incorrect quotes #5

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(the troublemaker/brother trio eating apples)

Surge: If apple seeds contain 3 miligramms of cyanide per gramm of seed... How many would it take to endanger someone's life?

Bulk and Rocka: *were just trying to an apple* ....

Rocka: Surge, what the hell?!


Bulk: *walking off to Siren's room* Gonna do some sketchy sh-t do da do da.

A few minutes later. Bulk ran past Surge followed by a drenched Siren.

Bulk: DID NOT GET AWAY WITH IT F*** F*** F*** F*** F***!!!


(The brothers making lemonade)

Bulk: Hmm a lemon.

*Bulk bites a lemon slice*

Bulk: ... ÆÜUGH!

Rocka nearly drops the knife laughing.

Surge: .... *laughs nervously* Bulk, why?


Wolfie: Ho Ho Ho it's a strawberry.

Wolfie eats it, but starts choking on it.

Siren: ... You okay?

Wolfie: *snorts, while voice is strained* Yup!


POV: Surge and Furno were screaming against each other.

Zib: *walks in the main room* Can you two shut up? I can't work with y'all screa-

Zib pauses as the screaming suddenly stopped. Furno and Surge were pointing at their throats.

Zib: .... You broke your voice boxes? Again?

The two nod.

Zib: *sighs* .... This is the third time this week! And it's only Tuesday!!


Good!VonNess AU (also, you can picture them as humans if ya want)

Stormer: *walks into the kitchen* Morning.

Siren: Hi Papa- What's that on your neck?

Stormer: Where? *Points at a red mark* Here?

Siren: Yup.

Zib: ... Is that a hickey?

Stormer's face turns red as he rushes off to his room.

Stormer: VON NESS!!!

Zib: *sighs as he brings his mug to his mouth* That would explain the weird noises last night.

Surge spat out his coffee.

Siren.exe stopped working.


"Normal" training with the team

Surge was blindfolded as he threw a dagger at a dummy, hitting it right in the chest.

Surge: *takes off the blindfold* Did I get it?

Bulk: *was standing a bit off in front of the dummy and had a scratch on his arm from the dagger grazing it*

Furno: ... Yup!


God damn it Creator

Nex: Creator, we need a medical room.

Creator: Gotcha

2 day later

Nex: *walks in with an injured Siren and Furno* Creator, where's the medic room?

Creator: .... Uhm-

Nex: This mansion has a damn indoor garden, a training room, an office for Zib with an extra room, nearly twenty bedrooms and not a single god damn medical room of which we actually need?!

Creator: Yeah.

Nex: God damn it Creator...


Furno: *shines a flashlight underneath Siren's bed* Are you ready to come out and interact with people-?

Siren: [insert demonic screeching]

Stormer: My non-existent ears...

Furno: Understandable, have a good day.


Never challenge Zib to a duel

Zib: *hovering over Stormer, who was on the ground* You should practice your agility, anyone who knows you just a little bit can beat you.

Stormer: ... Why did I ask you for a fight again?



Zib threw Bulk over his shoulder, who was trying to sneak up from behind

Zib: You need to improve your stealth, Bulk.


Zib was working in his office, when he groaned and hit his head on the desk.

Quadle: ... Zib you good?

Zib: No, I'm going insane.

Quadle: That just shows that you need a day off-

Zib: No.


(Is this three quotes with Zib in a row? Yes. Yes it is)


Bulk: *singing* Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens.



Stormer realized he's inlove with Breez

Stormer: Oh my god she's so pretty!! WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?!

Bulk and Stringer just watch as Stormer cries.

Stormer: AHHHH!


POV: The team went to the beach

Bulk was recording as a seagull landed on one if the towels.

Bulk: Now, NOW!

Surge, who was underneath the towel, flipped it over and caught the seagull underneath it.


Zib: *rolls his eyes* Oh my god let it go...


Surge and Siren: We suffer from Anxiety and Depression.

Surge: How did those two energies get together? Like-

Siren: Ahhhhhh!

Surge: Ohhh...

Stormer: ... Guys-

Surge: Ahhhh!

Siren: Ohhh...

Surge: I'm afraid of the future!

Siren: I regret the past...

Zib: ... Y'all need therapy-

Surge: How did this happen?!

Siren: I blame myself..

Furno: Kid..

Siren: I need to face my fear!!

Surge: I gotta lay down...

Zib, Stormer and Furno: .....


Virus: *walks into Stormer's head* You will not bel-

Stormer: Leeeaaaaveee. Leeeaaaaveee!!


POV: You catch Surge talking to himself

Y/N: Surge, what are you doing-?

Surge: *didn't notice Y/N* My god leave me alone for once for f***'s sake!!!

Y/N: .... Rude much.


Surge in Little space be like

Surge: *rolls himself up in a blanket* I'm a buwito! ..... And I'm stuck. I did not think this through...


Zib: Alright, I need you to swear-

Siren: Fuck.

Zib: *absolutely done with life* As in PROMISE-


POV: Someone trying to flirt with Zib, not knowing he's asexual be like

Some guy: Talk dirty to me-

Zib: Fuck your head and the neck it rode in on!


