Everyone but Fliqpy survives

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Dare: Now, I want everyone to torture and kill Fliqpy. Sorry senpai.

Sniffles: *Looking on YouTube for Top 14 Most Gruesome Torture Methods* Heheheh.

Kitty and Jane: *Holding Fliqpy*

Flippy: We got him!

Sniffles: Okay. Let's do this.

Indigo: *Puts up a iron bull*

Fliqpy: AHHHHHH!!! *Gets shoved inside the bull*

Disco Bear: Light him up!

Jane: Okay. *Lights a fire under the bull*

Fliqpy: AHHHHHH!!!

Bull: *Making bull noises*

Fliqpy: *Gets let out*

Kitty: Let's do the sitting in the bucket trick!

Sniffles: Yeah. I like the way you think.

Jane: *Sets Fliqpy in a tub and covers his face with milk and honey*

Fliqpy: *Has flies buzzing around him*

Several hours later...

Fliqpy: *Has maggots crawling all over his face and body*

Maggots: *Eating the flesh off of Fliqpy*

Fliqpy: AHHHHHH!!! *Dies from having his flesh picked off by the maggots*

Sniffles: *Takes his body onto a stake and burns it*

Indigo: Ding dong! The psycho is dead! Ding dong, the psycho is DEEEAAAAADDDDD!!!

Disco Bear: Ask and Dare us!

Kitty: Bye!

The End.

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