incorrect quotes #46

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Zib: *holding a toy truck in his hand*

Person: Aren't you a bit too old for toys?

Zib: *presses some button and the truck turns into a gun* Aren't you a bit too young to die?


Stringer: FURNO! Throw those bombs of yours! *Takes the two cleavers from his back* Time to test these bad boys out.

Furno took two of the explosives from his belt and threw towards Stringer and the villain. Stringer swung the cleavers at them and sloced them, causing an explosion to happen, sending both him and the villain flying backwards. Stringer landed in an all fours position with just some scratches and colour chipped off. The villain on the other hand suffered severe burns from the explosion.


(yes, KNY reference)


Highschool AU
Normalize giving the homie flowers

Breez: What's wrong with Furno?

Surge: He gave me flowers.

Breez: Aww, that's cute. But why is he so silent and flustered?

Surge: I kissed him.

Breez: ... On the lips?

Surge: On the lips.


That's Zib's class

Zib's students have been shipping him with some of his colleagues for a while now.
They ended up getting married.
And his class crashed his wedding.


Anything for his daughter, really

Samara: Do you or do you not feel Bonita?

XPlode, who let her draw on his face with sharpies: I feel Bonita.

Samara: *jumps a little as her tail wags* Wonderful because you look bonita!


Testing Portal makers be like

Su and some other scientists were testing out a portal maker they developed and walked through a portal.

Su: Alright. Destination was New Stellac, we're in New Stellac. That worked, let's head back-

Su: Aaaand who the hell closed the portal?

Scientist: Sorry...

Su: *sighs* Just reopen it and get us back to the Hero Factory.

Once the portal reopened, they stepped in and landed in a completely different landscape.

Su: ... Where are we?

Scientist 2: Uhh it appears that we have landed in Florida. On earth.


Su: How the hell did we land on a different planet?


Zib: Surge, Rocka and I are going to get groceries. Make sure you clean the house and defrost the chicken!

The rest: Roger that mom.


Surge: *in the group chat* We're almost home.

The gang: *didn't do anything yet* Sh-t.

Utter chaos. The gang tried to clean the house at the highest speed possible. It ended with Furno and Evo running down the stairs, tripping and spilling soap water solution all over themselves and the floor.

Rocka: *walks in with the other two* What the hell? What happened?!

Furno: *holding his hand to his bleeding nose* I think it's obvious.

Evo: *sits up rubbing his forehead* Ow...


Highschool AU
When physics ain't working

Zib: *holding a lollipop* Refraction makes it appear bigger.

Zib dipped the lollipop into a glass of water (it looks bigger) and takes it back out. But it seems bigger than it was before. He did it again and the lollipop only became even bigger.

Zib: ... This is not how physics works.

Nex: My brain is not braining.


If he (sort of) chose his father's path

Person: You can't kill me! Heroes have morals, forgot?!

Matteo: *laughs and grips his knife* Who said I was a hero?



Purge/Amon: If you want to stop me, you're gonna have to f-cking KILL ME!

Half of Purge's face was covered with a black liquid. He raised his hand and black spikes shot out of the ground towards his brother. One of them got through Nebula's right shoulder, leaving a blood dripping hole behind.
Purge was tackled to the ground from behind and a tranquilized was stabbed into his neck. He did one last attempt of escaping, before he fell asleep.

CH: *throws Purge over his shoulder* You alright Von?

Nebula: *trying to slow down the bleeding* T-to the most part..


Fantasy AU
First meet

Darkness and water was the only thing that's surrounding him. He's been swimming in the darn canal for who knows how long after escaping the hunters. The pain in his hip was getting worse, the wound wouldn't stop bleeding. At last, he saw a light and swam upwards. He poked his head through the water and looked around. He saw tall buildings in the near distance. Roads, cars, all what seemed unreal to him.
Evo turned around and stared right at some orange robot, kneeling on the ground next to the water. The guy had some blue circular markings his face, plus two tentacles on his head. "An alien" was Evo's first thought. Behind him was a gigantic fin shaped building with an H on it.

