Toothy's Date

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Question: I caught you in the episode where Nutty ate Kitty's cookies. Wanna go on see a movie like Deadpool?

Toothy: A date with Pika? That would be nice! I wanna see Deadpool, he's my favorite superhero ever!

Sniffles: I thought you liked Splendid. He's a pretty awesome superhero too.

Splendid: Did somebody say, Splendid?

Sniffles: Oh my god! It's Splendid!

Splendid: Yes. I have came here because I heard you mention my name.

Toothy: I am gonna go on a date with Pika, she wants me to see Deadpool with me.

Splendid: Who the heck is Deadpool?

Sniffles: In the human demension of Earth, Deadpool has been proven to be the greatest superhero in the world. His superpower is that if he got an arm or leg or even head cut off, he would regenerate it. He's like a human starfish.

Splendid: Well, I'm just a flying squirrel version of Superman. I have lazer eyes, flight, ice breath, super strength, powers to change back time and a weakness to Kryptonut.

Shifty: Psst!

Lifty and Shifty: Tehehehe!!! *Shows a Kryptonut*

Splendid: Oh crap! *Flies off*

Sniffles: *Destroys the Kryptonut and buries it deep underground* There! Now Splendid can't die.

Toothy: Well, I am going on a date. Bye!

Sniffles: Bye!

Time Skip after the date...

Toothy: Well the movie was awesome. I bought you back an Icee and some popcorn for the 5 of us.

Splendid: Oh sweet! Thanks!

Shifty: We want all this popcorn!

Sniffles: We split this popcorn evenly.

Toothy: *Drinking an Icee*

Lifty: Popcorn is delicious. I love the extra butter.

Toothy: Well ask and dare us.

Splendid: Bye!

The End.

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