with some purple markings. The female had a long sword, as the other was equipped with a scythe.

Siren: Oh hey! Another scythe user like Surge! And Rena has a long sword like Dannie does!

Ruth: *notices* Oh yeah, Fortesque does use a long sword of his weapons.

Wolfie: *mumbles* I honesty thought of Rena Rouge cuz of the name.

Furno: How did you even get the scythe, Surge?

Surge: Dunno.

Dark was the first to attack with her sword. Hades blocked it and they soon got into a duel.

Siren: *still watching the match* I can't watch Miraculous Ladybug anymore with how oblivious Adrian is, it's so painful.

Ruth: I second Siren's statement.

Wolfie: I never watched it in the first place. I just know some characters.

Siren: Reasonable. *Keeps watching the match*

Dark has strength and each hit knocked Hades' scythe a bit back, but he had swiftness so he manages to keep it quo.

Siren: *whistles at that* Dang she's got skills.

Surge: Mhm. But swiftness can usually beat strength

Siren: Yup, but it also depends on how much stamina and energy the opponents have.

Surge: True, buuut-

With a swipe of his scythe, Hades knocked the sword out of his opponents hands.

Surge: Called it

Siren: *eyes widened at that* Holy crap.

Dark tried to kick his legs away, but Hades was quicker, moved behind her and knocked her down, keeping her on the ground by holding the scythe in front of her neck.

Siren: *silent for a bit* Is he single?

Ruth: Siren!

Siren: What? I'm pretty sure Reala wouldn't mind a threesome.

Ruth facepalms at that statement.

Wolfie falls out of her chair laughing.

Stormer: ... Is Reala Bi or something?

Siren: Close, Pan.

Stormer: Oh okay.

Wolfie: Ayo we got a pan gang now!!

Siren: *laughs a bit* I'm still confused if I'm Demisexual mixed Pansexual or Demi Pan-romantic.

Wolfie: *gets up from the floor* I'm more used to the term Demi Pan, but I don't know.

The heroes were seen leaving the podium.

Mr. Makuro: Hades has won this round! And now, let's call it a day and go home everyone. We will continue next week!

Surge and Wolfie: *muttering to themselves* If nothing happens until then...

Siren: *looks at them* I know why two reasons you two said that. Wolfie with the Fourth Wall and Surge with this feeling something is gonna happen.

Both: Exactly.

Surge: Though I can't tell when something's going to happen. All I know is that something WILL happen.

Wolfie: Whether it's today, tomorrow, in a week, I can't tell that either.

Siren: *stares at the two before holding her head* Yeah my powers are starting to warn me of it now. God. *Shakes head*

Rocka: I am getting worried.

Furno: About them telling these sort of things or about the thing that's going happen?

Rocka: Both.

Ruth: *was rubbing his head from feeling Siren's pain* Reasonable.

Zib: Instead of dooming and glooming here, how about we go back?

Siren: Alright. *Sits up* Onward father!

Ruth starts laughing at that. Zib shakes his head a bit, as he walks out, followed by Quadle.Ruth is still laughing as he follows them. The rest of the team and Wolfie also left the room.


Furno went to the training room of the mansion. Now that the tournament has started, it would cost more training to compete against the other heroes. And if what Wolfie and Surge said were true...

Furno: Oh hey Surge!

Surge flinched as he turned around.

Surge: *sighs* Oh it's just you, hi Furno.

Furno: .... Are you okay? You, seem really nervous...

Surge: *laughs a bit* Don't worry, I'm fine.

Surge smiled at Furno, while shifting his hand over his core. Furno raised a brow at him.

Furno: Mark Surge...

Surge: T-that's my name, yeah?

Furno: You better tell me right now what is wrong.

Surge: N-nothing! I already told you!

Furno: Surge, that's a bold face lie, even a moron can tell that. What is going on? And why are you covering your core?

Surge shook his head, which lead to Furno narrowing his eyes at him. Surge sighs shakily, as he uncovered his core.

It was flickering between purple and gold.

Furno shared at it for a while.

Surge: I don't know what's causing it... It's been like this since yesterday!

Furno: ... Surge, you do know what's causing it, right?

Surge: The purple Quaza?

Furno: Exactly.

Surge: O-or it's just an error! I-I mean, it's not permanently purple, so maybe?

Furno: *sighs* Surge, this is VERY serious. And where did you hear a core change colour because of an error?

Surge: I-I just thought perhaps...

Furno sighed again as he went over and put his hands on Surge's shoulders.

Furno: I KNOW this is very sudden, but I need you to tell at least Zib about this.

Surge: I don't like this Furno... I really don't like this at all!

Furno: I know Surge, I know. I'm just as worried as you are. But PLEASE go tell Zib about this.

Surge hesitates a bit before nodding. He walked past Furno and out of the training room. Furno watched him leave with a worried look.

Furno: *mentally* I hope it really is an error. I don't like the thought of you going rouge because of a different core...


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