Nex: You're not from around here, are you?

Evo: Uh... N-no.

Nex: The water is turning red. Are you injured?

Evo: Mhm...

Nex: Can you survive on land?

Evo: Well, yes-

Before he knew he was pulled out of the water. Once out of the water and on split groubd, Evo's merman tail turned into a pair of legs. The robot had a bandage roll with him and wrapped it around Evo's injury.

Nex: I'll get you inside for proper medical care, I'm just slowing down the bleeding for now. (This planet has such fragile creatures, I swear.) I'm Nex, by the way.

Evo: I-I'm Evo.


Bulk: Why do hurricanes have such soft names like José? Name those things "Death Megatron 3000" and everyone is outta there.


Me, about my cat: Me? Obsessed with you? Yes. Yes I am.

(I always call her "furpile" at times)


Stormer: *watching the news*

News Caption: A large boulder the size of a small boulder blocks the Highway A51, preventing cars entering Makuhero City.

Stormer: A boulder the size of a what?

Rocka: *calls BP* Phantom, are you okay?

BP: I'm fine, but the road is blocked, so I might not make to today. Why do you ask?

Rocka: I just saw the news saying that the road you're on got blocked, that's why.

BP: That's why there were people with cameras and microphones...

Rocka: Bruh.


Surge: *staring at the pancake batter on the stove* You didn't start a fire, that's something. But how did you manage this?

Furno: I forgot the pan...

Surge: How the fu-


Thunder: The brain is the most importantly organ. According to the brain.

Thunder: A coin has three sides, not two.

Thunder: A lot of people have a fear of spiders, but imagine how bad insects are scared of spiders.

Thunder: The water we drink is the same water that dinosaurs drank.

Thunder: Breaking someone's heart is bad, but melting someone's heart is wholesome??

Thunder: Whoever put the B in the word "subtle" is a genius.

Thunder: The word blush is really just the words blood and rush put together.

Thunder: In your mind, you can replicate anyone's voice to say anything you want.

Meltdown: For once in my life I didn't feel like my brain was about to commit factory reset.

Thunder: Do crabs think people walk sideways?


Thunder: How does a sponge hold water, if it's full of holes?

Meltdown: *having a meltdown*


Zib: *standing by the door to the backyard as it was raining* Is Furno okay?

Furno: *asleep outside on the grass*

Stormer: He fell asleep and stayed asleep, but he'll wake up eventually.


Purge: Chocolate and flowers for Valentine's Day? Forget all that, I would marry you if you gifted me marbles and boxes! We could build a box fort!


Highschool AU

Teacher: Why didn't you use the bathroom during lunch?

Stormer: Probably because I didn't want to get murdered by a pack of boys throwing hands in there.


Person: Does your pet bite?

Rocka: He's not a pet, and no. But he judges.

Lysander: *bombastic side eye*


Purge: *walking around the Hero Factory like an NPC*

Stringer: Bro spawned in the wrong map.

Furno: I think he's sleep walking.


Shadowzone: Words can't describe how much I hate you.

Zib: Words can't describe how much I love you.

Shadowzone: Da fuq?

Zib: But numbers can. -10/10


Zib: *holding a tin cookie box*

Stormer: When did you buy cookies?

Zib: There are no cookies. *Opens the box* It's my sewing kit that I dug up from my drawer.


Fun fact

Pigeons can sit with their legs sticking out (Google "pigeons sitting". You won't be disappointed)

Not so fun fact

There's a possibility they do that because they're sick or close to death.


Zita in winter

Stormer: Natalieeee do you know where Zita is? I can't find her!

Breez: She's in the snow.

Stormer: I can't see her.

Breez: Look for the eyes and the nose.

Stormer: *sees three black dots* Oh wait, found her.

Zita: *barks and sprints over to them, covered in snow*


Average day in Florida.


Zib: Madagascar. Gladacascar. Sadagascar. *Points at his car* Outtagascar.


Thresher: *calls Surge*

Surge: What's up dad?

Thresher: The portal I use to come home malfunctioned and I don't know where I am now.

