incorrect quotes #51

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Bot: *groans as he looked up from his phone* My ex found my insta and now she's still trying to get custody on my child. She's going to come over... *Checks again* TODAY?!

Zib: I'm getting the pan.

Aria: I got a slipper!

Thresher: *already has 911 dialed on his phone*

Fortiss: Book.

Hailey: *runs off* I CALL THE BROOM!



Furno: *upstairs* HEY YOU! F-CK YOU!

Rocka: *downstairs working* Another day, another pain.

If Rocka said it though

Sh-t is escalating. Someone get Evo or Surge or even better, both. And get Siren out of there.


Lynn: I met some of the villains from Biosector's universe. *Puts a hand over her heart* And oh my god, they all need therapy.

Lynn: And you won't believe me, but XPlode and Thunder are so. F-cking. ADORABLE. XPlode is a practical cat with trauma because his Nebula is basically an abuser, and don't even get me started on Thunder. The guy probably lost his creators without ever meeting them and he's so damn wholesome.

G: ... Are you simping for the characters of your friend?

Lynn: I simp for Surge and my favourite villain is Witch Doctor. Those two are completely different energies. Also, simp is a strong word. More like: I want to give them therapy and adopt them.

Alastor: You're starting to turn into Serena.

Lynn: If you met them you'd be the same!


Highschool AU
A fight starts

Surge and Bulk: *is fighting with other students*

Zib: *trying to stop the fight, somehow getting involved himself*

Evo and Breez: *is filming everything*

Thunder and Speeda: *confused*

Rocka, Furno, the rest and the majority of "villains": *watches*

Nex: *screaming in medic panic*


Purge: *teleports into a forest using his wing as an umbrella* Hunter, shouldn't you go back by now? It's getting windy, and it's almost nighttime.

CH was sitting on the ground with an umbrella leaned against a bush in front of him. He looked up at Purge, before he took something, placing it on his shoulder, and picked up his umbrella, holding it over him.

CH: Ready to go.

Purge: ... *Snorts a bit* Really?

Two black kittens, each with a white spot on their chest, were sitting on Core Hunter's shoulders.

CH: Yes.


Speeda: *walks in, singing* Oh snap, Nebula what you cookin'?

Nebula: *also singing* Making some chicken.

Speeda: Oh that looks good.

Nebula: It smells good.

Speeda: Can I have a piece-

Nebula: Hell nooaaaah.

Speeda: Okay fiiine.


Purge: *walks in with a cage in his hand and shifts into his normal form*

Nebula: Whatcha got there?

Purge: *puts the cage down* I went to a shelter and found this little guy. Thought I'd adopt him, plus, Ginger won't be too lonely when I'm gone.

The said fox came running in upon hearing Purge's voice. Purge laughed a bit and opened the cage. The head of a fennec fox poked out, but immediately disappeared again upon seeing the red fox.

Purge: He's still a bit scared.


Corroder: Meltdown. I'm just noticing your burn scars. What happened to you?

Meltdown: Oh, these? They're from ages ago, when I was around... Fifteen I think. The asylum I was put in got burned down and I got burned a little.

Corroder: Asylum... Fire... Did you know a girl who died in it? Someone named Clara?

Meltdown: Clara... I knew a Clara who was fourteen when she died. We got along pretty well. She seemed pretty sane compared to me and some others, but she states that the reason she got put in there was because of an imaginary brother who was actually real.


Meltdown: Dad?

Corroder: That... Was me. I was the "imaginary" brother.

Corroder's voice went quiet as he looked off to the side.

Corroder: And the one who caused the fire...


Breez: Does anyone know what's wrong with Nex? He seems a bit pissed. And that's the first time I saw him mad.

Evo: Uhhh yeah, he kinda woke up with a schizophrenia "attack" and hence, a bad mood. And a certain someone didn't make it better... By the way, where is he?

Breez: He went to the training sphere when I walked past him. Oddly enough with an iron pole. Wonder where he got that from.

Stormer: Didn't Shadowzone go there before him?

All three:

Evo: *runs off* Sh-t.


