Destroying AUs? a little out of my league but~

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humming to himself, Ink would be wandering around the Underswap AU, a bag of freshly made Tacos with him, "That was nice of Blue to make these!~" He said to himself happily.
"alright, next stop- hm?" pausing, he reached into his back pocket to pull out the device that 'dinged'
"a new comment? well, let's see what we have here!~"

"I wonder how Error would react if he saw Ink destroying Undernovela of all AUs"
( What if we also add Ink emotionlessly saying: "Are you happy now, Error?" as if it's Error who made him do this?)

Chuckling, he pocketed the device, smiling. "Well, it's worth a shot, let's give it a shot!~"


"Anddddd, done!~" he wiped his forehead with his sleeve as he lowered his paintbrush, "now that i made a fake copy of the AU that Error's 'show' will be linked to- this should work!~" Ink grinned before moving the original AU elsewhere.
"Welp, time to let the...vials...wear off." He sat down his paintbrush and walked off into the distance.


Grumbling quietly- Error plopped down onto his comfy cushion, grumbling quietly as he stuck his hand into a small portal he opened before pulling out a chocolate bar.
"W-Well, ti-me to see my-my favorite show~" he grinned before opening another portal.
"Ah..there we are, n-now, w-what are you up-up to now Asgoro?" watching contently as the 'show' played out, he paused. Surprised as he heard a faint explosion from the background which caused the 'characters' attentions to be drawn to it.
"O-oh? action already?" Error murmured as he leaned closer to the portal, his eyes widening slightly as he spotted a certain artistic skeleton.
"W-what is he...?- ?!"

Raising his paintbrush, eye-lights a pale white- face emotionless, he slashed the brush downwards- thus causing a deep crimson slash of ink to speed towards all of the 'characters' who attempted to get away... but ultimately failed.
As Error stood there, mouth agap, Ink slowly turned to where Error's 'screen' would be that allowed him to see what Ink was doing.
"Well, Error..?" he murmured as he stared right through the portal at the glitch, "Are you happy now?" 


Patting Error's back as he was freaking out internally, Ink smiled sheepishly.
"Aw, cmon Glitchy! it wasn't that...bad?" 
"...N-no, Asgoro...I-I'll never find-nd out what happens n-next-xt..." Error groaned quietly.
"Glitchy, um, i didn't destroy the AU." Ink smiled faintly which caused Error to pause.
"What?" Error muttered quietly.
"U-um, yeah... i didn't...destroy the AU- Oh god!" Ink yelped as blue strings suddenly shot at him.


Well, hope you guys enjoyed!~ take care and see you guys next time! ^^

- Sheikah

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