Surge: ... I'll get Zib and Quadle to look for your signal.

Thresher: I thought you can teleport?

Surge: ... One, I'm not good with it yet, I'll probably end up in the void. And two, I can only teleport to places I know of. If you don't know where you are yourself, then no can't do, dad.


Highschool AU

Surge: *emails Zib for help at 2am*

Zib: *replies just five minutes later*

Both: Damn, bro's still awake?


The team went to a corn maze and eventually got split up.

Breez: *manages to pluck a corn and throws it over the maze*

Furno: *in the distance* OW! When did flying corn exist?!

Breez and Stormer: *wheezing*


Pirate AU

Stringer: *sees something fly by at the dock* Was that a flying fish?

Also Stringer: *proceeds to get smacked in the face by a fish*


He's the only sane one of all

XPlode: became a villain because of daddy issues after his dream was crushed

Corroder: runaway experiment and outcast

Thunder: head injury messed up his way of thinking

Meltdown: deranged due to radiation

Fire Villains: became villains because of power

WD: a villain because of jealousy (and thirst for power)

CH: obsession

Nebula: "revenge" and shame

Purge: family issues and corruption

Serena: mental health lead to self unalive, forcefully brought back

Meanwhile Rotor: runaway because he wants to be with his friend


Picture: *captioned "bro is bored" showing Bulk doing Pull-ups on a doorframe with Surge watching from the side and Rocka, who took the picture, in the corner*

Next picture: *captioned "oh sh-t" with Bulk falling mid air after the doorframe broke, Surge trying to save him and Rocka looking back at them like "the hell happened?"*


Zib: *walks in* AH, NAKED GIRL! *immediately slams door shut*

Aria, who was changing: *confused*

Zib: *from outside* I am SO sorry.


Me: When will a Hero Factory movie come out?

Universal: We stopped the production for [unknown reasons].

Me: Ohhhh, fack. Is there going to be a release of the Hero Factory story Bible?

Christian Faber: It will take a while, because of the rights being tangled up between Universal and Lego.

Me: Ouuuhhh dable fack.


POV: His brothers were almost killed

Villain: *laughs* What are you going to do? *coughs up blood* Kill me?

Breez: No. But he might.

Villain: Hm? ACK-

Surge: *grabs them by the head* 3 billion volts.

The team covered their eyes as the area became bright from Surge electrocuting the villain, the static of electricity and the villain's scream being the only sound hearable.


A new hero named Yurei Kibou joined the Alpha-Team during a mission against XPlode, Corroder, Meltdown and Rotor.
Standing perfectly still and not reacting, Kibou was quickly decapitated by XPlode. When his head came to a stop on the ground, Kibou looked directly at XPlode and started laughing, leaving the villain stunned and in shock.
Kibou's body took the chance and knocked XPlode backwards, causing him to knock over Meltdown as well.

Stormer: *picks up Kibou's head and smiles* How do you like our experimental hero, villains?

(More to Kibou at the end)


Phantom: *walks into Bolt's cage* Rocka, are you in here?

He was greeted by an angry growl from both Lysander and Bolt who lay curled up next to each other.

Rocka: *sitting between them* Yeah I'm here. Don't mind them, it's the season for them so they're a bit moody.


Hitman AU

Photographer: Okay, Mister Nathaniel Zib, you're up! Smile for the camera!

Zib smiled and the picture was taken.

Photographer: Wonderful, once the photo is produced, we will send it to your mail!

Zib: Great, thanks.

A few days later.
The photographer was just doing errands, when they walked past a wanted poster and froze.
It read: "Wanted: Hitman Matteo Mikanze"
And there was the photo taken from Zib.

Zib: *standing behind them* Damn. Hope they catch him soon. Also, I think the photo we took got lost, I never received it.


Shadowzone was once again bothering Siren. Evo came over and stood between them, facing Shadowzone.

Evo: Can't you just sod off and leave her alone?

Shadowzone: You "sod off". This is none of your business.

Evo: It is my business if someone is insulting a family member of mine!