Zib was in the city with Thresher to get groceries.
On the way back, they were just chatting, when a woman ran up to them from behind. She had a similar appearance to Zib, just with paler eyes and she wore a typical English Teacher attire.

???: Matteo! Sei tu?

Thresher: Do you know her, Zib?

The woman looked back and forth between them, noticing Zib's confused expression. She didn't want to make assumptions, and thought that Zib didn't understand Italian.

???: *Turns to leave* Sorry, I must have confused you with someone else.

Zib: Renata, aspetta.

She paused when he said her name and turned around. Zib pulled his mask down and smiled a little, before he took her hand and pulled her to his side.

Zib: Kirk, this is my twin sister, Renata.


Rocka: *watching the thunder storm outside*

Surge: Is everything okay, brother?

Rocka: I'm worried.

Surge: About what?

Rocka: About Phantom. The summer storms are coming and he's all alone out there. I tried calling him, but his internet is cutoff somehow. He's alone out there with no one to comfort him.


Raven: Do you have any pets?

BP: I used to have an arachnix drone, but he got destroyed by the heroes when I was still a villain.

Stormer: Sorry...

BP: It's fine. But I recently got a new pet!

Breez: Which is?

BP: A brain bug!

Rocka: A... A brain bug? The kind which possessed the creatures about a decade ago?

BP: *shrugs* He didn't try to possess me yet.


Purge: Thunder, you alright?

Thunder: I think I'm regaining some memories.

Purge: Regaining memories... Did you get amnesia or something or what do you mean?

Thunder: I had amnesia due to an accident.

Purge: What happened?

Thunder: I fell of a cliff.


Corroder: *chokes on water and spits out the bottle he was holding with his mouth* WHAT?


Based on an actual McDonald's ad I saw

Rocka: Here's your order, have a good day!

Guy: Thank you.

A friend of the guy nudged him.

Guy: Ehem, my car has a free seat.

Rocka: Sorry I'm taken, and I can't just leave my job.

Guy: Damn...


Thunder: Speeda, put that gun down, that belongs to Rotor. And Meltdown, wash your hands, I know you just finished experimenting with those chemicals of yours. And where did Skye (Siren's OC) and Samara just pop out of?

Meltdown: *washing his hands in the kitchen* ... When the heck did you become mature?

Thunder: *shrugs*

Thunder: Also, someone get XPlode and Serena, I don't know what those girls are doing-


Highschool AU

During lunch, Furno made a "carrot launcher" out of a plastic bag. He put a piece of carrot in it and slammed down on the bag, launching it in some direction. The gang laughed at that, but stopped when they saw someone approaching, holding the carrot piece.

Zib: I gotta say, if I didn't catch it, it would've probably knocked my glasses off. But stop playing with your food.


Fire: Huh, never thought we'd meet you, though we have heard of your crimes. You seem very skilled, why don't you join us? Purge can work with our Darkness based comrade, while Nebula replaces our injured Gravity Villain, before working with him. We'll pay you if you want.

Nebula and Purge looked at each other, before they started cackling.

Purge: Oh for sure. We TOTALLY want to work with a group of villains who have a toxic relationship towards each other and are worse than our gang combined. There's a reason why we actively avoided and never worked with you. And bold of you to assume we aren't getting payed already.

Nebula: In fact, we also have our free choice. If we want to quit, we quit. If we want to meet someone, we meet someone, as long as our boss knows. Whereas your "family", you would keep each other captive if you could.

Purge: *snaps his fingers and his four eldest children appear* Besides, we have our own family that we work with, as if we're going to abandon them.


Biscuit: *holding a bottle cap*

Biscuit: *puts it on her head* Hat.

Breez: *laughs*


Zib went down the hall to help make breakfast, when Stormer's door opened in front of him.

Zib: Ah, good morning Stormer-

He paused when Stormer poked his head out. He was only half of Zib's size and held his plushie in one arm.

Stormer: *half teared up* Mama?

Zib: *immediately goes mom mode, picks him up* Oh baby, what's wrong? Didn't sleep well?

Stormer: *buries his face into his shoulder* Mhm...

Zib: *pats him on the back* Shh, it's okay, mama's here now. Do you want to help make breakfast?

Stormer: Okay..

