Sniffles is Single Part 3

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Meanwhile at Lemon Zest's Lemonade Store...

Lemon Zest: *Poors some lemonade for everyone* Here you go.

Lianna: I wanted fruit punch!

Lemon Zest: Oops! Sorry, my bad! *Poors Lianna some fruit punch*

Lianna: *Drinks fruit punch* This is really good.

Sugar Coat: You make the best lemonade ever.

Lemon Zest: Thank you!

Indigo Zap: We love your lemonade, Lemon Zest!

Lemon Zest: *Smiles*

Sunny Flare: I feel bad for Sniffles. Not being able to have Nutty.

Sniffles: *Walks in* Hey girls.

Sour Sweet: *Going to wave*

Sugar Coat: Don't. Don't even wave at him. Or give eye contact with him.

Sour Sweet: Alright....

Nutty: *Walks in with gauze wrapped around his mouth* Mpph... Mphh.

Lianna: *Pats Nutty's shoulder*

Nutty: *Smiles under the guaze*

Lianna: It's almost over.

Indigo Zap: Sachiko is awful of a wolf.

Lemon Zest: If you were a wolf, you wouldn't be as aggressive as her.

Lianna: Yeah, Margo is pretty nice of a wolf too.

Sunny Flare: Oh yeah. I almost forgot all about Margo!

Lianna: Margo is a very nice and great friend to me.

Sunny Flare: I'm glad we're all friends.

Sugar Coat: Yeah. We're also friends with those 8 characters who have a similar personality with us. Applejack being an honest orange beaver, Fluttershy a kind yellow porcupine, Pinkie Pie a funny bubbly squirrel, Rarity, a generous white skunk, Rainbow Dash, an athletic sky blue flying squirrel, Sunset Shimmer, a golden anteater, Twilight Sparkle, a friendly purple anteater and Sci-Twi, a purple anteater with glasses who is very smart.

Lianna: Yeah. We're like a special six friends of us.

Lemon Zest: Yeah. With all of our special talents and personalities.

Indigo Zap: When I get the chance to, I'll get revenge on Sachiko for doing this to Nutty.

Sugar Coat: Indigo Zap, you seem to really be liking Nutty. You two would be a great couple together.

Lemon Zest: Aw.... that's so cool.

Indigo Zap: *Blushes* Ugh...

Sniffles: I wish I could date a girl.

Nutty: *Hears an ice cream truck* MPHHH!!! *Runs outside and chases the ice cream truck*

Lianna: Nutty! No!

Indigo Zap: We gotta save him!

Lianna, Sour Sweet, Lemon Zest, Sunny Flare, Indigo Zap, Sugar Coat and Sniffles: *Runs after Nutty*

To be continued....

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