Shadowzone: Do you need someone to teach you some manners and not to intervene with things that are between two other people?

When Evo didn't budge, Shadowzone hit him across the face to get him out of the way. The glass of Evo's left eye shattered and left it bleeding, blood running down his face. Someone put their clawed hand on his shoulder and when he looked up, he saw Rocka in his lion form.

Rocka: Teach my son some manners? I think you're the one who needs to be taught to mind your own business you f-cking. Waste. Of. SPACE!

Evo was struggling to hold Rocka back from charging at Shadowzone.
(Meanwhile, Furno quickly got Siren out of range from potential harm.)

Evo: DAD PLEASE! Calm down!

Rocka: I'll be calm when I have him BEGGING for mercy!


Bulk had an injury on his hand and it needed to be desinfected (grammar sounds so wrong for some reason)

Nex: *after applying the desinfection* Okay Bulk, I know it stings. Just breath.

Bulk: I breathed. It didn't work.


Surge: I can make a whole meal faster than you saying "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious".

Rocka: Supercaliwhat what?? ... Where did that come from?

Surge: *already has breakfast table completely decked* I made it.


Purge: *smacks head down on table* I want to die...

The villains: *exist*

Purge: Oh, nevermind. I choose to live!


Furno in winter be like

Furno: *in a lift* I'm going to go on the black diamond, which is like the hardest one. Other than double black diamond but that's like, impossible difficult. No one else wants to go with me because they're too scared. *Arrives at the top and looks down* And my confidence is gone now. It's so steep you can't even see it.

Surge: There's a guy who's just been standing up there in the center for like a whole minutes.

Furno: *eating a brownie while mentally preparing himself* Okay, here we go.

Furno: *skiing down* I'm gonna be okay, I'm gonna I'm gonna be okay. I'm gonna be okay. I'm gonna... I'mmmm NOT GONNA TO BE OKAY. Oh my god- WAAAUUUH!

Stormer: *points at a person laying in the snow* That guy just ate sh-t up there. He's been stuck there for five minutes.

Furno: *gets up* Oh my god my legs hurt so bad... *skies down again* WAAAAUUUHH!


Zib: *comforting Furno* How are you feeling?

Furno: *on the verge of tears* I think I used up all my life's confidence.


First time skiing be like

Zib: *screaming as he went down with skies*

Quadle: *trying to catch up* PIZZA, ZIB. PIZZA!!!

(For those who don't understand, pizza is basically what you use to slow down or stop while skiing. Your skiis are in the shape of a pizza then)


Zib was making coffee and had to grab something from the top shelf. When he couldn't reach it, he decided "screw it", climbed onto the counter and took out the coffee powder bag he needed. He looked up and made eye contact with Stormer.

Zib: No comment.

Stormer: Zib, it's 4 am.

Zib: I know, and I said no comment!


Highschool AU

Surge: I have a love hate relationship with my job. For example, the other day, this big burly dude walks in and goes "hey kid, I don't know what to get, what would you recommend?" And I went "for you sir, I would recommended the pink lemonade tea" and he says "Oh, that sounds kinda fruity."

Surge: And before I could properly process my mind, I said "Ah well I'm fruity!" And the man asks me "What does that mean?" And the best thing I could come up with was to say "Oh I just really like fruit". Okay, then the man gets his order, tries it and then says "You know what kid? I think I might be fruity too."

Surge: *hits his head on his desk* That is not what fruity means but I didn't have the heart to tell him it was so pure...


Zib: I'm going insane. Anybody want anything?


Stormer: *sitting underneath Zib's desk with his polar bear plush*

Big Joe: Is... Stormer okay?

Zib: Not really, he's mentally not doing very well. It's probably because the last mission was a tad bit traumatic for the whole team.

Zib: *gets down in front of Stormer* Dear, are you feeling a bit better?

Stormer: *shakes head with a whimper*

Zib: *pats his head* That's okay, take your time.


Furno: Morning Surge.

Surge: *pouring milk into his coffee* It's noon.

Furno: What do you want me to say? "GoOd NoOn?"

Surge: Just saying, and good morning to you too.

