Power Splitup

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The Shadow Villains.
Amongst the villains I've been known as their creator.
With time I've created an army of them. But what they don't know is the fact that with each Shadow Entity I create, the more energy I give away just to keep them alive. Let me explain:
Shadows don't have a physical form. But with my darkness based powers, that I received with my different core, I was able to give them one. In order for them to maintain that form, they need an energy source, just like any other living being. That would be my Quaza Core. I have to keep my powers active, just for my creations to stay alive. It drains me, every day. I get weaker and weaker, day by day. And the more Shadow Entities I create, the less energy I can give to them.

In front of me are four of my creations.
Patricia and Jeremy, the twins and the eldest of my current Shadow Villains, age fifteen.
Wilbur, the middle child, age ten.
And Tommy, the youngest one of my creations, age one.

I've made up my mind. I'll be cutting off bits of my power and give them to the selected few. I already explained it to the four in front of me. They weren't too thrilled with the news.
The twins immediately protested upon the fact that the rest of their siblings will just die away. Wilbur didn't show it but I could see it in his eyes. Tommy, despite being bullied by their older siblings, still cares deeply for them, so for them it was like a hit to the head.
I would be lying if I said that it didn't bother me. The entities have grown to my heart, so it also pains me, knowing that almost all of them will just disintegrate to dust and disappear. But if I want to keep both my children and myself alive, I have no other choice but to select a few that should live on and let the rest die.

My selected four stood in front of me, waiting. I took a breath and closed my eyes. When I reopened them, we were standing in something a white void. The Anti-Void. The faces of my Shadow Villains were blurred, and that's because they aren't here with their consciousness. I searched for the thing I was looking for. The strings, which connected me and my creations. That was the thing, over which my power is transferred to them. There are multiple going from my core to different directions, depending where the entities all are. I took another breath and deactivated the power transfer one by one. The strings tore and disappeared, until there were only four left. They glowed in a light purple, similar to a pulse. To the twins, they led towards their chests, showing that they act after their feeling in their "hearts". Wilbur's string led to one of his eyes, meaning that he acts upon what he sees. And by Tommy, is acts through thinking, so the string leads to his forehead. I took out my scythe and waited for the right moment. As soon as the strings lit up, I lifted up my scythe and cut them apart with one slice. The strings hung in the air for a moment, before retracting into their "hosts". There, where the strings lead to, were now glowing gems. Their cores.
The surrounding came back to normal and I let my weapon disappear. I felt tired, my body was drained and my mind felt foggy. The last things I saw, were my four children clutching their new cores, the ground rushing towards me, and then I was out.

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