(Shadowzone belongs to Sirenalagirl53 , check out her incorrect quotes book, I dare you!)

Zib: Ryan Shadowzone, stop being a sexist and annoying us.

Shadowzone: Or what? What's a puny mission chief like YOU going to do?

Zib: ... You know, I would always say that violence against other heroes isn't the answer but-...

Zib walked behind Shadowzone and kicked him in the back of his knee, forcing him fall forward.

Zib: *stands in front of him and looks down on him* I will gladly make an exception for you.

Shadowzone: *scoffs* Are you challenging me?!

Zib looked at him, before smirking

Zib: Perhaps.


Don't test Breez

Breez: Anyone who says what I'm doing is not pretty gets my foot in their face!

(Yes, that was an actual quote from the series)


These people...

Surge: Give me one reason why I should exist.

Siren: Thanks for checking in but I'm still a piece of garbage that is late from being taken out!

Zib: What is the meaning of life?...


Surge: How do you politely tell someone you want to hit them in the face with a brick several times?

Siren: What wishes to acquaint your face with a riggedly edged object, commonly used for the construction of walls, repeatedly?

Surge: Wow. That was poetry!

Zib: No that was a therapy cry for both of you.

Creator: *in a portal* Aye, don't play innocent Zib you need therapy as well.


(From the Savage Planet episode)

The heroes were walking through the jungle, when there was a buzzing sound.

Stringer: Sounds like my dentist.

Nex: I don't think that's your dentist.


Surge speaking Japanese be like

Surge: ねえチーフ、あなたはファイルの助けが必要ですか? 私は他に何もすることがありません. (Nē chīfu, anata was fairu no tasuke ga hitsyuyōdesu ka? Watashi was hoka no nai mo suru koto ga arimasen. Translation: Hey chief, do you need help with the files? I got nothing else to do.)

Zib: 確かに、あなたが望むなら、私は推測します (Tashika no, anata ga nozomunara, watashi was suisoku shimasu.
Translation: Sure, if you want to, I guess.)

Quadle: .... Ayo, what the hell did y'all just say?!


Zib and Siren walked into the mansion.

Siren: Guys, we're back!!

They stopped when they saw Surge and Quadle standing in the main room. On the left side from Surge, holding his hand, was Furno, who almost reached to Surge's waist. Behind Furno and Surge's leg, was Stormer, just a tiny bit taller than Furno and hidden behind them. On Surge's other side was Rocka. He's shorter than Furno by a centimetre or two, and was carrying Wolfie, who was the size of a human two year old. In his right arm, Surge was carrying a sleeping Breez. She had the size of a human four year old. On his shoulders were Bulk and Stringer. Bulk's about the same size as Stormer, while Stringer is a bit taller than Rocka, but shorter than Furno.
Quadle was carrying Nex and Evo, both the same size as Rocka.

Zib: ... What-

Surge and Quadle: We don't know.


Did I post this before my "Day 1" of the tournament chapter, even though that was in drafts for a lot longer? Yes, yes I did. Were Zib, Siren and Surge the main characters for this chapter? Yes, yes they were.

Also, here are my two OCs

Creator (she/her, but also accepts they/them as pronouns)

Age: ???

Eye colour: Dark brown, almost black

Hair: Shoulder length brown hair

Creator's two favourite colours are skyblue and bloodred. Her favourite characters from Hero Factory are Zib and Surge currently.
She's rarely at the mansion in which the Alpha-team, Siren and Wolfie live in, but she comes by every now and then.
Her usual attire consists of a white hoodie, jeans which are slightly ripped and white sneakers. But she also appears in a white T-shirt and jeans jacket.
And Creator sometimes also wears a small silver cross necklace, but only as jewelry, not because she's christian (of course, I accept any religion, I just don't have one myself)
As magical abilities, she's able to realm hop, teleport, create portals, materialize things out of thin air, pocket dimension and she can add rooms to the mansion.

Wolfie (she/her, also uses they/them)

Age: around 15

Eye colour: poison green and light grey

Hair: White/silver tips

Wolfie is the second personality of Creator. She usually gets described as hyper.
Her clothes she normally wears are a black hoodie, light blue jeans and brown boots with gold accents. Different to Creator, she doesn't have a favourite colour.
When angered (which happens rarely), her green eye starts glowing, and sometimes her grey/silver eye also changes colour.
Here's a list:

Red = Determination
Cyan = Patience
Orange = Bravery
Dark blue = Integrity
Purple = Perseverance
Green = Kindness
Yellow = Justice
Black = Hate
Pink = Fear

When her eye changes color, then that means that one of the said traits are taking over. Although, the most common one to happen is HATE. And that again only takes over when Wolfie's angered. Like REALLY angry.
And about the powers, Wolfie doesn't have as much power as Creator, so she isn't able to add extra rooms or materialize things without a limit.
Wolfie is able to travel through the Multiverse, but only to universes she knows. She also has a pocket dimension and can open portals and teleport around.

I don't even know what the hell I wrote myself for Wolfie oml...

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