Zib: *wipes away his tears* Let's go then.


Cashier: Thanks for shopping. Are you paying with card or with cash?

Zib: With card.

Cashier: Alright, then put your card right on the scanner. That'll be 132,59.

Zib looked around in his bag for his card, when he pulled Websy out of it. He and the cashier looked at each other for a moment, before he placed her back in and took his card out.

Zib: We're going to just forget that.


Furno: *goes to Rocka's room holding a frozen pizza, still in it's packaging*

Rocka: *working on his computer*

Furno: *opens the door, throws the pizza at him* Pizza.

Rocka: AAAAA-


CH: *perched on a lantern at night, bored af*

Desiderio: Hey, cat boy!

CH: *looks down at him* What do you want?

Desiderio: Nothing, just wanted to say hi.

CH: Hmph.

Desiderio: Also, you might wanna hide. My team is doing a patrol around the city, you don't want to get caught, right?

CH looked up and did see some people in the distance. He jumped off the lamp and onto the ground without making a noise, and turned for an alley.

CH: ... Thanks.

Desiderio just smiled while Core Hunter ran off.


Purge: Hey Rotor, how's your back?

Rotor: Still can't use my propellers, but at least I can walk painfree now.

Purge: Boss hasn't sent you on missions then, I suppose?

Rotor: I am not good on foot and he knows it.


W.D.: ... Really?

XPlode: *letting Samara bite his hand, again* Yes, really.


Stormer: *petting Zita's head as she sits in front of him, then stops*

Zita: *lifts her head up and looks at him backwards*


Rocka ordered food for the dragons and pulled the boxes into the cage in the morning, while they were still asleep. However, as soon as he closed the door, at least the babies woke up and ran up to him, knocking him over.

Lysander: *yawns and looks up* Dad, what's going on?

Rocka: *sitting on the ground, trying to get the dragons off the boxes* Hungry babies, that's what's going on.


Highschool AU

Someone said a joke and the whole gang sitting by the table started to laugh. At some point the table started to tip over and took the whole gang with it, crashing into the floor.

Surge: *snaps awake from the sound* Jesus Christ is everyone okay?!

Furno: *one of the people on the floor* Yup! A little help though? We're kinda trapped.


Thunder: So you think staring at me with those thoughtless eyes will make me not yell at you for not being careful during a mission and getting yourself injured?

Speeda: *on the couch, looks up at him silently before sticking his tongue out*

Thunder: *facepalms* Damn it, I can't be mad at you.

Meltdown: *b-tch who are you and where's the real Thunder*


Stormer took Zita to the groomer to get her fur cut.
The groomer was now using a blow dryer to blow off the pile of fur on top of Zita, while she laid on the table.

Zita: *suddenly sits up and shakes herself, sending the fur flying everywhere*

Groomer: *covered in fur*

Stormer: *laughing*


Mr. Makuro: Joe, it has come to my ears that you're actually stressed due to the fact you work alone, with two very important jobs. I'll assign you a team and tell you when it's ready.

Big Joe: What- Mr. Makuro, I'm completely fine. And I don't work completely alone, there are other people who do the repairs as well!

Su: *standing next to him, hits him over the head* I've seen enough signs of your stress. Hell, it's already stressful working with a whole team, how is it not stressful working alone two jobs?!

Joe: *grumbles a bit*


Grant and Dew: *exit the Training Sphere and walk off in opposite directions*

Dew: *pauses, turns around and runs after Grant* Gamma-Leader, wait for me!

(Yes. Spiderman and Ironman reference)


Kibou: So I once again got decapitated, and my head rolled behind a rock. No one knows where I am, hell not even I know. So I can't get my body to pick up my head, since I don't know where I am, I cannot start up comms cuz I have no hands, and there's a limited time before I go unconscious. This just might be my demise.

Rocka: *looks at him over the rock* Don't be such a pessimist, as long as Zib has your signal, you won't be left to die.


Lynn: Snail.

Breez: ... What-

Lynn: *holds up a small snail on her hand* Snail.

G: *sighs* Basically, Lynn's dad brought home a total of ten snails, and now they keep them in their old fish tank. She brought one here to show.


