he going to be ok?

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4 pm

*Furno enters the living room, in which Rocka, Ego and Next are on the couch*

Rocka: Hm? Oh hey Furno! What's up?

Furno: Uhh, not much..... Say, d'you guys know where Surge is?

Evo: Surge? Sorry, no clue.

Nex: I don't know either.

Rocka: When was the last time you've seen him?

Furno: Well, he told me he was going to the training sphere at the Hero Factory. Since then, I haven't seen him anymore.

*Rocka, Evo and Nex look at each other*

Rocka: .... Furno, when did he tell you that?

Furno: At around 10:30, why?

Evo: Furno, the training sphere's difficulty has been upgraded and it's recommended not to train for more than 3 hours.

Nex: And it's 4 PM right now!

Rocka: *jumps off the couch* Have you checked the training sphere?!

Furno: N-no! Sh-t, don't tell me you guys think Surge is still training?!

Rocka: Well I hope he's not!! His core can't handle that!!!

Furno: God darn it, SURGE!!!!

*Furno runs out of the room followed by the other three. On the way, they came across Bulk and Stringer. Furno was able to avoid them, but Rocka, Evo, Next and Bulk collided with each other*

Furno: *continues running*

Stringer: *helps the others back up* Guys, what's going on? Is there an attack?!

Rocka: No, but we think Surge has been training for 5 HOURS at the H.F.!

Evo: And we all know that THAT, is way too much!!

Bulk: For 5 hours?! What are we waiting for?? Come on, we got to catch up with Furno!!

*They make their way towards the exit. Upon leaving the house, they notice they don't have any vehicle to get to the H.F.*

Nex: Are you serious?! We have to get to the H.F. by foot?! That'll take 20 minutes at our speed!!!

Bulk: No time to complain, let's go!!

*while those guys are on their way to the Hero Factory, Furno is already in the elevator, since he used his motorcycle to get there. Upon arriving, he makes his way towards the training sphere. He meets Zip on the way.*

Zip: Furno? What's going on?

Furno: No time to explain, I need to find Surge!

Zip: Furno-! Ugh, Quadle, what's happening?

Quadle: *shrugs*  Beep beep.

*After arriving at the training sphere, Furno finds Surge among different villains they have fought before. Most of them were defeated, but the remainig ones are really powerful. Surge is right there, standing there with shaking legs and using his left arm to help him support his weapon.*

Furno: *deactivates the training sphere* Surge!!! Did you forget about the rule, not to train for more than 3 hours?!

Surge: *dropping his weapon* I improve.... something...

*Surge collapses completely, drifting out of consciousness. Furno runs over to him and examines him closely. Surge's eyes were closed, but his core was a lot dimmer than usual. Furno contacts Zip.*

Furno: Zip, prepare the Quaza chamber, Surge needs a Supercharge, asap. *hangs up and picks up Surge* You idiot....

*After he left the training sphere, he meets up with the others, along with Breeze and Stormer. Without going into detail, Furno quickly explains that Surge overworked himself and needs a Supercharge.  Much to Furno's agitation, they meet Steven Grant and his two followers in front of the Quaza chamber.*

Grant: Would ya look at that! An Alpha-team member, unconscious from too much training. How long did he hold up? 30 minutes?

Bulk: *notices Furno's annoyance* I'll take Surge to the Quaza chamber.

Furno: *nods and hands Surge over to Bulk*

*while the others make their way to the Quaza chamber, Furno turns to Grant*

Furno: Alright, listen here Grant. I don't CARE, that you're the Gamma-leader. I need to know ONE, thing. Do you think, YOU, can hold up 5 HOURS of training with the most powerful villains of the galaxy? I don't think so. If I were you, I would shut my mouth and stop bothering other people. I'm honestly surprised you're still considered as a hero, since you definitely don't act like one!

*Feeling like he could have done more, Furno turns away from the Gamma-team members and goes over to the others. He could hear one thing which made him stop*

Grant: *to his team members* I bet he's embarrassed about the fact that there is someone so weak in their team. He just cares to much about him and tries to make him seem better.

*With his anger rising, Furno clutches his fists as hard as he could, to control himself. His hands were already shaking and he kept repeating to himself that Grant wasn't worth it. He snapped back to reality when someone put their hand on Furno's shoulder.*

Zib: C'mon Furno, we're waiting at mission control.

*Furno nods and follows Zip to mission control, where the others were waiting. He gives Grant one last glare and joins the others. Watching from the screen, they can see Surge floating around. His condition was critical, his body was covered with dents and scratches, and his core didn't seem like it was glowing. After examining him closely, Zip adjusts the Quaza Chamber and starts the charging*

Breeze: .... Is he going to be OK?

Zip: *sighs* I sure hope so....

Bulk: I just hope he's going to be normal again....

*After a minute or so, the charging was done and the Alpha-team went over to pick up Surge. As soon as Surge came out of the elevator, they immediately notice something was off. Surge still had dents and scratches on his armor, and he didn't seem to be able to keep himself standing properly.*

Furno: *steps closer* S-Surge? How're you feeling?

Surge: *sways a bit and rubs the side of his head* F-Furno? Uh, I don't know....tired?

*Furno's eyes widened upon hearing this. He looked over to Zib, who seemed just as shocked to hear this.*

Zib: No, no this can't be right! I'm sure I adjusted the Quaza Chamber to Supercharge!

Stringer: Maybe there's something wrong with the system?

Zib: No, that can't be. Someone from the Beta-team just got charged just a few minutes ago!

Stormer: We should take him back to the house so he can rest. His condition might be better tomorrow.

*Everyone else agreed with this (except Surge who claims to be fine, like always)*

Furno: *supporting Surge* Come on, you're obviously not in the best condition, you should rest.

Surge: ..... Fine....

Rocka: Hey Zib, you coming with us?

Zib: Not yet, I'll get the Quaza chamber checked and I'll come back when my shift is done.

*Rocka nods and follows the others. Zib stays at mission control and is clicking through different system files, when he gets surprised by a voice behind him.*

???: What do you think about this, Zib?

Zib: *turns around* M-Mister Makuro?

Mr. Makuro: What's your opinion on this, "situation"?

Zib: *tapping his pen against his head* I'm afraid at this point, Surge will need a core transplant. The fact that his core didn't get fully charged, even though the chamber was adjusted to the maximum, is already enough proof for this. I also think that someone has to keep an eye on him, to prevent him from overworking himself again.

Mr. Makuro: *nods and walks over to the control panel* Then you and I both have the same opinion. I've never seen such determination and persevarance from Surge before, but seeing it now, is not a good sign...

*Mr. Makuro walks away, leaving Zib thinking behind.*

Mr. Makuro: Ah, and Zib?

Zib: Y-yes?

Mr. Makuro: Make sure he doesn't interact too much with Grant. And one of the team members should stay by his side.

Zib: Yes sir.

*Mr. Makuro goes back to his office. After Zib is done, he went back to the house. When entering, he sees all the other team members in the living room, except for Surge, who was in his room as the others said. Zib explained to the others about what he and Mr. Makuro talked about. They all agreed on watching Surge until it's not necessary.*

Zib: But please don't make him feel like he's being stalked. I don't want anyone to be paranoid.

Everyone: Got it chief.

*They didn't notice Surge's shadow behind the door frame.*

Surge: ......... *goes back to his room and locks the door*

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