meet Villain!Surge

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So, y'all know that (original) Surge thinks he'll turn into a villain someday? Yeah I made a villain design for him :I

Meet, Dark Purge!


ruh, he doesn't look like Surge AT ALL 😭✋

Information about him:

-from a different galaxy (universe)

-most dangerous villain in the multiverse

-created the so-called "shadow villains"

-somehow, leader of all villains (don't ask, that's what came onto my mind when I created him)

-posseses the "Purple Quaza" (will explain in future chapter)


-teleportation and flight (his "cape" turns into wings)

-can grow sharp (black) spikes out of the ground and walls (as long it's not glass) that can probably even pierce through diamonds

-uses purple colored electricity, which paralizes his victims for a short time after being shocked

-able to create thick, black fog

-any sort of combat

-traveling through other Universes



-electricity gun

-swords with jagged edges (see picture)


-his own power

He prefers using swords over his gun, since he likes having close combats. Purge rarely uses his scythe, because it's apparently "too hard to use" during fights.


In this book, Purge kinda lives in the back of Surge's mind. Sorta like a voice, y'know? Always trying to convince Surge that he's going to get more respect as a villain, saying that nobody cares about him etc. Basically trying to get him to turn into a villain.

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