G: *chasing Lynn with a piece of paper*

Nex: What are you doing?

G: *the paper has "reality" written on it* SHE HAS TO FACE REALITY.

Lynn: *hisses in a corner*


Zita: *barks at Stormer in the same tone over and over again*

Stormer: *has his face in his hands* Natalieeee, what is she saying?

Breez: Play.

Stormer: *frustrated sigh* We just went to the park ten minutes ago!


Zib walked in with a yawn and stretched. His shirt lifted up a bit, revealing some reddened, half healed markings on his back. There was also a red line on his neck.

Bulk: Oh my god mom, did you get assaulted or something?!

Zib: Hm? *Realizes and pulls down his shirt, blushing* No, of course not!

Bulk: What's with all those scars then?!


Stringer: *facepalms*


Daniela: That was one heck of a tornado.

Olivia: And a dumb one too. It lifted up a trampoline and yeeted it.

Daniela: *wheezes while Liz had it on camera*


Stormer: My intrusive thoughts won and I bought a couple of those mini claw machines. I gave one to Nex and the rest to Siren. They're going to take their pills with those things from now on.


Stormer: *outside on a walk with Breez, starts shivering* Babe, can we go back? I'm cold.

Breez: *puts her arms around him and pulls him closer to her* Is this warm enough?

Stormer: Eh-

Breez: Okay, what's wrong, you're literally heating up.


Future AU

Nex: Hit it like your real mad!

Max: *holding a baseball bat with a ball in front of her* How hard?

Nex: Like you're angry, as hard as you can!

Max looked at the ball, flipped it off first before smacking it with the bat.


Bulk: *to Shadowzone* Mom isn't allowed to be around you, as part of his parole. And seeing how you didn't learn thing from being shot.

Bulk: *cracks his neck and knuckles* It's my turn.


Furno: How come you don't use your lightning speed more often?

Surge: Because I only use it on open fields. If I don't react fast enough and run into something solid like a wall or a person, I'd just run into my own demise (possibly a double concussion if it's a person), quite literally.


(End of) Apocalypse AU

Towards the end, the team officially decided to kill and bury Surge so that he can finally rest.
Years later.
Stormer, Evo, Nex and Bulk were discussing the past events, when one of the children let out a cry and pointed to the window.

Max: LOOK!

They turned around and froze at the sight.
Surge stood there, his hands on the window, half rotten, with dried blood stains over his body, bones showing, an eye missing and parts of his face as well. Half of his teeth can be seen as well due to the skin rotting away.
He pulled his mouth into a smile and waved at them.


Pirate AU

Furno: Why do you always wear a blind fold? How can you even see?

Rocka: Oh, I can see just fine. I just don't want people to see my eyes.

Furno: But why? What's so bad about them?

Surge: Furno please, he doesn't want to tell you.

Furno: But-

Surge: *pokes his face* No.

Furno: Hmph.


Rocka: My room is a mess, I can't work. I need to clean up.

Rocka: But the work is more important, I need to do that first.


Rocka: But this f-cking MESS-


Quadle: I'm going to join Zib at the Hero Factory. And you better stop procrastinating the cleaning of the rooms.

Quadle: By the time we're back, this dump better be looking like a lady hump.


While fighting against the Elemental Villains, Surge and the Darkness based villain were in a head to head meelee combat. The hero managed to teleport behind the villain and charged up wielding a scythe and leaped up for a better strike to the neck, when he abruptly stopped mid air. His feet dangled in the air and blood spilled from his mouth and stomach. The villain had him impaled on a black spike. Surge made the scythe disappear and put his hands on the spike to prevent himself from further slipping down it.

Darkness: *smiles* Bet you didn't expect that, huh? Pretty neat, don't ya think? It's nice having a power no one else has.

Surge looked at him and lifted up a hand. The same exact spike shot out of the ground and impaled the villain, also in the stomach, just from behind.

Surge: You're not iconic, you are just like us all.


The elemental villains escaped the heroes, but not without severe injuries. Caving in, they decided to ask the other villains for medical help.

Purge: *humming the melody above* Get f-cking wrecked!