Surge took a sip from his coffee and immediately spat it back out.

Surge: EuGH, that's disgustANG!

Furno: What's wrong?

Surge: *rinses his mouth with water and spits it out in the sink* My coffee, that's what's wrong! My god...

Surge: *looks at the milk packaging* Is something wrong with the milk? ...

Furno: Uhhh, Sparky?-



Stormer: *looking at a hero who has the same built as him, just a bit shorter* So your name is also Stormer?

Nadia: My last name, yes, but people call me Nadia to avoid getting confused with you.

Stormer: How long have you been working here?

Nadia: Oh, 42 years.

Stormer: Wait, you're older than me?

Nadia: Yep, four years.

Stormer: Damn.

They stared at each other for a moment.

Nadia: You're my little brother now.

Stormer: Hold up, what-


Purge: My child does not want a bed. She's much more like me than I thought... Because like.

Purge: *picks up a box with Esmeray in it with a plushie, blanket and pillow* I got her a baby crib and she chose the box over it.

Esmeray: *babbles a bit with a giggle*


(Human AU)

Stringer: I made the mistake of buying jeans online. I bought not one, not two, not three.

Stringer: *wearing a pair of jeans while holding the rest up* But EIGHT pairs of jeans! *Muttering to himself* What the hell was going on in my head when I bought them? But luckily! Five out of eight fit, so that's still acceptable. I just have to return the other three.

Bulk: *walking past in the background, stops* Really defines the cake, Jimi.

Stringer: *blushes and turns around* Duncan!

Bulk: *laughs*


Furno, entering Rocka's room: Surge did it again.

Rocka: Peace disturbance?

Furno: What no-

Rocka: Arson..?


Rocka: uh....Attempted murder?



CH: What's the most efficient way to burn calories?

Nebula: Exercise more!

Fire Lord: Set yourself on fire.

Boss: There are two kinds of people.


Everyone is giving advice to Purge

Nebula: It's okay to ask for help.

CH: You're not a burden.

Vortex: Murder is okay.


Nex: I'm usually that person who has no idea what's going on.


Surge: *holding a sign with the following written on it* I haven't been able to speak for a bit because of my sore throat. I can talk a bit now, but does my voice sound deeper?

Bulk: I don't know, say something.

Surge: *clears throat, with a voice a little higher than Bulk's (C4)* Do you know the muffin man?


Bulk: You sound straight.

Surge: What is that supposed to mean??

Bulk: Your high voice added to your gay vibes, now you just sound like a straight guy!


God AU

Person: *stuck in a fire* It so hot in this hot a$$ stuffy room here.

Person: *sees a cloaked figure* IS THAT THE GRIM REAPER?!

Nero: *holding an hourglass in which the sand has almost completely fallen through* Your time's almost up.

Person: HAIL NAH, I REFUSE TO DIE! *Runs straight into the smoke*

Nero: ... Despite it making my job more interesting and all-

Nero: Why. Just, WHY are humans like this?..


Zib: *twisting a nob in Mak's car* What does this thing in your super modern car do?

Zib looks at the car screen and sees a circular cursor move around on it.

Zib: oH mAh GoD i'M pLanNiNG aN aIrStrIkE!

Mak: *wheezing*


Me: *packs pencil and coloured pencils for a trip to draw with*

Also me: *forgets to bring paper*

(Nah but seriously. We went to Belgium during Easter holidays and I wanted to continue a sketch I made at home just to realize I forgot to pack it into my bag. It's a hardcore trigger)


Furno: Soo that was a tough fight. How do you feel after it?

Evo: *needs a new eye, arm and almost a core transplant, currently on a waiting list as he laid in a cot* How the f-ck do you think I'm feeling?!


Nebula: I found a pill bottle in the kitchen, who does it belong to?

Boss: Oh, that's... Mine...

Nebula: *hands it back to him* Here you go. I didn't know you took testosterone pills.

Boss: Yeah, well that's because uh... *Takes a breath* I'm trans.

Moment of silence

Corroder: So like, female to male?

