Never trust someone dressed in blue, and that has tacos. Adorable shit happens.

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Ink would yawn quietly as he started to fall asleep at his desk, "Mmph..." Ink trailed off until the pencil he had in his grasp hit the ground with a faint 'thud', Ink laying his head on his arms as he attempted to stay up, "...Just...Gotta...finish...drawing....."
"No YoU dOn'T..." Error sighed as he walked in, gently wrapping his strings around Ink's waist, lifting him up as the skeleton muttered drowsy complaints before giving up.
With a sigh, Error sat Ink down onto his bed before hesitently removing his arm cuffs, his accessories, his scarf, and the jacket around his waist.
"yOu'Re SuCh An IdIoT...sHoRtY... oVeRwOrKiNg YoUrSeLf LiKe ThAt..." Error muttered as he glitched slightly, covering the other skeleton up before leaving, well...
he would've anyway..
if a hand that suddenly grasped his didn't stop him.
"....Mph...Error...c-can you...~~~" Ink muttered the rest too quietly for the glitch to hear, causing him to walk back closer to Ink- a faint yellow tint on his face.
"...WhAt Is It, InK..?"
shaking his head, Ink just smiled gently at Error as he released his hand, "..Nothing, just.... Thank you."
"....YoU'rE wElCoMe...InK."
Humming to himself, a certain skeleton dressed mostly in blue was cleaning up the living room of his and Papyrus's home, pausing when he came across a certain device that he had seen his friend with.
"Oh? Isn't this Ink's?" Blue questioned as he picked it up, "He must've forgotten it here when he came over!"
then there was a pause...
"...I think he's asleep now, hmm... guess I- the magnificent Sans, will just have to give it to him in the morning!- E-eh?!" a startled look came from Blue as he almost dropped the device.
" comment? Huh, wonder what that is!~" Blue decided to look as he looked through the comments, eyes(?) gleaming with delight as he saw his name.


"Blue, what if you gave Ink and Error tacos that would put them to sleep?"

Blue's eye-lights gleamed as stars showed in them, "Ooooh do you want me to? I can if you want!~" waiting a second for a response, Blue just shrugged, "Myeh, I'll just do it!~" giggling to himself silently, Blue went to put the stuff away and go get ready to sleep.
"In the morning I'll get them, okay?" Blue smiled before closing his room door.

(The next morning~)

Ink groaned as he rolled out of his bed, yelping as his body made contact with the floor.
"..Oh My StArS iNk WhY cAn'T yOu WaKe Up LiKe A nOrMaL pErSoN?" Error sighed as he stood at the doorway.
"..I dunno.." Ink yawned out before getting up, stretching soon after, "guess I'm not that normal?" Ink smiled a bit, but his face turned confused as he saw the golden tint on Error's face.
"Error, are you oka-"
"JuSt PuT yOuR sHiRt On.." Error grumbled before leaving Ink's room.
"my shirt? What does he me- oh." Looking down, Ink saw tattooed bones of his torso and arms, a small snicker escaping him as he slipped his shirt on, "...such a strange glitch...~"

Downstairs, both skeletons chatted a bit, deciding what to do for the least, until someone kicked their door open suddenly, a plate of tacos in hand.
(guess who~)

"I- THE MAGNIFICENT SANS IS HERE NOW!~" Blue called out before giving the startled skeletons a confused look, "what?"

"....InK wHy Is He HeRe?" Error muttered out as he stepped away from behind the other skeleton, crossing his arms.
"I dunno, Error. Um, why are you he-"
"Because, my amazing friend, you left your thingy at my place!~" he paused, handing Ink the device, "and I also made you both some very special tacos!~"
"...I dOn'T tRuSt ThIs..." Error grumbled to which received him a faint smile from Ink, "You don't trust a lot of things Error... just, we can't turn down a gift from a friend, can we?~"
"Mm..." Error sighed but nodded.
"Great!~ then I- the magnificent sans, bid you love-birds farewell!~" Blue grinned before running off, a deep blush on both of the skeletons faces as they stood there for a moment- Error, of course, crashing.
After about five minutes passed, the two had recovered and started eating- well, one of them was more hesitant than the other.
"...tHiS iS aCtUaLlY pReTtY gOoD," Error muttered as he ate the taco, Ink nodding in agreement as he finished his.
"At least he makes something that doesn't cause a kitchen to burn down~" Ink chuckled as Error hummed slightly.
"Well what should we do n-?" Ink paused as the device buzzed, pulling it out before smiling a bit, "Here, Error."


Okay ( Not gonna lie This was a cute chapter,Especially the one where Error cared about ink and didn't want him tired X3)

Anywho: Just gonna ask something real quick-

Ink and Error,What are your thoughts about eachother?

Ink and Error's faces both flushed an array of colors as they read the comment, Ink being first to speak.
"A-Ah...well, um... Error is very sweet...and,, he's a bit short tempered, but uh...i...really...c-care...about..."Ink trailed off as a rainbow blush covered his face, the skeleton hiding his face with his scarf.
Error was silent for awhile before he silently spoke in a glitched tone, sitting next to Ink on the couch, "I-I..uM, iNk Is..InTeReStInG....hE's KiNd...Um, FuNnY, a-aNd...CaRiNg...AnD...i-i SuPpOsE i DoN't HaTe HiM..." Error trailed off as he pulled his hood over his head, the two sitting in pure silence next to one another before drowsiness hit them..
"Mm...w-what was in that...Taco? W-why am I suddenly" Ink yawned before leaning against Error, who surprisingly didn't stiffen up or crash. Instead, the glitch merely yawned and leaned his head against Ink's.
Two had fallen asleep moments later, cuddling subconsciously as they slept on the couch. Ink being held close by Error as his head laid on the glitches chest, while Error had his arms around Ink, his head slightly on top of the other skeleton's......


Well that was something! Hope you all enjoyed!, shout out to @PotatoNoobie and @Hyksos2001  !

Stay tuned for next chapter~

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