Rocka was at the Hero Factory in a more quiet room with some of the other Recon Team members. They were chatting a bit about recent missions, but went quiet when another hero entered a room. It was a tall built male hero of light blue colouring with white accents. He wore a pair of visors over his blue eyes and his core was also covered up, although a silver H is visible on his chest piece. Over his shoulders hung a blue fading to white cape that was slightly torn from last missions. He nodded to the other heroes present, before he headed towards Rocks.

Hero: Rocka.

Rocka: *salutes* Captain Lieutenant Tory.

Tory: *salutes as well* Were you able to finish the reports Fortiss asked you to?

Rocka: *hands him the papers* Yes I did, fortunately. I also have a copy at home and also have it saved in my computer in case these get lost.

Tory: Wonderful. I hope it didn't stress you out?

Rocka: *pulled all nighters to get it done due to procrastination, had five panic attacks in total, constantly scared he wasn't able to finish before the deadline, ended up finishing it a whole week before it and panicked over nothing*

Rocka: Oh no, it was fine.


Zita: *sitting by the fridge*

Stormer: *opens the fridge door*

Zita: *crawls into an empty cabinet of the fridge and curls up in it*


Rocka: *alseep on the couch*

Lysander: *resting his head on his stomach*

BP: C'mon Lysander, I know you like to snuggle with him, but he needs his rest.

Lysander: *growls a little that sounds like "no"*

BP: *shakes his head with a laugh*


Thresher: Would you still love me if I was fat?

Zib: *drinking coffee* Mhm.

Evo: *in the background* But dad, you are fat!

Zib: *chokes on his coffee, laughing*

Thresher: AYO- *wheezes*


Breez: *holds a seed to Biscuit*

Biscuit: *proceeds to bite her finger*

Breez: Ah-


If Zib's family was (somewhat) normal

Sandra: *walks in, sighs* What are you dimwits doing?

Matteo: Dad is teaching us how to become a killer!

Mattia: What- noooo, we're doing pilates! *Laughs nervously* Assuming you don't know pilates, huh?

Renata: I'm gonna pilates you to death you filthy c*nts!

Sandra: Looks like they learned all bad things from both of us. Alright, carry on.


Catch the paper or kiss challenge

Surge: *drops the paper*

Bulk and Stringer: *didn't even flinch when the paper fell, instantly went in for the kiss*


Bulk: Hey Phantom, Rocka is kinda panicking and we can't calm him down. Do you want to try?

Phantom: Eh, pourquoi non?

Phantom went to Rocka's room to find him sitting on his bed in his normal lion form. He went over and started to pat his head.

Phantom: Chaton.

Rocka: What?

Phantom: Kitty.

Rocka: I'm not a kitty cat! I'm a lion!

Phantom: *sits down next to him and cuddles with him* Cat.

Rocka: *pouts but also purrs a little*


Zib went down Mission Control, when someone tripped him.
He did a one handed cartwheel and walked off like nothing happened.

The person who tripped him: Betch?


Evo: *jumped into a river mid battle, resurfaces and sees a jet of fire coming at him* OH HELL NAH.

Evo threw his hands up and a water shield blocked the fire with a sizzle, as he dived back under and swam in a different direction.


Zib: *pinching his nose bridge* Who the f-ck does this?

Stormer: No clue.

The two were standing next to a Hero Craft that landed in a normal parking lot for CARS.


Siren and Reala: *having a romantic time together*

Quadle: [Yo, ya got a mission, get yo a$$ movin']


Patricia: You have four arms. I bet you're good at multitasking.

Voltix: *pats Speeda's head who's trying to solve a rubix cube* He can't even single task properly unless it's puzzles, how could he multitask?


Purge walked into the Villain Boss' office and found him asleep at his desk with papers spread around him. He sighed and was about to carry him to bed, when he noticed an unfinished blueprint. Making sure he won't wake up the boss, he unrolled the blueprint to take a look.

Purge: What the...

The blueprint showed a tall built robot with a similar model to Surge (and Purge). It was then he noticed a glass jar on the table. It held an orange fading to purple glowing stone in it. The robot was named V1.

Purge: What the hell?....


I need to slow down on these incorrect quotes.
Expect the next two chapters to be an answers and dare page and character introduction

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