Boss: Yes..

Purge: That's cool!

Boss: You're not like.. surprised? You're cool with it?

Thunder: Surprised? A little.

Meltdown: But we support you, no matter what.

The V.Boss was silent for a second, before he smiled with a "thanks".


Daniela Capricorn was interviewing one of the heroes, when Rocka appeared with Lysander on his shoulder, who shrunk his size.

Daniela: ... *Holds the mic to Lysander*

Lysander: *sniffs it before he proceeds to bite it*

Rocka: ._.

Daniela: *trying to get the microphone out of his mouth*

Cam: *wheezing*


Rocka: *looks into the distance* Is that Furno and XPlode?

Something blows up in the distance.

Rotor: Yup, that's them.

Stormer: Where did you just come from?!-

Rotor: A simple "hello" would've been nice.


Purge was sleep walking again and was now in the kitchen.

Nebula: *yeets a spoon at him*

Purge: *walks into a different direction at the same time and the spoon just flies past him*


Rocka: Why are you scared of dogs?

Thresher: Well, imagine the thing that happened to you. Add in the fact that you got attacked and tackled from behind by ONE dog. It bit you in the neck, almost killing you. And it had rabies.


Stormer: *throws a treat towards Zita*

The treat landed on her back.

Zita: *confused and starts looking around*

Stormer: *laughing*


Serena was outside looking for Corroder who wandered off somewhere. Instead of finding him, she came across a Beast creature which started to attack her.

Corroder: *drops out of a tree*

Pause at the moment he's about to RKO the beast.


Wolf AU (may sound new, but it's actually really old, I just never made it public)

Furno: *backs up a few feet before charging towards Stormer like his about to headbutt him*

Furno: *stops in the last second and just nudges Stormer with his wing*

Stormer: *puts a paw on his head and pushes it down*

Side note: Winged wolfs also exist and hold special powers. Furno's one of them. And the "Alpha-Pack" wolfs and others also have a (half) human form.


Breez: *holding some pens* Should I get another bird?

Breez: *throws a pen but misses the cup*

Rose: *picks it up and places it into the cup*

Breez: *wheezing*


Purge: Ginger? Where are you? *Whistles* Come here girl!

Ginger is seen running around the corner with a bucket on her head without slowing down. Purge tried to stop her, but she ended up running into him with the bucket hitting his knee.

Purge: *laying on the ground* my f-cking kneecap...


Surge: *walks into the training room whistling*

Furno: *on fire*

Evo: *soaking wet*

Nex: *doing turns over and over again under the ceiling while being in zero gravity*

Stormer: *froze himself to place and managed to jab an icycle into his arm*

Breez: *trying to free herself from some vines that grew around her*

Bulk: *stuck on a stone pillar*

Stringer: *trying to get Stormer free with his cleavers, also somehow ruptured his own ears and is currently half deaf*

Rocka: *stuck in a mini tornado he somehow summoned*


Surge: What the FACK?


Rotor and Evo: *staring each other down*

Rotor: *blinks*

Evo: *immediately RKOs him*

Cleithrophobia: The fear of being trapped

The Witch Doctor was in the medical room rearranging some things, before he turned to leave. When he pushed down the handle, the door didn't open. He checked the lock and tried to unlock it. It didn't work.

WD: *starts to panic and knocks on the door* Hello? Somebody out there? I'm trapped in the Medical Room!

When he didn't receive an answer, his panic turned into a panic attack and he started banging against the door to get someone's attention.



There are two types of people

Nex: *having a screaming contest against a parrot*

Parrot: *next to Breez* Hi!

Breez: Hi!


Purge: *at Bot's place, sees a dog collar and chain leash by his bed* Hey Sam, when did you get a dog?

Bot: What dog?



Purge: AYO-

Bot: *face turns red* Shut up!


Kibou, after getting his head reattached: ... I have no idea how to breathe.


The team: *singing the song above to annoy Zib*

Zib, who pulled an all nighter: F-ck every single one of you.


