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*the hero factory members walk in*

Surge: About time! What did they ask?

@Sirenalagirl53 asked: Has anyone ever pulled pranks on another?

Zip: Some of us did on April fool's day.... Quadle for example somehow managed to freeze my tablet and I couldn't get it to work....

Quadle: beeep-a-beep

Zip: It's not funny Quadle...

Furno: Stormer and I always pull pranks on each other, but we do the classic ones, like water bucket on a door and stuffs like that.

Surge: Stormer does that? I didn't know... Also, Breeze and I do pranks too ever now and then.

Breeze: But we stopped a few years ago, I somehow managed to set Surge into pan- *she gets stopped by Surge*

Surge: Breeze, we agreed not to mention that ever again...

Breeze: R-right, sorry Surge..

Bulk: Stringer, Nex, Evo and I do pranks too, but only like, once every second year or so..

Evo: Rocka used to join us, but he stopped a few month ago and since then, he kept disappearing to somewhere.

Rocka: I told you, I have to check on Bolt every now and then!

(Bolt is the dragon from the brain episode)

Evo: Yeah, but is it necessary to check on him 4 times a week?!

Rocka: I need to make sure, ok?

Me: To sum it up, yes, some of them did pranks on another, some still do, some stopped. I can't wait for the next question/dare!

All: Bye!

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