What is your But? (TikTok Filter)

Surge: *cute but dangerous*

Bulk: *reliable but clumsy*

Rocka: *charming but arrogant* ... Dayum..

Furno: *eats a lot but still sexy*

Quadle: *single but happy*

Stormer: *cute but cuter in person* I am not!

Breez: *looks innocent but wild* Yes you are.

Nex: *confident but insecure*

Evo: *smart but dumb in love* ... Julius do you want to talk?


Serena walked into the living room of the base, to see Nebula kneeling by the couch on which Purge was sleeping. She noticed Nebula silently crying.

Serena: Nebula, what's wrong?

Nebula: *looks up, tears running down his face* I-it's Purge. H-he won't wake u-up.

Serena: Maybe he's in a deep sleep phase.

Nebula: *violently shakes his head* He's been asleep for two entire days!! I was hoping it was a deep slumber but this is not normal! I tried everything but he just won't respond!

Serena: Is... is he?..

Nebula: No, he's not dead. He's still breathing and his core is still glowing. I don't know what's going on...

The two looked at Purge when he rolled around, whining, before stopping again.

Nebula: *wipes away some tears, just for new ones to come* He's been doing this the whole time now. I don't know what to do, I just want him to be awake...

(Might post a prologue to this in the next chapter)


Furno: *in bed* How come you're always the one cleaning?

Surge: *sitting next to him* Well, I wouldn't be the only one if everyone else wasn't busy all the time. Someone has to do it.

Furno: Well...

Furno proceeded to pull Surge down to him, who yelped at that.

Furno: *licks his upper lip* You're going to need more than a sponge to clean up after I'm done with you.

Surge: *hardcore blushing* Eek-


Nex: This is a PlayStation 2. Also known as a PlayStation 2 f-cking EXTREME.

Nex: You turn it on and get a jumpscare. *Loud a$$ music plays* AH!-

Nex: It sounds like someone slams down on a keyboard. *Slams down on Stringer's keyboard*

Stringer: *from downstairs* NEX!!!

Nex: And then after that you get a nice "woom".


Stringer: Ya think Stormer's a snack?

Breez: Oh no, he's a full on meal. A three course menu.

Breez: *pulls a smug face* With dessert.

Stormer: *in the back* Natalieee!


Thunder: *walks in after going out for the day* I made a friend today!

Meltdown: That's great. Who are they?

Thunder: Her name is Orchid, I met her when I accidentally knocked her over.

Meltdown: Her? So your friend is a girl?

Thunder: A woman, but yes. She got lost and could've find her way back, so I helped her. On the way we just got to know each other.

Meltdown: ... Does she live here?

Thunder: Yes, since she was born.

Meltdown: How did she get lost in her hometown, AND didn't recognise you as a villain?

Thunder: Well, she is blind.

Meltdown: ... That explains a lot.


Core Hunter decided to get the groceries today. He took off all the armour, threw on a simple hoodie and sweatpants and went out.
Once everything was done, he made his way back to the base, but bumped into someone on the way, dropping the bags with the groceries.

???: *Bends down and picks them up* Ah, sorry man, I didn't pay attention.

CH: *takes the bags* It's fine, it's fine, don't worry about it-

???: Wait, Aaron?

CH paused at that and looked at the person in front of him. It was a male hero with a Hollywood Cerise eye colour. His body was mainly of a light blue tone, but at some parts like his arms and legs it also faded into a purple.
He knew the hero, he worked with him before. It was his dead ex, Desiderio.

CH: *shakes head* That's not me.

Desiderio: No, I know it's you. Most of my past life memories may be vague, but I recognise those ocean blue eyes anywhere.

CH: *stares at him before he walked past him* I need to go...

CH pulled the hood further down his face as he walked, when he froze as he heard something from the hero.

Desiderio: It's good to see you again. Even if you were partially responsible for my death.

CH stood there for a second, before he hurried back to the villains' base, making sure Desiderio wasn't following.


Zib was sitting by the kitche table with a coffee, wearing an oversized black shirt that left his shoulders free, showing almost all of the hickeys, bruises and bite marks on his neck and shoulders.

Stormer: Mom, what happened to you?!

Zib: My partners, that's what happened. I still can't walk...


Surge: Cute? This is a serious threat to our mission!

Evo: *holding Esmeray* No she isn't, she's just a baby! Hi baby!



Evo: Zib is my mom. Rocka is my secondary mom.

Rocka: *in the background* I have a knife!

Evo: He doesn't get along too well with my second dad.


The villains stood on one of the skyscrapers of Makuhero City.

Purge: See you later!

Purge dropped off backwards from the roof.

Thunder: That looks fun.

Purge was soon followed by Thunder. Then Samara with Rotor going after her. CH shrugged and also jumped off.

Corroder: Uhhh guys? They jumped.

Meltdown: Who's they?

Nebula: Literally the half of us.

XPlode: Purge, Samara, Hunter, Rotor, Thunder-

Serena: Thunder?! Oh my god, MY SON!

Serena shapeshifted into her nightfurry form and leaped off from the building.

Purge: *free falling next to Thunder, wondering why all of this happened*


Rocka was sent on a solo mission in a village that the elemental villains were plundering, looking for some ancient artifacts. The villagers were evacuated from the area, which was already half destroyed by fire and more.

Fire Villain: *notices Rocka slowly approaching* Would ya look at that, a lonesome hero, sent to stop us.

Earth: Only one? Did they not learn from what happened to them when they were nine? This is going to be a piece of cake.

Wind: Give up Hero, you're outnumbered, it's one to nine. And don't rely on your little wind powers that you don't even know how to use.

Rocka glared at them. The villains laughed at him, but stopped when they saw a pair of wings spread open behind him. Bolt shot up into the sky and landed beside Rocka with a rumbling roar as he charged his wings and jaws up with electricity. Rocka put a hand on Bolt's neck, smiled and tapped the ground with his foot. The ground shook like an earthquake as it started to crack and split beneath their feet. The cracks quickly made their way towards the villains and eventually, the ground ruptured and Lysander bursted out of the earth, sending the villains and debris flying everywhere
He landed directly in front of the villains in his full grown size, twice as big as Bolt. Two sets of horns grew backwards out of his head, his wings had a clawed "finger" on the both the joint and at the very tip of them. The usually flat spikes around his neck and along his back and tail now stood up like the jagged cliff of a mountain. His sharp claws are strong enough to crush boulders with ease.
Lysander spread his wings and roared, resembling the sound of a rock slide. The villains had to cover their ears so that their eardrums won't rupture.

Rocka: *takes out his sword and formed his claw* I may be one hero, but I'm not alone.


Nex: Nathan...

Evo: Hey babe, what's wrong?

Nex: I think I need to get my medication again...

Evo: *takes a moment before he realizes* Did the voices and visions come back?

Nex: Mhm...

Evo: *kisses him on the cheek* Don't worry, we'll get your meds. Just stay close to me until everything is settled, okay?

Nex: Okay...


Yurei Kibou

(Gacha Life draft)

(Official design in Gacha Club)

Kibou is an experimental hero the Science Team created in the Assembling Tower, he's only a week old. As mentioned before, Kibou can survive decapitation.
He was built with two Quaza cores, one in his chest like every other hero, and one in his head. So basically two energy sources. As soon as his head isn't connected to his body anymore, an automatic signal is sent and all blood vessels by the neck get closed up so no major blood loss occurs. Kibou also still has control over his body via "Bluetooth Connection" (an actual stable one, not the kind that breaks off every ten minutes or whatever). He can use his body as much as he wants, until the energy in its Quaza runs low and the body goes into sleep mode.
In order for him to get killed, the core in his head would have to be destroyed. But that's also the reason why he's always assigned with at least one partner, to help him protect his head.
Kibou doesn't have an element in particular, but he does wield a newly designed weapon that shoots out electrified plasma. A double bladed hatchet is his melee weapon.

I'm not sure in which team he should go, but I initially thought of Alpha-Team.

I gotta stop making these long a$$ chapters, I almost reached the 6000 words mark with this one.

Word count: 5986

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